国自产拍 高清精品

Chapter 677

Why? Why? Why?!

But then, he wouldn’t be comfortable with Daniel being on his side either. No matter what, even if he claims it’s for his good, Daniel always has an ulterior motive in everything. Marcel can only trust that man the day the sun falls from the sky (and kill everyone)

There was a small whispering amongst the people, especially those hearing it for the first time.

“What is he talking about?” Carmine asked this time. She was good at protecting her family from intruders – and not excluding spies. “Is what your father said, true, Marcel?”

“Yes, it’s true,” Marcel confirmed and his family members gasped in shock while Adele gave him a look. What the hell was he doing?

“That’s shocking,” Cindy acted scared, “First Elijah, now even your girlfriend, are we even safe anymore?”

However, that was until Marcel added,

“I made her a spy,”



The shock was quite huge that even Daniel reacted by narrowing his gaze at him, wondering what the boy was up to. He was going to see how he pulls himself out of this one.

“What do you mean by that?” Carmine leaned closer to the table, intertwining her fingers together. She wanted to hear the details and Marcel knew to provide her with one.

“I first met Arianna in the coffee shop where she worked months ago and we fell in love.”

At the mention of “fell in love” Daniel let out a disgruntled grunt from where he sat and drew attention to himself.

“Go On,” He said when all eyes fell on him and they all turned to Marcel once again while Daniel picked up the water bottle on his table, opened it, and gulped everything down. It was weird hearing his son narrate his love life. It was cringe and he hated it.

“Arianna didn’t know what I did for a living and she was pretty involved in her own activities as well. Sadly, she got involved with Elijah, without knowing his real identity of course. Some stuff happened that led to Elijah kidnapping her before I rescued her. However, the bastard was already in love with her and I saw this as an opportunity to get the bastard once and for all.

“She agreed to help me, but to make sure there wasn’t a spy and to make our acting realistic, Arianna had to pretend that she was in love with Elijah. I pretended to hate and torture her, but in secret, the both of us couldn’t keep our hands off each other – you can ask my men that, they’re witnesses.” And that of course was evidence any of them could get easily. Even Carmine knew Marcel was in love with the guy from the time she had been in the base.

“However,” Marcel went on, “Elijah must have seen through our plans when he infiltrated my gang, which explains why he stopped all rescue plans. But I was the fool to lower my defenses because at my happiest moment, he took her and it’s left to me to find her.” He finished with his story and all that greeted him was silence.

“That was the sweetest story that I have ever heard,” Benjamin’s wife sniffed, blowing loudly into her handkerchief.

At once the room became active once again as most of them deliberated on Marcel’s story while the others – who had been hoping for him to fail – couldn’t hide the disappointed look on their faces. They were sure the plan was solid and Marcel couldn’t get out of it.

Well, all except Daniel of course who was rubbing his jaw, lost in his thoughts as if he was thinking of trouble to stir up once again.

While all of this was going on, Victor leaned toward Marcel saying in a lowered voice, “I didn’t know that you were quite a good storyteller?”

“Buzz off,” Marcel told him, his eyes scanning everyone on the table, wondering who was going to make the next move.

“How are we sure that this is not a lie?” Robert asked once more as the chatters died down.

“Exactly,” Benjamin was quick to support him, “You’re the boss, you could plant any evidence you want?” He argued.

“You can investigate -”

“Investigation takes time... ” Daniel cut him off, “Time for you to plant new shreds of evidence.”

Marcel’s fist was trembling from anger beneath the table and Victor was about to say something in his place but he beat him to it.

“She’s pregnant for me.”


Even Victor was not left out in the surprise this time. He turned to Marcel with a look that says, dude, you’re so dead. Adele’s eyes grew wide, she knew that was not true. Or was it?

Everyone was confused.

“I didn’t mean to disclose it in this way, but since I have nosy relatives...” He looked at Benjamin and Robert, “Well, you have it, are you satisfied?”

“B-but, it’s all talks and we still -”

“I believe we came here to deal with a threat and not pry into his private life,” Carmine said firmly and Benjamin couldn’t say a thing anymore.

Although the woman didn’t have much power in the organization, she had kidnapped her husband once, and that had given her quite a reputation in the family. In one word, they believed that she had the same crazy tendency as Daniel. And sometimes, just like now, it worked in her favor.

“Well, I for once believe that it wouldn’t be a waste if we divulged into my son’s case a little bit more and they say family is the best, right? I mean, I’m about to become a grandpa, which is quite a high privilege. Unfortunately, my daughter-in-law is missing, kidnapped by the same enemy we are dealing with here. Isn’t that being on the same page?” Daniel asked with a big smile.

Fuck you.

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