
Chapter 390 - The Fight Against Artificial Master Level Mage Begins

Even though I'm restraining her, I can feel that she's strong. Her body is unlike any mage ever have, and probably closer to me who have trained it. Maybe even stronger. She might be able to release herself from me.

I need help.

"Spot!" I shouted.


Spot then grow bigger, not to his real size, but just about three meters length, and wrap himself around Mohawk's body like a phyton. Just from the strength alone, without Aura, Spot is stronger than me.

Just in case, I summoned Shelia to make sure Mohawk won't be able to do anything.

But… something is weird. Mohawk is not affected at all by my gas. I'm still too weak after all. Just intermediate level in my air element.

"Hmm… you restrained me after you refused. I guess I should fight now. But this is weird. I can sense air magic used on me? And then, you have another monster with you. I guess it's normal since you're a tamer. But what about that summoning magic I just sensed? You have another summoned monster? I need to report everything to Professor. I suppose I shall capture you instead of killing you," Mohawk said in calm manner.

The fact that she's still calm despite being restrained by the three of us who have the strongest physical ability means she still have some power to spare. The experiment that was tested on her… she's dangerous.

But she can sense the magic used by me? No matter what, she must not return to that Professor.

At least she shouldn't be able to use her master level lightning element magic since I have put the collar on her. Now, I need to knock her out.

"Roy! I can't hold it any longer!" Spot said.

I have to knock her out fast! She's much stronger than expected.

The collar won't reduce her physical strength, and my gases can't affect her. I have to knock her out with a powerful hit.

I transformed Victoria into a hammer, and smash it to Mohawk's head.

"Ouch. You're much stronger than average human. You're about as strong as an Orc Emperor," Mohawk said.

"Thanks, but the fact that you didn't even flinch mean you're much stronger than me! Why won't you faint already!" I shouted.

She's too strong! Even her skull is not fractured after I hit her with Victohammer. Seems like every part of her body has been altered by that Professor. But why the mohawk?

"Roy, she's about to break free!" Spot shouted.

"Shelia! Break her bones!" I ordered Shelia.

"I can't! Her body is to strong!" Shelia shouted.

She has tried it as soon as I summoned her here.

I should have hurriedly found my next monster instead of watching Kayla and the others changing the terrain. Having another monster will surely help me in knocking this Mohawk out easier.

No, that's wrong. If I started looking for the angel earlier, I might not return here today. That alone will endanger the others who are staying at the base. At least I'm lucky to be home when she appears.

"This is getting troublesome," Mohawk said.

"Then you need to get knocked out faster!" I said.

Shelia is not strong enough to break her bones. Spot is not strong enough to restrain her. And I'm not strong enough to knock her out even when I used Aura covered hammer.

That mean, there's only one choice left. Kill her.

I transformed Victoria into a katana, and swing it down toward Mohawk's head. I have to kill her before she started fighting back.

A hammer might not work since it's a blunt weapon, and her skulls and bones have been tampered so her body is powerful. But a bladed weapon will injure her no matter how small the wound inflicted is.

For a hammer, I can only use Aura and my will I trained for months in Monsters World, to make it harder. But for a katana and bladed weapon, I can make it sharper. No matter how powerful her body is after being altered, there's no way she won't die from my slash.

As the blade fall upon her neck, she notices the danger and quickly uses all her strength to escape from Spot's restraint, and get away from my attack. I missed. But I expected that.

Before she uses that monstrous strength to take off the collar, I have to kill her. I can't let her use any magic. But unexpectedly, she's about as fast as I am.

Actually, she's much faster. But she must have no experience in a melee fight. That's why her moves are predictable. But because she's faster, she narrowly dodged every single slash that I threw.

"Melee attack? Are you a monster?" Mohawk asked.

"Your strength and speed are beyond normal! You're the monster here!" I shouted.

This is dangerous. If the Professor have other successful experiment like her, we have close to zero chance of winning against them.

This is ridiculous! Why is such powerful enemy never appeared in my past life!? If she's this strong, she should be famous. Especially with that hairstyle.

It means there are still many things that the cult is hiding even among themselves. Even Veronica doesn't know much about her other than being much stronger than Veronica and Celestine.

How long has it been? Veronica should be here soon. Even if it's not fifteen minutes yet, she should have judged it to be impossible for me to fight alone.

Finally, I can see Veronica flying fast here.

"Hmm? I can sense someone is coming fast. You have a helper?" Mohawk asked.

"No. Helpers. I have a lot of them. They just won't appear yet unless I called them," I replied while still trying to hit her.

But she keeps dodging. Even though she has no experience, her physical ability and athleticism is far above mine. Before long, she will get used to it. I can't let her get used to it.

Mohawk also has many chances to attack me with, but as expected, she doesn't know how to fight with her body. She only knows to use magic. That's why she never attacked me even though it's easy for her to defeat me.

But I can't take it easy just because she doesn't know how to fight.

I can see Veronica is preparing to use a magic. I need to stop Mohawk for a while to make sure Veronica can get a hit. Let's use Victogun.

"Oh? This is your air magic that a tournament participant used. I guess you're really a professor in air element," Mohawk said.

How can she stay calm!? Does nothing affect her at all? Or maybe she still hasn't used everything she got?

Shelia and I then split up and move so Mohawk is between us. Shelia used her distant claw attack, and I used Blobbygun. I will use the flying slash that I trained for months as my secret technique against her.

Mohawk couldn't do anything but taking all the attacks with her body. And then, Veronica's magic unleashed.

Her powerful Wind Slash, strong enough to split the ground, is approaching Mohawk while Shelia and I won't get hit.

"Such powerful magic. And I'm being surrounded. I can only jump to dodge it," Mohawk said while still being calm.

She jumped high with her enhanced strength. Why won't anything hit her!?

I need to be calm. Let's take a small dose of calming gas before continuing my attack. She also hasn't removed her collar yet.

I'm calm now. Let's think carefully on how to kill her.

…attack her until she got hit. And then, attack more.

Now, while she's still in the air, it's easy to aim at her. But let's take her even higher. Good thing everyone here can fly or run on air.

I jumped as well, grabbed her leg, and throw her higher into the sky. The thinner the air is, the better for us. I have used my air magic to let the others breathe normally even if they are high in the sky.

"Huff… I have difficulty breathing here," Mohawk said. Still in a calm manner.

She can't dodge now. Let's attack her!

"Spot! Prepare for the big attack!" I shouted.

Spot quickly turned into a big serpent, and readying himself to use his non-elemental breath attack.

Veronica noticed that we will fight in the air where Mohawk is useless without her magic, and attacked her with series of Wind Slashes. And so is Shelia who swings her claws left and right continuously.

Our attack hits Mohawk, but she still doesn't react much even though an expert level mage is attacking her. As for me, I used Victogun to shoot her arms and make sure she can't even tough the collar on her neck. Or we will be doomed.

I looked at Spot who has prepared to shoot his breath attack from right below Mohawk.


Spot's breath attack goes up far into the sky as it hits Mohawk perfectly. Normal people would have their body destroyed instantly, but I can't expect the same thing will happen to Mohawk.

I need to look closely and prepare my next move before Spot's attack is over.

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