
Chapter 220 Cannon

As Ethan pressed forward toward the towering walls, a sudden tremor shook the entire city. The ground rumbled beneath his feet, and he could feel the vibrations coursing through his body. Something monumental was about to happen.

To his astonishment, massive robots emerged from the depths of the earth, rising up with mechanical precision. They soared into the air, their metallic forms gleaming in the sunlight. One after another, they converged at the designated location, each finding its place in a meticulously orchestrated sequence.

As the robots aligned themselves, their individual components began to connect, locking into place with mechanical precision. Arms extended, legs interlocked, and bodies merged until they formed a colossal, extra-large robot—a titan of steel and circuitry that dwarfed everything else in its vicinity.

The fusion of these machines resulted in a towering colossus, a behemoth of unimaginable power. Its joints moved with a mechanical grace. Its movements were synchronized and seamless. It stood as a formidable adversary, a testament to the technological prowess of the city\'s inhabitants.

"It is a Megazord," Ethan said.

"I am surprised that such a thing doesn\'t faze you. I am curious and wonder about what you have experienced so far to make that something normal to you," The time silver bird said.

Despite the overwhelming scale of the battle and the unimaginable destruction surrounding him, Ethan remained remarkably composed. Having encountered numerous extraordinary and fantastical events throughout his journey, he had developed a resilience to the mind-boggling and the absurd.

The chaos and devastation that lay before him were undoubtedly staggering. Still, Ethan\'s mind was well-acquainted with the concept of the inexplicable. The very fabric of his reality had been stretched and twisted countless times, pushing the boundaries of what he thought was possible.

His experiences had taught him that sometimes, the world could be a place of bewildering wonders and unfathomable dangers. It had prepared him to face the impossible head-on, to stand tall even in the face of overwhelming odds.

"Who are you, and what do you want in this world?" A voice coming from the giant robot suddenly echoed in the area.

"You tried to kill me; now it is payback time," Ethan replied.

"We were only protecting ourselves from invaders. Leave this world now," The robot said.

"You have been a bit too forceful before; now it is time to pay for your actions," Ethan declared.

Ethan couldn\'t help but sense a connection between the leader of this world and the amalgamation of machines that had confronted him. In a desperate bid to claim the moral high ground, it seemed that the leader had chosen to merge with the very embodiment of their technological might.

But Ethan wasn\'t easily swayed by such manipulations. He had seen through the veils of power and control before, recognizing that those who sought to justify their actions often hid behind a facade of righteousness. The leader may have presented himself as the guardian of their decaying civilization. Still, Ethan knew better than to fall for his manipulative rhetoric.I think you should take a look at

Ethan\'s attention was momentarily diverted. Just when he thought he had gained the upper hand, a sudden surge of energy crackled through the air, catching him off guard. A deafening roar accompanied the activation of a massive cannon built within the depths of the Megazord.

Ethan\'s eyes widened as he beheld the sight before him. A gargantuan cannon, fifty meters long and wide, emerged from the towering structure. The sheer size of the weapon was awe-inspiring, a testament to the immense power harnessed within the Megazord.

In a split second, the cannon fired, unleashing a devastating beam of energy toward Ethan. The force of the blast sent shockwaves through the air, ripping apart the surrounding landscape and propelling Ethan backward with an unimaginable force. The impact hit him with a bone-jarring intensity, leaving him momentarily dazed and disoriented.

Raising his sword high, he summoned the power within him. The blade emitted a brilliant aura, crackling with energy as he focused his curse. With a swift motion, he brought his sword down, intercepting the incoming blast.

A spectacular clash ensued as the cannon\'s energy collided with Ethan\'s cursed sword. The impact sent shockwaves rippling through the air, creating a dazzling display of light and power. The surrounding landscape trembled under the sheer force of the collision.

As the clash subsided, Ethan stood tall amidst the dissipating energy. His curse had absorbed a significant portion of the attack, dissipating its destructive potential. His body crackled with residual energy.

The sheer force of the clash unleashed a devastating shockwave that rippled outward, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Buildings were reduced to rubble, their structures crumbling under the immense pressure. The ground shook violently, cracks forming in the once-sturdy pavement.

The air itself seemed to ripple with the residual energy, creating a whirlwind of chaos. Windows shattered, glass shards raining down like shimmering raindrops. The ground became scorched and charred, bearing witness to the intense heat generated by the clash.

The path of destruction extended for miles, a scar etched upon the landscape. It served as a reminder of the immense power unleashed during the battle, a testament to the titanic forces at play.

As the dust settled and the chaos subsided, Ethan stood amidst the wreckage, his body severely wounded and his clothes in tatters. Blood stained his torn garments, evidence of the deep wounds that covered his battered form.

Ethan\'s body was a canvas of pain, marked by deep gashes and bruises. His once-strong physique now trembled with exhaustion, every movement a struggle against the weight of his injuries. Sweat mixed with blood trickled down his face, reflecting the toll of the fierce attack he had endured.

"I really should have increased my Resistance," Ethan thought and then coughed a mouthful of blood. "I also really shouldn\'t fight wearing only casual clothes."

Ethan had gotten used to fighting like that and that wasn\'t the first time such a decision came to back to bite him in the ass...

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