
Chapter 133: A Demon Lords Confession

133 A Demon Lord's Confession

"Hey, baby... are you okay? Answer me!"

Moby did not hear or pay attention to what his family members were saying as he stared at the barrage of notifications in front of him, his mind running around in circles while his face was completely blank trying to take everything in.

Some of the notifications were things he completely expected like the "Body of Ice" ability that raised his stats. But, everything else was entirely unexpected. Like, how his ability mixed with his draconic blood unlocking an entire skill tree that already had its first skill unlocked which allowed him to slow downtime.

He did not know what the skill did exactly or how it would function but he was very excited to find out as it could be extremely useful despite its ridiculously high mana and demon energy consumption at 5 mana and 5 demon energy every second. The skill "Freezing Time" was the first-ever skill he saw that consumed a mixture of demon energy and mana which made him come to the conclusion that it was because the ability got mixed with his blood.

This also made him wonder if he had chosen the "Dimensional Shift" ability, would it have given him a dimensional dragon skill tree or a light dragon skill tree if he had chosen "Radiant Heart". However, it was now too late for him to change his mind and he would be lying if he said that he wasn't happy or satisfied with what he had he had seen so far of the ice dragon skill tree. This also made him think about if he was able to unlock more elements and dragon powers in the future by possibly learning other elements or things of the sort.

Moby's dragon powers were shaping to be more powerful and useful than he expected if his new skill tree was anything to go by. It made him more intrigued about their origins and other powers but he knew that Avilia did not have the answers. However, this added more onto the surprise and unknown element that slightly excited him to delve deeper into his dragon powers.

He also remembered that Avilia promised him that she would reveal more about her past to him if he did well on the exam which he believed that he had well accomplished. This would allow him to better understand how the other realms functioned and how she rose to power. And, the story might contain some hints and clues about his dragon powers and possibly maybe his parents which made him really anxious to hear her out.

For the past week, he had been to busy to ask Avilia to tell him about her story and give him his reward but he planned to do it today right before he went to bed as he would be extremely busy once more as school would start again.

However, out of everything that had just transpired, there was one thing above all that shocked and confused him more than anything else.

'Hey, Avilia, can you help a fellow demon out? Do you have any idea what just happened?' Moby asked in confusion.

'Nope, no idea, I am not even surprised at this point. My mind had been blown too many times in the past 2 weeks than my entire life span which is really fucking long so I am convinced that nothing can faze me at this point. My knowledge of draconic demons is very limited just like I said before. They are an extremely rare species of demons that don't really like to show themselves too often. I have only ever seen and met a few of them and I was not able to find out anything important about them. Many of them were just disguised as regular civilians and lived their lives like normal while others were symbols of terror that hid or lurked in the shadows,'

'As for these ability things, I never heard of them until I came to this world and became conscious. It is all new to me. I have no clue in hell about what they might be. All I knew was that a demon body was compatible with one. So, from what I've seen from you just levelling up that angel skill by half a level, I am inclined to believe that they might be angel related but at this point, I am not completely sure as it is just Purely speculation. The world has changed so much in the past million or so years. I am not the most reliable source, all I can tell you is how it was for me back in my hay day as demon lord which kinda annoys me at times at how stupid and useless I have become. Hell, I can't even move and, you are the only means of company and entertainment I have.'

' I, the once great and all-powerful demon lord, am pretty much nothing more than a source of power, a nagging voice and an ancient demon encyclopedia in your head that has some pages missing.'

' I would be lying if I said that I wasn't jealous of you. Every time you hang out with your friends and come up with your silly little plots it reminded me of how I used to act like with all my friends who turned into my close, loyal subordinates later on once I became the demon lord. Living inside your head with only you to talk to is a pretty lonely existence.'

'At first, I found it all entertaining watching you kill little insects and did not care much if at all and focused solely on moulding you into a proper demon lord but now I have started to grow more jealous… I am starting to miss my old life… I guess those feelings were just buried deep within me and I only realized them as I watched you and your character evolve more and more... I am a pathetic demon lord, aren't I?… I wish I knew your true emotions towards me but for some reason, that is the only thing in your surface mind that I can't read no matter how hard I try...' Avilia said, getting sadder and sadder as she spoke, something that Moby thought came out of nowhere as it was the first-ever time he heard her have such emotions.

In Moby's head, Avilia had always been the most cheerful, outgoing person that he knew and he had no idea that she was feeling the way she did as it did not even cross his mind. He thought of her as some sort of deity that was above everything but it seemed like she too had proper emotions as well. He should have expected as much, if he was in her position, sealed for thousands if not millions of years away from the people he knew and loved in the mind of a stranger, unable to move, he would have felt the same way if not much, much worse. Moby cared very much for Avilia and was very appreciative of everything that she had done for him and he wanted a way that he could properly express his feelings to so he took his time to think before formulating a response.

'No! That is not true! You are a lot more than a nagging encyclopedia in my head and a source of power! I won't lie to you, sometimes I did use you that way when I needed to know something demon specific and I did sometimes find you annoying when you reserved some information to your self on purpose. But, in the end, I understand that you only did that because you wanted me to use more of my brain and not rely on you for everything which has turned me into a smarter thinker overall. I knew that you were trying your best to train me into becoming a demon lord and I always enjoyed your company. Even though it might be awkward knowing that you are always looming over my shoulder no matter what I do, I could not imagine my life without you and your help. If you were not there for me I would have definitely lost my way and ended up either dead or crazy at this point, even if I still had the system. So, in the end, I am extremely grateful to you.'

'Thank you so much for everything you have done for me thus far and probably in the future, first demon lord Avilia Graymore...'

'Your soul still exists and alive so, there must be a way for me to give you another body for you to live in right? Seems easy enough! I promise that I'll do my best to do that for you! It's the least I could do to pay you back for all that you have done for me!' Moby said to her with a smile.

'I really appreciate the sentiment and kind words, I really do… But, trust me when I say that it's completely impossible to do. I bound my soul to that necklace and it is now in turns bound to you instead. I am now part of you and my only purpose is to pass down my powers before my consciousness completely fades away. This is how the item was designed. No matter what you do there is nothing to change that. At first, it was meant to be for demons who had already gotten an unbelievably immense amount of power which would have allowed me to easily transfer my powers to them in a shorter span of time before fading away. But, in your case, a person who was only a weak human when we first met, it would take a far, far, longer time for me to finish transferring my full power to you,' Avilia explained in a still sad tone.

'Impossible? HAH! I laugh in the face of impossible! You thought that demons could not be blessed by an angel but I proved you wrong! You thought that a sin demon and a draconic demon hybrid was something never before seen and impossible but I proved you wrong! I have already broken the impossible 2 times in the short span of 2 weeks! Plus, like you said, a lot has changed in the time when you were dormant! I am sure I can find a way to give you a proper body before you fade away! Believe it!' Moby said in an overly enthusiastic tone that made Avilia chuckle.

'Hahaha! Yes, that is true! Prove me wrong then little boy! I will be patiently waiting for you to complete your promise!' Avilia said with a chuckle.

'I am sorry about all of that, you caught me in a very rare moment of weakness but I am all better now! I will continue to judge you on your path to becoming demon lord so don't think that I will be going easier on you from now on just because of what happened! Choosing a worthy successor is still my top priority! But, thanks a lot, Mr "I laugh in the face of impossible," your corniness has yet to disappoint and not make me laugh!' Avilia continued with a loud laugh.

'Hey! I was just trying to he…' Moby said before being interrupted.

'Oh, and I didn't forget about your reward for doing well on the exam. I will give you my final evaluation and reward later on today. I was just waiting for the most opportune moment to share it which I feel like is right now before you go back to school. Oh, and by the way, you should really snap back to reality. I think your family members are going to go crazy, especially the redhead who is crying, shaking you really hard and about to dump an entire bucket of ice-cold water on you to wake you up,' Avilia said with a chuckle before fading away.

'Wait what the fuck!' Moby inwardly cursed in surprise before snapping back to the real world as he was too focused on everything else going on with his new ability and Avilia.

"No! Abby! It's okay! I am completely…' Moby yelled out in panic as soon as he snapped back. However, by the time he did, it was already too late as his face got blasted by a bucket of freezing water that got him all wet.

Though, surprisingly, he felt almost no cold at all like he would usually expect when he gets hit by a large bucket of freezing water.

[System Alert! ]

[ New skill unlocked! ]


[ Ice Resistance (Level 1) [Passive] ]

Due to the user's ice ability, they are now more resistant to the cold.

Effects: +40% cold resistance.


'Damn, I really should have expected such a skill, it does make a lot of sense...' Moby thought, looking at the notification before focusing his full attention on the crying Abby in front of him.

"M-my lord! You are okay! I am so happyyyy! I was so worried about you! Your face had stayed completely blank for over 3 minutes and did not move no matter what I did and I got extremely worried! I am sorry about the splash… I just did what I thought was right, I will accept any punishment you see fit!" Abby, said, tears still running down her face which made Moby feel extremely bad.

"I tried to tell her that you were having another one of those long thinking moments of your but she wouldn't listen…" Jayden said with a sigh, making Moby read her emotions only to find out that she too was also worried.

"It's okay Abby! I know you did what you did because you were worried and not out of malicious intent so it's completely fine and even encouraged! Good job Abby! I like the initiative!" Moby said, putting his wet hands on her shoulder with a smile.

"Th-thank you my lord. I do not deserve such praise! I will try my best to continue to meet and exceed your expectations!" Abby answered nervously at first but turning more seriously towards the end.

"Allow me to dry you off my lord, you are completely wet. It's the least I can do," Abby continued, creating heat in her hands before reaching out towards Moby.

"No! Wait! Don't dry me off! I have an idea I want to test!" Moby said with a smile, putting his hands out to motion Abby to stop before trying to control the water on him using his ability.

He focused long and hard, trying his best to do a combination of different hand movements in order to move the water. However, in the end, he made himself look like a fool doing so, making Jayden and Abby look at him in confusion.

'Fuck! Why can't I control the water! This is much harder than I thought! But, I guess they did say that only top experts could do it so I really should have expected as much…' Moby inwardly cursed, struggling to move even a single drop of water from his wet body.

"Ummm… My lord are you okay? Do you need help with something?" Abby asked in confusion.

"If you are constipated and need to take a shit go right ahead, the washroom is down the hall and directly to the right. You should know where it is…" Jayden said in a serious tone, pointing at the door before bursting out into laughter.

"Ha! Ha! Very funny! I am just trying to see if I can move water with my ability but it seems like that is way too advanced for me at the moment," Moby replied to Jayden, giving up on moving the water.

"I'll just try and do this instead then!" Moby said, focusing on the water, trying his best to freeze it.

"Hahaha! It's working! It's working! Look guys it's really-..." Moby celebrated as he saw that the water was slowly turning into ice to the point that it completely froze him in place in a small sheet of ice, making him unable to talk as his teammates stared at him with a blank expression, Abby super worried while Jayden was trying her best to hold back her laughter.

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