国自产拍 高清精品

Chapter 568


“Where is she?!” Daniel thundered at her and Penelope could only flinch. There was no way to run, he had her surrounded. Even if she dared to run, she wouldn’t be able to go far. Right now, Daniel was bloodthirsty, but this was her sacrifice for Natalie to live.

“I don’t know,” She answered him honestly. It was a good thing Natalie never told her where she was headed. It made things easier.

“Don’t play games with me!” Daniel hit her right on the face and she fell to the ground with a scream. Her cheek hurt from the slap, but she had to endure it. Penelope was comforted by the fact that Daniel wouldn’t be able to kill her.

It would cause problems for him.

She just had to endure. He would torment her for sure to get information about Natalie. But that would be all. She would live in the end and go back to her family. Natalie would be saved as well and when she was done hiding from the madman, Daniel, she would return as well, Penelope had faith.

“Boss, you should see this,” said one of the men Daniel had sent to go after Natalie. The fact that he returned empty-handed pleased her because it meant that her friend was safe.

With a hard look, Daniel pulled her by the hair and Penelope screamed in pain, it was as if her scalp was on fire. Sadly, Daniel was no gentleman as he pulled her along and they followed the soldier who led them to God knows where.


But Penelope saw it.

One of his soldiers was dead, bled out from the neck and Penelope knew instinctively that it was done by her friend. The shard Natalie dropped was evidence of it and she was the one that gave it to her for protection. And it seemed that it served its purpose. Penelope didn’t feel an ounce of remorse, Natalie did what she had to do for survival. Daniel brought this upon himself.

Daniel turned to her, his eyes boring into hers. From the sudden anger taking over his expression, he must have seen her lack of empathy. She thought he deserved it.

“You would tell me where she is now?!” He roared, his features distorted with rage as he wrapped his hand around her neck, choking her.

“Where is Natalie?!” He shouted in her face.

But Penelope laughed at her even with his hand on her throat, strangling him. She sneered at him with a glint in her eyes, “You would never find her,” She promised him, a maniacal smirk curling her lips to the side.

Natalie defeated Daniel.

Both of them defeated him.

That was something to celebrate over.

A cold realization washed over Daniel when he looked into her eyes. Penelope was not going to give him what he wanted because she was blindingly loyal to her friend. She was stalling and with each time he wasted on her, Natalie was able to get away from him.

She made him lose Natalie.

Fury tore through him like a raging storm, but Daniel contained it, knowing he would only tear her apart if he acted on it. But she would not go scot-free for this. No, he would never forgive her for making him lose Natalie.

He would break her.

He would chip off every piece of her being little by little till she was nothing but a shell, barely existing. He would make her regret this moment every day she drew breath from this earth.

That would be his vengeance against her – and Natalie.

For someone who normally shivered in his presence in the past, Penelope didn’t flinch even when he leaned so close he was breathing on her face,

“And you think your little noble act would go unpunished?”

“I don’t fear you, Daniel,” She claimed, holding his gaze, ” You’re nothing but a big bully, so do your worst.”

“And so you ask,”

Daniel was suddenly pulling her along and to his men, he said, “Clear the body,”

Before Penelope could predict what he was up to, he had already pushed her up against the wall and true fear came over her.

“W-what are you doing?” There was a tremor in her voice but Daniel wouldn’t let her turn because he had her face pressed to the wall.

“I loved Natalie, but sadly, the same can’t be said for you,”

Penelope struggled with him when she heard the clicking of the belt and rustling of clothes, but he cut off her scream as he overpowered her.

Hot tears slid down her cheeks while disgust rolled over her when she felt his hands on her body. She didn’t want this. She didn’t want him. And there was no one to help her.

Perhaps, she should have gone with Natalie. Or maybe, things would have been different if she didn’t help Natalie escape. But Penelope knew deep down that Natalie didn’t deserve this – neither did she. However, there was no one to save her as Daniel stole her virtue.

Meanwhile, Natalie ran like the devil was on her heels. She had taken a life and as much as she told herself that it was self-defense, it still didn’t excuse the fact that she had stolen a life that didn’t belong to her. She finally understood what it meant when they said you lose a part of yourself when you kill someone. She couldn’t take it back. Natalie couldn’t go back to being the same person she had once been.

She was supposed to hide where no one would be able to find her, however, Natalie couldn’t understand why she came here. To his place. She shouldn’t ring the bell but yet she did. Perhaps, he was the only person who could save her right now.

The door opened and she stared at Edward, face to face.

“Help me,” Those were the only ones she could mutter with the amount of devastation weighing down on her mind.

And he accepted her without hesitation. Without questioning.

Because that was Edward.

Sweet Edward.


Back to the present.....

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