
Chapter 174 - Angry

The door opened and Alan entered in with a smile .

" What are you guys doing ?! " said Alan and Mana let go of Helios then got up .

" Why are your eyes reddish ?! Were you crying ?! " asked Alan with a shocked expression when he saw Mana's eyes . She was a strong-willed woman who rarely cried .

" I...had something in my eyes . " said Mana and went towards the door .

" Where are you going ?! " asked Helios .

" I am going to visit Aria . " said Mana with a smile and Helios nodded his head .

" Wait ! I was at Aria's room before coming here and I saw that guy which came with Aria at the night club that day . " said Alan .

" Oh , you mean Florence ! Yeah...I met him at the elevator before coming here . He said that the hospital had called him and asked him to come . " said Mana .

" Why that guy ?! " said Helios with a serious expression and annoyed tone .

" Probably , he must have been the last number that she had called on her phone ." said Mana .

" Yeah ! " said Alan .

" Okay then , I will be leaving now . See ya later brother ! " said Mana and went out of the room .

Alan looked at Mana with a smile until she left then he went near Helios . When he turned his head towards him , he noticed that Helios had an angry expression on his face .

" B....Bro ?! " said Alan with a nervous tone .

" I want to eat , go bring me food , now ! " said Helios with an annoyed tone and Alan ran towards the door .

" Sure , bro ! " said Alan with a scared expression .

' Since when has he started to feel angry just because he's hungry ?! ' thought Alan and went towards to order food for Helios .

Helios got up from his bed and started to think about Florence and Aria's relationship .

' So...the last person she spoke to was him , huh ?!....He followed her to the night bar....he gave her red roses....Who's that weakling ?!...What is their relationship ?!.....Giving red roses to a girl means that she's his girlfriend.....No way ! Looking at her expression she doesn't seem like she likes him...or she likes him ??!!!!....But , doesn't she like me ?! She saved my life by risking hers and that means that she likes me . What is that weakling trying to do with her ?!....Ramolo said that he's a famous surgeon.....Let's see how rich you are..... ! ' thought Helios with an annoyed tone and took his phone from the table next to him and opened it then started to search some info for Florence .

When the web page about Florence opened , Helios started to read it . He remained a bit surprised by his achievements in the medical field and

' He's a bit.....he's okay but look at his face....at his eyes , his eyes have a lot of wrinkles ! Although a lot of royal family are trying to hire him as their personal doctor , he still doesn't have the aura of an important person...He's not as rich as me and...I am thousands of times more handsome than him ! Why does she like him ?!...Wait , no ! She likes me....not him...I am really curious to know what's the matter between them ?!....I better ask Ramolo for more info about this guy.....Surprisingly , he seemed to know him . ' thought Helios with an annoyed expression .

When he started to think about the reasons behind the connection between Florence and Aria , Helios became even angrier than he already was . When he looked outside the window and saw his vague reflection on the mirror , Helios realized that he was behaving unusually .

" Why am I so angry about the relationship between them ?!...This makes it sound as if I care for that little tigress...Well I do care about her issues....cause....since she saved my life , it is only right for me to care about her manners and help her . I can see that he doesn't have pure intentions towards her...Is he approaching Aria with the hope of getting near me ?!.....That might be it ! I need to tell Ramolo to keep an eye on that guy so that we can get to know his true purpose for approaching Aria . " said Helios with a serious expression .

Within two minutes , Alan came inside , holding a tray with food in his hands . Helios went to the table and sat then started to eat . Alan realized that he was less angry now than he it was before Alan went away .

' Has Aria infected him with the food lover syndrome while they were at mr Bob's villa ?! ' thought Alan with a surprised expression when he saw that he was eating the food with a pleased expression on his face .

While Helios was eating , on Aria's room , Florence sat at the couch near the bed and looked at her with a sad expression .

" How could this happen ?!...You were fine before you left !...When I called you , you always told me that you were busy . In the beginning, I thought that you were avoiding me and trying to distance yourself from me....to assure that my thoughts were right , I secretly followed you.....I am sorry that I did that....and I learned that you were really busy . Apart from working all day , you also had to take care of Aden who has special needs and as a result , he wants some more attention....I really like how hardworking you are !.....When I saw that you didn't bring Aden to uncle Endre's clinic , I thought that tired or wanted to take a break....yet , you didn't bring him for three days...I was really worried when I couldn't see you !.....Wild thought and guesses kept coming to my head...Do you know....how relieved I was when I saw that you were calling me ?!....And how frightened I was when I heard the word hospital ?!.....I may work here but I and am not used to seeing my dear people come to the hospital . I become really scared when I see them laying on the bed quietly...I sound a little lame , do I ?!....Will you dislike for that ?! ' said Florence with a low tone .

He patted her head and smiled in a soft way while looking at Aria who was sleeping quietly . 

The door suddenly opened and Florence turned his head towards it . When he saw that it was Mana he smiled at her with a polite smile .

" Is she sleeping ?! " said Mana in a quiet tone to make sure she wouldn't wake Aria up . 

" Yes , she is ! " said Florence with a normal tone . 

" How is she ?! " asked Mana with a worried tone while looking at Aria .

" The doctors said that it will take a bit before she wakes up because she's been all night in the oxygen room . Apart from this , she's completely fine . " said Florence .

" Thank god ! " said Mana with a relieved smile .

" How is your cousin brother ?! " asked Florence .

" Oh , he's fine ! Thanks for asking . " said Mana with a smile .

Mana and Florence talked for about half an hour and Aria slightly moved her finger . She started to hear some noises around her and felt that her eyes were heavy . 

' Who is here ?! Who' talking ?!.....' thought Aria and slowly opened her eyes . 

When she opened them , she saw Florence next to her and Mana who were talking . 

Florenece and Mana noticed Aria's half opened eyes and turned their head towards her . 

" Aria ! " said the both of them with a relieved tone . 

" Florence ?! Mana ?!.....Where am I ?! What happened ?! " said Aria confused when seeing herself lying on a bed in a hospital room . 

" How do you feel ?! Do you feel pain anywhere ?! " asked Florence with a worried expression .

" No...I am alright ! I wanna get up ! " said Aria with a half asleep tone . 

" Aria , is everything okay ?! " said Mana with a worried tone . 

" I am okay ! " said Aria with a warm smile . 

" But.....Florence , didn't you saw that she won't wake up for now ?! Is there anything wrong that she woke up earlier than expected ?! " said Mana with a worried tone . 

" It is a bit weird that Aria woke up early !...I better go an take her files from the doctors so that I can see whether there's any problems or not . " said Florence with a serious tone and got up from the chair then went towards the door . 

" Keep an eye on her until I come back . " said Florence .

" No worries ! " said Mana and looked at Aria . 

When Florence went away , Mana looked at Aria and hugged her . 

" I am so happy to see that you're alright ! " said Mana with a relieved expression . 

" Me too ! I am glad to see you too ! " said Aria with a smile . 

" Do you remember what happened ?! " asked Mana . 

Aria started to think for a bit then she remembered the harsh fight in mr Bob's villa . 

She remembered bringing Helios at the entrance and taking some things from mr Bob's pocket then she forgot what happened next . She thought about Helios then looked at Mana .

" Is Helios alright ?! " asked Aria in a worried tone . 

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