
Chapter 173 - Worry

Helios called Alan and asked him in which room Aria was . Alan told him that she was three rooms away from his . Helios felt relieved to know that she was near and he didn't have to walk much or fear of being discovered . He thanked Alan then closed the phone call and headed towards Aria's room . When he arrived in front of the door , he looked from the glass part of the door to see whether there was anyone . He saw that there was no one apart from Aria laying on the bed . Helios opened the door and entered in then went towards Aria .

She was sound asleep with the oxygen mask on her face which covered her nose and mouth .

" I really am not used to seeing you so quiet . " said Helios and he slowly touched her forehead to see whether she had a fever or not .

" Why did you put yourself in danger just to save me ?! What is it that you really want from me ?!....Is what Bekora said true...that you like me ?!.....I don't actually find it bothersome if you do like me . I don't know why you make me feel so attached to you ?!...I really don't know . Can you tell me what it is ?! " said Helios with a smile and patted her head .

" Mr Bob will pay for what he did and you....I will punish you when you wake up ! How Can you be so careless with your life ?!.....Still I am glad that you are alright....You have no idea how I felt when mr Bob told me that you died . I feel so bad that I...uhhhhhhhhhh...why don't you quietly listen to others and do as you're told to ?! " said Helios with an angry yet sad tone .

He looked at the phone and noticed that Mana was calling him .

" I have to go and answer this . You better get well soon ! I will come again when you wake up . " said Helios with a smile and covered her well with the blanket .

He went to the door and slowly closed it so that he wouldn't disturb Aria . When he was out of Aria's room , he opened his answered Mana's phone call .

" Hello ! " said helios with a low tone cause he knew very well how Mana would respond .

" Finally you open your phone ! Do you have any idea how frightened I was when I learned that you were almost killed ?!!!! How many times has it been huh ?! Do you want to make me have a heart attack you stupid brother ! " yelled Mana with an angry tone . 

" I am sorry ! " said Helios with a low tone .

' If I continue to argue with her , my ears will be damaged . ' thought Helios with a troubled expression .

" I am in front of the hospital , now I am getting in . Tell me your room number and floor . " said Mana with an angry tone .

" Room 10 , VIP ward ! " said Helios .

" Good ! I will come and teach you a lesson myself ! " said Mana with an angry tone and closed the call .

Helios looked at his phone in a troubled way then sighed .

' I need to go in my room and act as sick , it will be hard to calm her anger . ' thought Helios and went to his room .

While Helios was going to his room , Mana was on the entrance floor of the hospital . She walked for a bit until she arrived at the reception .

" Hello ! I am searching for the patient named Alan . " said Mana with a smile . 

Mana knew that to prevent the media from knowing Helios was hospitalized , they had used Alan's name to register .

" Sure miss ! The patient named Alan is hospitalized in the VIP ward , room number 10 . On the fifth floor miss . " said the receptionist with a polite tone . 

" Thank you ! " said Mana and went towards the elevator .

When she was near the elevator , she noticed a tall guy who was standing in front of her .

' Hmmm.....this figure looks familiar....where have I seen this guy before ?! ' thought Mana with a doubtful expression .

When the elevator opened , the tall guy in front entered and Mana entered with him . Only the two of them entered the elevator . Mana looked at his face and noticed that he was the guy who had come with Aria at the night club .

" You....you are Florence ?! " asked Man who noticed that he had a worried expression and wasn't looking at his surroundings .

" Yes ?!.... " said Florence and looked at Mana with a confused tone .

" I am Mana . We meet when you came with Aria at the nightclub . " said Mana with a smile .

" Oh right , Mana ! How have you been ?! " asked Florence with a smile .

" Not that well . My cousin , who's like a brother to me , had an accident yesterday . I am here to pay him a visit . You ?! " said Mana and noticed that Florence was looking at him with a weird expression .

" What's wrong ?! " asked Mana .

" No , nothing ! I thought that maybe you had come to visit Aria . " said Florence with a worried tone .

" What's wrong with Aria ?! " asked Mana with a worried expression .

" Didn't you know ?!...She came to the hospital yesterday because she was stuck in a building that was on fire . The hospital called me . I came here as soon as they called me . I am goig to visit her now . " said Florence .

" In which room is she ?! " asked Mana .

" In room 13 , VIP ward , fifth floor . " said Florence .

' No way ! Helios was at room 10 and Aria at room 13 . Did he drag Aria in this mess ?!.....I should ask him about this . ' thought Mana with an angry expression .

" What a coincidence my cousin brother is resting in room number ten . As soon as I check whether he's alright or not , I'll come to visit Aria too . " said Mana with a smile .

" Are you two good friends ?! " asked Florence .

" Yeah ! We are good friends . " said Mana with a smile .

' Great....after Aria gets better , I can ask her to help me with Aria . ' thought Florence with a smile .

The elevator stopped , Florence and Mana got out of the elevator and headed towards the hall . They arrived at Aria's room first .

" This is Aria's room . " said Florence with a smile .

" Ah , okay ! My cousin brother's room is over there . I will come as soon as I make sure he's fine . " said Mana with a smile , in a low tone .

" Okay ! I hope your cousin brother gets well soon ! " said Florence with a polite tone .

" Thank you Florence ! See ya ! " said Mana and went towards Helios's room while Florence entered in Aria's room .

The door of Helios's room suddenly knocked .

" Enter ! " said Helios in a lazy tone .

Mana entered in and looked at Helios with a smile .

" My dear cousin brother ! " said Mana with a smile .

' When she behaves like this , she's scary ! ' thought Helios with a dumb looking expression .

" Yes , my dear cousin sister ?! " said Helios with a gentle smile . 

" I learned that you not only did not care about yourself but you also put Aria in danger . Is it true ?! " said Mana with a pressuring smile .

Helios looked at her , trying to keep up the cool expression he always had but it was useless . 

" Since you aren't answering , it means that it's true !.....You jerk ! I am really angry at you ! Do you take life as a light matter ?! You idiot ! You have been lucky to escape but you can not always be lucky . Keep that in your stupid head ! " said Mana with an angry tone and hit him at his arm . 

" How can you be so strong ?! " said Helios while holding his arm . 

" I don't care ! I was worried sick for you ! " said Mana then a tear came out of her eye and wetted her soft cheek . 

Helios noticed that Mana had been very worried about him and hugged her . 

" Ahahaaaa !!!!! I thought I would not see you anymore ! I was so scared ! " said Mana with a crying tone . 

" Don't cry anymore ! Look , I am alive and am hugging you ! " said Helios with a smile and patted her head . 

Mana looked at Helios with her eyes filled with tears and made a serious expression .

" Brother !.....Can you...Can you please stop your revenge ?! Please !....I don't wanna lose you ! " said Mana with a sincere and worried tone . 

Helios realized that Mana had been scared more than usual this time . 

" Mana ... " said Helios and pushed her away then grabbed her from her shoulders . 

" Mana....I am very sorry but I cannot do that . You know...because of that woman , my whole family turned their back on me , even my parents . She made all of them believe that I was a black sheep in our family . A bad luck !...Thanks to that , I grew up with the disappointing and full of hate expressions directed towards me , everywhere I went !....Is it wrong for me to find justice and clear my name ?! " said Helios with a gentle yet sad smile . 

Mana looked at Helios and touched his cheek . 

" Ah my brother !...When I was alone you were the one who saved me...I won't say what I just said anymore....from now on , I will always support your decisions ! Just....please don't put yourself in danger anymore ! Okay ?! " said Mana with a worried tone .

" Yes ! " said Helios and hugged Mana again . 

' It's good to know that there are still people who worry about me . ' thought Helios with a smile and remembered Aria . 

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