国自产拍 高清精品

Chapter 574

But there was still no response from her and it wasn’t until he touched her arm that she roused from her reverie, startled.

“What?!” Adele was flustered, her hands already on the gun at her side thinking they were ambushed or something. However, when she saw the concerned look on his face, she managed to calm down.

She wiped her face with her palm, intentionally ignoring the intense look Aziz was giving her. Her attention was divided and he was definitely going to question that.

“A penny for your thoughts?”

Just as she thought.

“No, it’s nothing. I’m fine. It’s just that I think I’m overworking myself these days.” She lied, hoping that was enough to divert his attention.

Well, what else was she going to tell him anyway?

Hello, Aziz, I have something to tell you, and the truth is that I’m carrying your baby.


Is that it?

Because Adele was sure as hell he wouldn’t believe her.

No, their relationship was merely a fling, and just like her, Aziz was not ready to be a father. Heck, she didn’t even know if she was ready to be a mother yet – she was thinking abortion. But one thing was for sure, Adele couldn’t tell him about the baby yet. She would in the future – if she doesn’t abort.

Her agenda at the moment was to ensure that Aziz got along with Marcel because if she decides to keep this baby, whether she likes it or not, Marcel is definitely going to get involved. He would force Aziz to get married to her... Adele forced the lump down her throat. This was messed up.

“You shouldn’t stress yourself much then,” Elijah accepted the excuse she had given him. He lifted his hand and pulled her to his side.

It was kind of strange, but lately, Elijah was beginning to feel kind of guilty. This whole thing had begun as part of his sick game, but the more he got to know Adele, he found out that he doesn’t deserve her.

Adele deserves someone better, nor was it her fault she was born into the Luciano family. So the more Elijah tried to justify his actions by blaming the fact she was part of the Luciano family, the more cracks appeared in his judgment.

So until he broke Arianna out of the base, Elijah decided to treat her well. It was not an excuse for his behavior, nor would it make up for the hurt she would experience when she uncovers his betrayal, he still wanted to give her happy memories.

He wanted to make her happy with the little time left. Thus, the rest of the days well spent with Aziz would be his last gift to her because when he goes back to being Elijah Draven, they would be nothing but enemies.

It was a sure thing that Adele would hate his ass after all of this. He used her to fulfill his end goals and that was a terrible sin. And hell has no fury like a woman scorned.

Adele came closer to his side and let him embrace her. It must be the pregnancy hormone or something because she craved his touches lately like an addict needs his fix. Although she hasn’t had sex with Aziz since finding out she was having his child, intimate gestures like this made her heart skip a beat and her stomach flutter; she enjoyed it.

She leaned into him and breathed in his scent, it had a calming effect on him. As expected of men, his odor was naturally masculine and sharper and right now, he smelled refreshing and sensual like sandalwood and passionate musk.

He smelled so good.

Elijah lifted a brow when he saw the way Adele was sniffing him like an animal with her eyes closed, however, he didn’t have the heart to pull away seeing the small smile at the corner of her lips.

Also, he promised to be good to her, and that included letting her do whatever she wanted. So even if she wanted to sniff him like a wolf marking its territory, then so be it. Elijah had to admit that it made his heart swell with pride at the same time. She liked his smell. For a woman to do that, it was honestly hot and sexy. And his dick springing to life testified to it as well.

However, all good thing had to come to an end and the ambiance changed the instant they arrived at the base.

Adele was the first to pull out of his embrace and said to him,

“Marcel can’t know of our relationship,” She explained to him upon seeing the shift in his expression, “Not that I’m embarrassed by you or something, but Marcel can easily assume you got here by taking advantage of our relationship. But I want you to earn your spot and that includes making a good first impression on him, do you get me?”

“Sure,” Elijah agreed readily.

His aim today was to not get caught and earn Marcel’s trust at the same time. He was back to being Aziz, the sly opportunist once he stepped inside. He just prayed Arianna wouldn’t get too shocked. He promised to get her out, she would see just how serious he is about keeping his promises.

The instant they stepped out of the car, two men approached him and searched him thoroughly. Even with Adele’s testimony, unless Marcel’s final verdict, he was still very much a suspect and couldn’t be trusted.

They let him go only when they didn’t find any weapon on him. Only then, did they ask him to follow after them with Adele beside him. Right now, Elijah was not with any weapons, meaning if his identity was leaked, he was as good as dead. And the only person with his identity was Arianna.

His life was in her hands now.

Elijah loved the thrills of danger, it gave him a great feeling of excitement, and right now, a hidden smile curled his lips to the side.

He’d see what choice Arianna makes in the end.

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