国自产拍 高清精品

Chapter 585

Mimi thought her parents would have gotten bored by now, but no, they were very much eager to welcome Victor into the family and eagerly soaked in every information he gave them about his family. Now her parents couldn’t wait to meet with their in-laws – while Mimi dreaded it.

It would be about her wedding and from what she knew of Carmine, Victor’s mother so far, if she were to meet her mother, then her life is over. Her body will no longer be hers. They would plan her wedding as quickly as possible and to the barest minimum details.

Mimi wanted time, you know. Time to look out for herself and the current changes happening in her body. She has decided to be a mother, but then, Mimi wanted to be sure she was making the right decision here by marrying Victor. Just because she was pregnant, doesn’t mean she should get tied down to the baby’s father. She had to know why she was doing this.

“Hey, are you alright?” Mimi placed his hand on her thigh rousing her from her thoughts.

“W-what?” She breathed, “No, I’m good. It’s just a lot happened today and honestly, I’m still having a hard time, believing it.”

“Me too,” Victor smiled, holding her hand now and she smiled back at him, the both of them looking each other in the eyes.

“This is Mimi when she was four,” Hannah interrupted the moment, handing the photo album to Victor.

“You mean this boy over here?” Victor was surprised at the cute picture of a young kiddo with shaved hair.


“Oh no,” Mimi groaned in embarrassment.

Hannah laughed, explaining to him, “We initially believed we would have a baby boy and stood by our faith without checking the baby’s gender. So all the clothes we purchased were masculine and Mimi did kick rather hard, affirming her belief. But God always has other plans even while we humans plan, and we had a wonderful daughter called Mimi. ” She pulled her daughter to the side affectionately.

“But I had stunted, horrible hair that had to be shaved when I was just a few months old and when I was in those shorts, people just assumed I was a boy. Thank you mother for the pictures,” Mimi concluded the story, playfully glaring at her.

“You’re welcome,” Hannah said laughing, prompting Mimi to laugh alongside while Victor watched them, satisfied.

He admired the family and hoped that he would be able to give Mimi a family close to this. It was fucking perfect.

It was at that time that Roger came down and said to Victor, “Hey, son, want to see some of my hunting work?”

Victor stared at the man before he looked at Mimi, their gaze silently communicating. Did he just say hunting? Victor vividly remembered her saying her father had a gun down there and he didn’t like the sound of that.

What if this was all a ruse and the moment he goes down there, the man plants a bullet in his head, and boom! He dies!

“Yes, Victor, my father is a hunter and he usually takes to the fields and woods to take wild game animals during legal, regulated hunting seasons. So he has lots of trophies to show off,” She indirectly hinted that he was safe.

“Trophies! I love trophies and I would love to see Roger,” Victor said with exaggerated enthusiasm. The truth is that he wanted to go in there with Mimi. He didn’t trust the hunter.

Why can’t he go with Mimi? Victor whined inwardly.

“Come on, let’s go,” Roger smiled at him. He placed his arm around his shoulder and led him along.

Well, the man was nice, Victor knew that he had to stop overreacting.

Together, they went into a dark room, Roger turned on the light and Victor breathed in awe at the scene. This was not the first time he was seeing a hunter’s room since some of his relatives engage in poaching or simply hunting for the thrill of it. However, it was still breathtaking to see hunters show off their greatest achievements.

The room was quite large and as they walked in. Victor’s eyes shone with excitement as he observed the trophies on the wall, he almost looked like a young kid enamored by the wonders in front of him.

The room decor was spruced up with the heads of dead animals, their horns, and skins. It looked all rustic and stylish and he bet Roger took pleasure watching them, after all, it was his life’s work.

“You caught all this by yourself? It’s amazing!” Victor explained, feeling one of the deer.

“Of course, I’m quite spectacular in action,” He said proudly.

“I bet you are,” Victor showered him with compliments.

Roger stepped forward and began to tell the story of each of the trophies he won in the room. It was quite a long talk, but one that Victor immensely enjoyed. Sometimes it was moments that truly mattered in one’s life, making memories – and not killing people.

Roger coughed, “I think I’m parched, I’m going to get some water. I’ll be back,” He informed Victor, and left.

Victor didn’t put much thought into his departure and focused on the animals in the room. He was so carried away that it wasn’t until the muzzle of the rifle was pressing against the back of his head that he realized his carelessness.

Seems he wasn’t forgiven, after all, Victor sighed.

“Turn around, slowly with your hands behind the back of your head. ,” Roger instructed him with a grave tone.

That was an odd request but Victor did as told. He met Roger face to face and strange enough, the look in the man’s eyes made him a bit uncomfortable.

He asked him, ” What are you truly doing in my home, Enforcer?”


Victor stiffened upon hearing that title, his gaze narrowing at his would-be father-in-law in suspicion. Just how much does Mimi know about her father, because it seems like he wasn’t an ordinary man.

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