国自产拍 高清精品

Chapter 501

Of course, the message startled her. Why does Marcel want her to dress up? Was he sending her away as she feared? Or were they going somewhere else? Today was his wedding day. Has he found a solution or was he giving up already? He was not even able to see her face to face. Was he unable to face her because he couldn’t come up with a solution? Those questions without an answer troubled her. However, Arianna decided to trust Marcel. He knew what he was doing, right?

Even at that, it still didn’t stop Arianna from bursting into tears as soon as she made it into the bathroom. She wanted to be strong; wanted to trust Marcel but she was human and was scared too. Hence, she couldn’t stop the negative thought from coming in. What if this was the end for her and Marcel? She wanted to believe like her friend, Mimi encouraged, but it was hard with reality staring at her in the face. Maybe, it was time to face reality, instead of hoping for things not seen.

By the time Arianna emerged from the shower, her eyes were red and puffy from crying. She walked back into her room only for a scream to rip out of her throat the moment she lifted her head and saw Marcel standing in the middle of his room. With Marcel there, Arianna was finally able to breathe and everything seemed to make sense again.

She drank Marcel in and though he looked good in a change of clothes from last night, he was extremely stressed. Arianna saw the dark circles around his eyes and his hair was ruffled as if he had been running his hand through it. Arianna felt guilty, she hasn’t even done anything to alleviate his stress. She felt useless. She had nothing to offer him, except bring him trouble. Maybe Clara was a good match for him anyway?

“Why are you crying?”

“Huh?” She was roused from her thoughts.

“Why are you crying, Arianna?” Marcel asked, his tone firm and lacking emotions with his serious expression that made her swallow down a gulp. Why does it seem like Marcel was mad at her?

“No – I, it’s just... I..” Arianna choked, unable to come up with a comprehensive answer.


“I told you that I would figure everything out, and you shouldn’t worry about anything or don’t you trust me, anymore?” He asked, stepping towards her slowly.

“No, it’s not that, ” Arianna shook her head in denial, “It’s just that...”

“It’s what?” Marcel pressed futher, leaving Arianna no other choice, but to yell out,

“I’m scared, okay?!”

He stopped.

“While you’re up all night trying to find a way out of this, I can’t even do anything to help you. I feel useless and that I’m a burden to you,” She winced, “Maybe your father is right, you do need Clara -”

Arianna didn’t finish the rest of her statement because Marcel grabbed her arm and pulled her to him roughly,

“Don’t!” He warned, trying hard to contain his anger, “Don’t you ever say that again!” Marcel growled at her.

“I chose you and I wasn’t blind nor stupid while making that decision. While others with their myopic understanding, attempt to choose for me, not you, Arianna, not you too, please, because that’s a huge betrayal to me. Don’t you get it? You being here is a big deal to me. A huge relief that you don’t understand. With you here, I can breathe. I can live again even while being suffocated inside. You don’t know what you mean to me, Arianna. Marcel said, tracing her face with his fingers with emotions.

Arianna’s jaw dropped open in surprise, her eyes as wide as saucers. Sure, Marcel told her that he loved her, but he never told her why. Why did he choose her of all people? At least, until now.

He went on, “Sure, you might not be as smart as other women or from a wealthy family, but you give me something they cannot provide.”

What is it? Arianna might not have asked, but her curious gaze said it all.

Marcel smiled wryly, “You give me peace, Arianna. It’s crazy, but when I’m with you, I feel like I’m home. So I don’t care about your limitations or your qualifications, if anything, I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you, not after what I’ve done to you, who I am, and what I might do in the future. I would not give you a comfortable home as other men would. Staying by my side is like living at the tip of an iceberg, but one thing I can give you is my promise. I’m never giving up on you even if the heavens say I’m not meant for you. I would sooner let the world burn to ashes than let you go. ”

Arianna didn’t even know that she was now crying until Marcel was clearing the tears from her face. Cupping her cheeks with his large palm, he asked her,

“Do you trust me?”

She nodded without hesitation, unable to say a word because of the excess emotions filling her.

“Thank you.” Marcel smiled sincerely at her before saying suddenly,

“I have to send you away.”

The color drained from Arianna’s face, “No, no -” She tried to protest.

“Shh,” Marcel pressed his finger against her lips to silence her, “You said you trusted me, right?”

It was a difficult decision but Arianna nodded in the end and listened to what he had in mind.

“I have a plan to stop all of this, however, I don’t trust my father, which is why I need to send you to a safe place,” He explained to her, “It’s only for today and I’ll come back for you as soon as possible,”

Arianna didn’t like this, but there was no other choice, moreover, Marcel needed her to trust him and there was no other time to prove that than now.

“I’ll go,” Arianna decided without a second thought.

Marcel had enough troubles on his plate already, Arianna couldn’t trouble him any longer; this was the least she could do for him. Moreover, she was tired of fighting him and Marcel was right. Daniel got into the base easily yesterday, and if Marcel already had plots of opposing the wedding, then she wasn’t safe here.

Daniel must already have his plans in store knowing there were chances of his son opposing him. She heard her father-in-law yesterday, his son, Marcel had always been submissive to his orders until she came around. Her intrusion into Marcel’s life ruined his great plans for him and what other way to correct that but to get rid of her – eliminate the problem from the root.

Marcel knew that as well, which was why he was trying hard to get her away from here. Arianna was so touched by the gesture that she fell completely for him at that moment. If there were doubts and hesitations in her heart firmly, he won her over. She has reached the point of total commitment.

No matter what happened today, whether Marcel got married to Clara or not, she would not leave his side. Clara might be entitled to him, but Arianna would fight for him. What the both of them had was real and she couldn’t give up on them just like that.

Arianna was filled with determination. She was not a loser and if Clara wanted Marcel, she would have to fight for him too. Sure, she would be at a huge disadvantage if she becomes Marcel’s mistress due to the public’s opinion, and right and wrong are determined by society’s standards. But she wouldn’t give a damn, after all, people knew nothing about them.

Marcel was relieved when Arianna didn’t argue with him like before and agreed to his plans easily. So he said, “I’ll give you time to get dressed, then Luca will drive you there. Daniel knows, if not all of my properties, hence it’s not safe for you. You’d be staying with a friend that my father wouldn’t even dare to cross.”

“And you trust him?” Arianna wanted to be sure before she jumped from the frying pan to fire.

“I trust him more than my father,” Marcel was sure.

“Fine.” She agreed, “Anybody is better than your father. When do I leave?”

There was a pained look on Marcel’s face when he said, “You leave immediately,”

Arianna nodded in understanding, there was no time to be wasted. So without giving Marcel a heads-up, she lowered his head and closed her lips over his in a kiss. Marcel responded instinctively as she kissed him long and hard. They kissed as if their life depended on it and they weren’t going to see each other again.

Thanks to the growing passion between them, the towel slipped off her body and Marcel groaned lustfully. Arianna then pulled away, staring at him deeply, “Is five minutes enough?” She was turned on.

“I can make it worth your time,” The look in his eyes held lots of dark promises.

“Let’s see what you can do then,” Arianna kissed him once again.

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