
Chapter 150 - Commander's Command!

>>Simple. Mental Power. Those are the advantages of creating mental space. It allows you to meditate and facilitates your comprehension by a lot. However, you stay too long. And your body can't withstand it.

"Huh" That was the only sound that came from Emma's mouth whilst he left with shaky legs. 

After a couple of minutes that felt like forever, Emma returned to the control with his body drenched in some drop of water. Though he took a bath and relaxed, the fatigue his body had accumulated in the past couple of days wouldn't disappear with just a single bath. The skin bunching around his eyes, He was extremely tired. A harming headache and slight dizziness cluster his brain. The short distance between the bathroom and the control room made his aching muscles feel like he was climbing the highest mountain in the world.

He slumped inside the chair with his eyes trembling. He looked up at the big screen in an unfocused gaze. "Zeus, update," he said slowly.

[[Master, I suggest you take a rest. Your body needs it.]]

"I know." He whispered. This short conversation was already taking a toll on his body. He only needed to check the progress of the Basic Universal encyclopedia Tech. He believes everything should already be in place. "Tell me about the development of the encyclopedia development. Is it done?"

[[Yes. It was completed three days ago.]]

"Good." Emma rested on one of his hands to support his head. "Have you run the scan on them?"

[[Affirmative. Everything is perfect.]]

"Assemble all the components and run the simulation. Let's see how things work out." His eyes were barely open by now.

[[On it]]

[[Compiling the components…]]

[[Merging with the core components…]]

[[Merging complete]]

[[Initialing the simulation…]]

[[Simulation in process…]]

At once, the huge screen displayed many streams of data with various fragments of components coming together to make huge new components. Meanwhile, Emma was already dozing off. He only opened his eyes a few seconds before closing it. It can't be blamed. Mental Power is powerful, likewise dangerous. If Emma didn't have a strong body, his body would have ceased to function. He would only think of meditating before he crossed to the other. That's why people don't spend too much time meditating, because you don't know when you would cross to the other side. Except when you receive enlightenment both natural and artificial.

After a couple of minutes, Zeus' monotone voice wakes Emma from his slumber. He rubbed his face and looked at the huge screen sluggishly, taking a deep sigh. On the screen was the completion of the simulation. Moreover, he had already done the core segment of the universal encyclopedia. Merging it with the Universal language translator. The modification of the encyclopedia structure made it take a little longer than what's required.

[[Simulation successful.]]

[[Sir, do you want me to begin the file synchronization between the Basic Universal translation and the Basic encyclopedia resources. However, I suggest we should create a separate device to handle the huge stream of data relating to basic encyclopedia resources.]]

"Hug!" Emma blinked his eyes, rubbing his forehead. "I'm already thinking of a way to do that. That's why we're not creating the Multipurpose Uglass and Ucomms except for the first one… Begin the file synchronization"

[[File synchronization initializing.]]


[[Sir, only one-tenth of the file could be synchronized.]]

"That good." With some difficulty, he put the Uglass on and took the rune creation book. Immediately, the Uglass scanned the book, translated it but took two seconds before a new message appeared below the book. This new information was the info about the material used in making the book.

{Halga Wood: a good conductor of heat and moisture. Without phenomenal damage or human destruction. Any material used with Halga Wood will spend tens of years before it began to damage or rot. It could last longer in water and in any extreme weather. However, the harsher the environment the quicker the damage would take effect. It grows naturally where there is a consistent flow of the source. A mature Halga wood would only take 5 years. Whilst it could have a height of 50 meters. The lifespan of a mature Halga wood was 20 years. Halga Wood are mostly used for making a bow and arrow. Though it was not suitable for a strong bow and arrow. The little source helps in training beginner archers whilst it could be used for one-time use of Rune scroll by runemaster. Also, rune apprentices tend to use it for their learning. 

Grade: Common.}

Reading the info of the material used in making the rune creation book. Emma's eyes glow for a couple but dim afterward. Though his body couldn't sustain his thinking capacity. However, now, he knows what he needs to do. Without further ado, he stood from his seat with some difficulty and staggered out of the control room. Any more delay in his rest will result in another thing entirely. Meanwhile, Lily was flabbergasted by Emma's tenacity. 

>>With this tenacity, it won't be long for you to reach the top. I can't wait for that moment. Lily thought melancholy. 

The moment Emma's head touched the pillow, he drifted into the dreamland. Zeus watched his master snoring like a log of wood. He knew his master would not wake up anytime soon. An indistinct sound came above Emma's head whilst the huge screen showed nothing, except Emma's sleeping face.

"What are we missing!" A person asked with a slight annoyance. She bit the corner of her lip and looked at the tablet device in her hand with her brow raised. Beside him was a young man who slightly looked like the young lady. 

"Don't worry. We will surely find the balance between both genes." The young man announced with an assuring smile. Behind them were people in white overall looking at the two with respect. These two are Jimena and Arce.

"That I don't know. My hunch is telling me we are missing something. But I can't wrap my head around it. sighed" She looked at the pool of blood in front of her but didn't have any emotion. Precisely, there was a slight frown on her face. "That's the eightieth. Time is not on our side." She whispered. However, those people around her heard her.

"Little sis, relax. We are not rushing to find the gene lock. It may take some time but we will surely find the lock." Arce places his palm on her shoulder and taps it gently. However, this slight gesture didn't seem to bring out the effect Arce was expecting. Arce furrowed and looked at her brother and asked with her voice rising an octave. 

"Have you listened to the latest order from the commander?" At the end of her word, she was literally shouting. "Do you think I'm this stressed if we have enough time? Brother, you're not this stupid. Use your head.!" She stomped her foot and walked out of the room.

Hearing this, everyone in the room had their eyes widened. What was the latest order!? The scientist asked in their mind while looking at each other's faces. Whilst Arce stood awkwardly amid the scientist. It took him a couple of seconds, before everything registered in his brain. 

"Goddess, What is the latest command from the commander?" Arce asked with a slightly trembling voice. He knew whatever made her sister nervous was not something to scuff off. 

Goddess enchanting voice echoed from the ceiling. {The commander commanded that when he visited next. He wants answers from normal Kpriv, 1-star Kpriv, and 2-star Kpriv. Also, a serum containing the modified gene of both human and Kpriv should be readily available. Not just a normal gene modification serum. Each level of Kpriv must have their gene serum...} 


Arce shouted, forgetting that he was the head of the facility. His brain fried for a couple of seconds, his heart had already begun the marathon race. Whilst Arce was processing this, the scientist behind him, had their jaw dropped, their eyes widened. Their muscles tightened, their breathing became erratic. Suddenly, they began to suffocate right from inside out. They looked at each other and saw the urgency on each other's faces. They wanted to rush out of the room but when they saw their supervisor, they took a deep breath and waited for him while trembling.

Please! Please. Let's return to our research. They shouted in their mind.

Meanwhile, Arce was already sweating deep down. His brain was running on Mach time, thinking of various possible ways for them to escape from this looming danger over them. While he was still in thought. The Goddess's voice echoed again. 

{Mr. Arce. Please don't interrupt me again when I'm passing the command from the Commander down to you or anybody else. If it happens again, I'll invoke the threat protocol using the act of insubordination. Did I make myself clear?} Goddess voice did not change or falter. It was enchanting and pleasing to the ear.

However, when those people heard it. it was not enchanting or pleasing at all. It was the voice of the demon goddess. Why! They wanted to cry but had no tears to shed. They knew things were getting out of control. Insubordination! They're dead! The scientist looked at Arce with a conflicted gaze. They are now stuck between a hard place and a rocky place.

"Clear!" Arce answered dejectedly. 'Can't you understand how I feel?' He wanted to shout out loud but controlled himself. He knew apart from Commander, Goddess is the most powerful entity in the facility. She had access to everything. Nothing can be hidden from her. So it is better to be safe than sorry. 

Arce gripped his tablet device tightly and looked at the people behind him and shouted. "No more break until we find this forsaken goddamn lock."

{Mr. Arce! Language!}

"Sorry!" Arce shouted, kicking the door and dashed out, leaving the stupefied scientist.

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