
Chapter 389 - The Honest Mohawk Girl

Now, what should I ask? Maybe why she's coming after me. Let's ask that.

"So, Mohawk, why are you looking for me?" I asked.

"Because you are the master of that Black Slime on your shoulder," Mohawk replied.

She's really targeting Victoria! Why?

"You're looking for this little thing? Can you tell me the reason?"

"Because Professor asked me to," she said.

"… I guess that's to be expected after you told me about Professor. Why does he want my Slime?"

"Because it's a Black Slime," Mohawk replied.

"…why is that Professor wants a Black Slime?"

"Back then, someone did an experiment with a Black Slime. And the result is that the Black Slime can enters someone's body and infected that person's inner organ. Those who are infected will be able to live long, without the needs of consumption. They don't need water or food to live. And they also don't need to sleep. Though they will be considered as monster, so Dragon Dung Flower is their weakness," Mohawk explained.

Wait, infecting inner organs? That's the quest we took back then! So, the person who did it is this Professor? And now he knows that I have a Black Slime, which is Victoria.

If he gets his hand on Victoria, he can make his own immortal army. That's dangerous!

"So, the one who did that experiment was Professor?" I asked.

"No. It was someone who wanted to get his recognition. That person shows the result of his experiment to the Professor, and then Professor asked him to experimented it on himself. After that, I killed the man," Mohawk said.

"…and why does he want my Black Slime? Isn't one for him enough already?"

"I don't know. He just said to bring you with me. Or at least just the Black Slime," she said.

Maybe because he realized that the slime used on him was just a clone and now, he wanted the real Black Slime. He wants to be an immortal, and want to build an army of immortal.

No matter what, I must never let the cult get Victoria.

"Okay, I get it now. Next, what are you?"

"I'm Professor's subordinate and someone you call Mohawk," Mohawk replied.

"No, I mean are you some sort of his experiment? And what experiment was it?"

"I was not supposed to answer that question," Mohawk said.

"So, there are some questions you won't answer? Is that the Professor's order?"

"Yes. Because he's always right," Mohawk said.

That's fine. All I need to do is to trick her. She seems to be too honest. I'll have to trick her somehow. Though the people watching will think I'm a bad guy. Well, they are not wrong.

"Then, can I ask you everything that the Professor told you not to answer?"

"Three things. My experiment, the laboratory's location, and the headquarter of the cult," Mohawk said.

Only those three? I thought that there will be more. I guess the Professor never expected her to be this honest. And he must have thought that it will be difficult to imagine what other question other people will ask.

Or maybe because everyone other than the cult members were killed by her after realizing her identity.

For now, it's good that this Mohawk is gullible. She will answer everything I asked. I should pick my questions carefully other than those three.

Or maybe…

"Now, I will ask you nicely. Will you—"

"Wait! I haven't finished asking you questions! You can ask nicely later after I have finished asking everything!"

That was close! If I didn't interrupt her, she will ask me to come with her. If I refuse, she will force me or even kill me since her target is only Victoria.

"I won't ask you about what's being experimented on you, the location of the lab, and the location of the headquarter. But I will ask you this. If the Professor said you can be honest with him, when he asks you those three questions, how will you answer? From the first question to the last," I asked.

Will this work? If it is, that just shows how gullible she really is. I wish I don't have to kill her, but if she's being brainwashed, I have no choice but to kill her. It's too dangerous if I let her be since she knows where I live.

"That is not the question that I must not answer, so I will answer it. Starting from my experiment," Mohawk then started explaining about herself.

I never thought that it's working. I am sure Albert and the others in the other side will write everything down.

Mohawk doesn't have any memories prior to her experiment. She is only capable of remembering things after she was successfully experimented on.

And her experiment was… to create master level mages artificially.

She said that she's the only successful experiment. Though I think that Professor might have some more successful experiment that he never told her. But at least her explanation is useful.

She's a lightning element mage. And that's the only element she's capable of after the experiment. She can't use other elements even though the Professor said that prior to the experiment, she can use other elements.

She was then brainwashed, by using some sort of magic tool that the Professor invented, not with the help of a psychic mage like Russell, old man Henry's friend. She was brainwashed to not have any weakness, and only speak the truth. Though the Professor ended up telling her to not answer three questions.

She was also used as experiment to improve her strength. No wonder her muscles inside her body seems weird. They are much more solid and stronger than they should have been.

I think that's everything she knows. After asking her other things related to her experiment, she doesn't know anything more.

"Then, the next question. The location of the lab is here," Mohawk said, as she shows me a compass.

The compass's needle didn't point toward the north as it should be, but to the east. I believe that needle is pointing toward where the lab is.

"This is a compass that will only point toward a designated target. Always. And this compass is designated to always point at the Professor. It's something from ancient time," Mohawk explained.

That means, even if the lab is always changing location, the compass will point toward the lab because the Professor is most likely to be there. At least it's good to know.

But does it mean the location of the headquarter is the same? Can only be found by another compass?

"Lastly is the location of the headquarter. The headquarter of the cult is always where the Archbishop is. Only a few members of the cult have compasses like this. One of them is the Professor. Professor then will tell me and his other subordinates where the location of the headquarter is, and I will inform other cult members if they need to go there," Mohawk explained.

I was right. The location of the headquarter and the lab can only be known by select few people.

This mean, I have to get that compass from her. I will find the Professor, and then, I can have another compass that will point toward the headquarter of the cult.

Can I get it without fighting? Maybe persuade her somehow. Just in case we ended up fighting, I'm afraid that the compass will be destroyed.

Just as I was thinking of what to do next, Sonia appears behind me and whispered some messages from the others.

"Roy, Albert says to get the compass. And Russell is with Henry watching this. He said he wanted to test if he can break the brainwashing since she's too pitiful. Try to capture her if you can," Sonia whispered.

"Tell them that if she's too strong, I will either kill her or escape. I will at least try to get the compass," I said in whisper.

After that, she disappears and should have returned to relay my message.

And so, as my brainstorming session is over, I will just have fun while relaxing and ask her some weird questions to delay as much time as possible to calm my head.

The questions I asked are too varies and weird. Like her favorite meal, good place to visit, if she remembers her family, and many other stupid questions. I also asked her about what she knows about the Professor, the Archbishop, the cult's True God, and even the status of the big breast faction and big ass faction. I need to know if they have realized that both Veronica and Celestine are still alive or not.

…shit, I'm out of questions. I even asked something that might end up having the girls kill me later like Mohawk's breast size. I hope the kids are not watching this.

"Is that all?" Mohawk asked.

"How do you know about me?"

"Someone watched the tournament. He was from Melk and watched you back then before the stampede in Melk how you have a Black Slime. And when you become the commentator, you said that you're a professor in Cassau."

It was me! I'm the one who leaked about my own location! I'm so stupid!

I guess this is it. She will ask me to come with her now.

"…I think that's all. you can stay seated while you ask me what you are here to do," I said.


"Wait, before that, I need to be in a relaxed position first," I said.

And then, I walked closer toward her, and stopped in an acceptable position. I need to make her guard down first. She's a master level mage. Even though it's artificial, I am still afraid to get too close to her and capture her right away.

Then, I get into crouching start position. It's a position where my explosive power will be used at its fullest, and accelerate me into my fastest speed in short time.

"I'm ready now," I said.

"Will you come with me to meet the Professor?" Mohawk asked.


As soon as I refused, I leaped forward toward her back, and put the Magic Restraining Collar on her neck. I also make the Blobbies she's sitting on to restrain her, and used calming gas and sleeping gas together to make her sleep.

After that, I used my hands to restrain her myself. I also didn't forget to grab the compass, and instantly throw it into a portal connected to Albert's location.

I hope it's over with just me restraining her like this.

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