
Chapter 219 Chaotic Battle

He took a moment to steady himself, his gaze fixed upon the approaching enemy forces. The sword felt weightless in his hand, its energy coursing through his veins as if it were an extension of his very being. Ethan\'s mind cleared, his focus honed on the imminent battle that lay ahead.

As Ethan moved towards the titanium walls, he faced a barrage of energy cannons fired by the enemy. But his agility and reflexes allowed him to dodge them with ease. He swiftly sidestepped and weaved through the projectiles, evading them one by one.

The enemy\'s frustration grew as Ethan eluded their attacks. They unleashed a relentless onslaught of energy blasts, but he remained determined and focused. With quick movements and precise timing, he dodged left, right, and leaped into the air, avoiding each incoming blast.

As Ethan closed in on the enemy forces, a surge of uncontrollable rage welled up within him. He tapped into his inner fury, unleashing the power of Berserker. His senses heightened, and his strength magnified exponentially.

With a primal roar, Ethan leaped into the air, his sword held high above his head. As he descended, a trail of raw energy followed his every move. With a swift and forceful swing, he brought the pandemonium sword crashing down upon one of the robots.

The impact was devastating. The sword cleaved through the metallic body with unrivaled precision, slicing it in half effortlessly. The robot\'s components are scattered, sparks flying in all directions. Ethan\'s overwhelming strength now defeated the once formidable enemy, rendered inoperative.

Amidst the chaos and destruction, the giant robots swung their massive swords with a deafening roar. Their blades crashed into the ground and surrounding structures, shattering concrete and sending debris flying in all directions. However, to their frustration, Ethan\'s agility and quick reflexes allowed him to evade their attacks with uncanny precision.

As the giant robots swung their swords in wide arcs, Ethan effortlessly sidestepped their strikes, narrowly avoiding the crushing blows. Each missed swing brought forth a wave of destruction, reducing buildings and infrastructure to rubble. The ground trembled beneath the weight of their failed attempts, adding to the tumultuous scene.

Ethan\'s nimble movements and innate instinct guided him, enabling him to navigate through the chaos unscathed. With each missed swing, the giant robots inadvertently demolished their surroundings, and their immense power turned against them.

Ethan used all of his buffs somehow, even though his rage was darkening his mind. With a primal roar, he unleashed a flurry of devastating attacks, combining his incredible speed and precision with a newfound unpredictability.

His movements became a blur as he weaved through the chaos, utilizing his enhanced agility and reflexes to their fullest extent. With each strike, his blows landed with a force that defied expectation, their impact reverberating through the battlefield.

Ethan\'s use of buffs heightened his already formidable abilities, further amplifying his attacks and making his movements even more elusive. His strikes became a symphony of precision and power, hitting his targets with unrelenting force and leaving his enemies disoriented and overwhelmed.I think you should take a look at

Ethan moved from one side to the other cruising the robots on his path and destroying the legs of the bigger ones. They tried to kick him, but that only made the pandemonium sword cut more cleanly.

"Since you can use power beyond your current limits, I will give you a hand," The time silver bird said. "I can\'t let you do all the heavy lifting in this situation, after all."

As the sphere of light approached Ethan\'s swords, a surge of energy emanated from within it. The once dormant blades began to glow with an intense radiance, their surfaces pulsating with raw power. The energy enveloped the swords, tracing intricate patterns along their length as if awakening a dormant force. He didn\'t know why he received help now, but it was convenient.

The glow intensified, casting a brilliant light that illuminated the surrounding area. Sparks danced along the edges of the blades, crackling with electric energy. The air around Ethan seemed charged, vibrating with the sheer magnitude of the energy being channeled through his sword.

Ethan soared through the air with a mighty leap, his body propelled by a surge of raw power. As he ascended, he channeled his mana, summoning its full force to enhance his abilities. The air crackled with anticipation as he prepared to unleash a devastating combination.

As Ethan reached the peak of his jump, he called upon the explosive Impact. A torrent of energy surrounded his sword, coalescing into a concentrated force of destruction. The sheer power of the spell resonated through his body, infusing his every movement with explosive potential. He also used Electric Enchantment, and for a moment, it looked like he had become a lightning bolt himself…

As Ethan descended from the heights of his leap, a swarm of enemies converged upon him, their massive swords raised high, poised to strike him down. But Ethan was not defenseless. With his weapon in hand, he met their onslaught head-on.

With a thunderous clash, Ethan\'s sword collided against the blades of his adversaries. The sheer force of the impact reverberated through the air, causing a shockwave to ripple outward. The enemies\' swords, once thought impenetrable, began to crack and splinter under the immense pressure.

The shockwave created by the collision of Ethan\'s weapon against his foes\' swords unleashed an unimaginable force. Buildings crumbled, the earth shook, and a wave of destruction surged across the battlefield. Within a radius of five kilometers, everything stood in the path of devastation.

The sheer power unleashed by the collision tore through the enemy ranks like a tempest. The force of the shockwave sent enemies hurtling through the air, their bodies broken and shattered. Debris flew in all directions, adding to the chaotic scene of destruction.

Ethan, standing at the epicenter of this cataclysmic display, remained steadfast and resolute. His weapon, unyielding against the enemy onslaught, had become a beacon of indomitable strength. With each swing, cracks spread through the enemies\' swords, rendering them useless and broken.

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