
Chapter 134: Purple Ice

134 Purple Ice

However, when she heated her hand about to touch Moby, the ice surrounding him suddenly began to crack before it completely shattered off into many tiny and big chunks and shards.

"Heh, Don't worry about me I am completely fine!" Moby said with a nervous chuckle, making all the shattered pieces of ice float around him with seemingly minimal effort.

"W-wow! That's amazing my lord! When I first received my ability, It took me almost an entire week to even be able to get to use any of it as it was way too hard. And, you are already proficient at it from the start!" Abby exclaimed in surprise.

"First thing's first, you must have been like 5 when you got your ability so it is a much greater age gap so it is natural that I would get the hang of it better than your younger self. And, second, calling me proficient is a very big stretch, even what you see now is very draining on me and requires my full concentration… None of my demon powers were this hard to learn. If anything those came to me very naturally…" Moby said, cold sweat running down his face as he forced himself to keep the ice shards afloat.

"That is true… I did find it very odd that I got the hang of my necromancer powers so quickly with little to no training…" Abby pondered.

"Yes… I agree, even though it was a little harder on me because I needed to better be able to adapt to other people's bodies. But, after a little practice, I got the hang of most of it… Especially after my evolution, it just made things so much easier." Jayden added, also deep in her own thoughts.

'The reason for all of that is because a demon's specialization is easy to pick up on with the basics and they are held back in order to better suit the user's strength. It is pretty much ingrained in your DNA and very being. That is why transforming into a demon greatly helped your demon energy manipulation and uses. That is why demons received such a big, instant power boost to their strength and their skills whenever they evolve. These abilities are very different, it's like you are training your body to use a power that it was not designed or meant to have,' Avilia explained, making Moby thank her with a smile before explaining what Avilia had just told him to the rest of his group.

"Hmmm… I see… That does make a lot of sense actually…" Jayden said, putting her fingers on her chin.

"Ummm… My lord… How long will you keep carrying those ice shards around you…" Abby asked with concern as she noticed Moby's extremely sweaty and tired face.

"It's okay, don't be frustrated, it takes many years for people to get accustomed to their abilities so what you did just now was not that bad. Personally, at the age of 3, it took me only 3 days to finally use my ability for the first time which was extremely fast for my age. However, I never really bothered to get stronger as I thought that if I was ever in trouble, my family would protect me. The only thing I did training wise was a few lessons with my father and butler every week which included the basic uses for my ability and how to properly use a dagger. So, other than that little training that I was forced to do, I lacked any kind of effort to get stronger and improve myself. That was why I was only a D rank when we first met. If I had trained properly and cared about getting stronger, I would have no doubt gotten to at least B-, maybe even B+ rank in strength as I was seen as a shadow ability prodigy. So, anyway, I got a little side-tracked but what I am trying to say is that you are already doing pretty decent compared to a "Prodigy" and it will take time for your ability to fully develop and allow you to tap into your full potential," Jayden explained.

"Hahaha! Well, good thing that you didn't train and stayed relatively weak. Because if not, then I would have still been your pet, under your leash since you would be so much stronger than me. And, we would have not gotten to where we are today!" Moby said with a chuckle.

"Yeah… I guess you're right…" Jayden giggled back.

"Anyways, I need more time to experiment with my ability. So, I'll be heading to your arena for more space and as to not mess up your room," Moby said, heading towards the door of the bedroom.

"I doubt that you could do damage with that ability of yours even if you wanted to. And, even if you could, it would rebuild a split second later anyways," Jayden teased him.

"Yeah, yeah I get it. But, one question, do you have any living thing that I can experiment on?" Moby asked with a serious yet devilish face.

"I don't have any on hand and I don't really want to use any of the servants so the next best option is to order an animal online with the extra 30 million we still have," Jayden proposed.

"Well, I want to save that money for emergency situations and to buy new materials so I can craft us some new sets of armour. If you can buy a huge, ugly, magical beast for cheap then I might consider it," Moby replied.

"Okay then! That's not a problem at all! I am going to go off to search for pet rats or something for you to test on. I'll let you know when I got it! Have fun training at the arena!" Jayden said with a laugh, walking off to her computer.

"My lord, I can always give you a few of my undead, would that suffice?" Abby asked Moby with her usual serious stare.

"I would preferably want something with blood. Maybe if you had something like a vampire summon it would work. But, even if you did I would not use such a valuable vampire summon just for some measly experiment such as this," Moby explained making Abby bow.

"Yes my lord, I understand…" Abby said, looking straight at Moby's face, something she had sometimes been too ashamed or shy to do which made Moby feel a hint of extra happiness.

"Abby, come with me, I need your help if anything goes wrong and as a helper," Moby said to her with a smile, motioning her to follow him as he headed straight for the door once again.

"It would be an honour, my lord! I will not let you down!" Abby said extremely cheerful and full of joy, running behind Moby as he went straight for the empty arena.

After a few minutes of walking across the large hallways of Jayden's mansion, passing by a few servants that were doing their chores greeting a few of them with a simple hello, they finally reached the large blue arena with the Griffith family crest engraved in the middle which was a black raven with a dark, shadowy aura coming out of it in a cryptic yet elegant way.

"Okay! Time to test this shit out. I am almost certain that this will work. But, If it doesn't work then I am completely fucked," Moby said to Abby using his mind link as he began to stretch his body about to begin his training/experimenting.

"Abby, stand right there and watch a master do his job!" Moby said with clear confidence in his voice and a smile on his face.

"Y-yes! Of course my lord! I will be watching very carefully!" Abby said, leaning forward with stars in her eyes and excitement on her face.

Before Moby tested out what he wanted to test out, he still needed to assign the 300 stat points that he gained from completing Avilia's quest. He decided against assigning his stats as soon as he completed the quest in order to see the power boost that he gained from his ability so he could better assign his stat points to his needs depending on what stats he gained from it.


Name: Moby Kane

Race: Draconic Demon Of Sin

Ability: Level 7 Ice

Level: 50

XP to next level 39,400/50,000

Power Level: 19,290

Hp: 188/188

Demon Energy: 529 /529

Mana: 279/529

Demon Energy/Mana regeneration: 353 Energy/Hour

Strength: 471


Endurance: 372

Intelligence: 529

Mind: 100

Available Points to distribute: 0


The first thing that Moby noticed about his stats was that his ice ability was a level 7, something that he still did not know what it exactly meant other than how it is weaker than 8 and stronger than 6. He also noticed that instead of specifying the full ability name as "Heart of Ice", the system only showed it as "Ice". So, it made Moby want to believe that the system was not able to differentiate different variations of the same element or type of ability and only put them under one name. This confirmed to him that the ability shown on a person's stat sheet was not 100% exact and was more of a general description of the ability's overall skill set and other things of the such.

As for his stat distribution, Moby ended up spending 60 points in strength, 100 points in agility, 60 points in endurance, and 80 points in intelligence bringing his power level all the way up to a mouth-watering 19,290 even without any gear to speak of. He managed to boost his power-level up by almost 8000 in the span of only 1 night, something that he had never expected to happen when he first decided to go with Jayden to visit her family. He was confident that he could have defeated Damian with little to no difficulty with the amount of power he gained as he felt on top of the entire world when the rush of energy just rushed throughout his body.

Agility was still a top priority for him even with his new ability as it was the perfect fit for his fighting style. From what he had seen and heard, ice was a very defensive ability. However, Moby planned to use it very offensively and slightly defensively at the same time by using it with his own style of fast and unpredictable movements meaning that endurance was still the least of his priorities compared to strength.

However, what did suddenly become more important in his eyes was the intelligence stat. Now, instead of it only being used for demon energy, it was now also used for mana as well. By raising his intelligence, he was raising 2 very important stats making it worth almost twice as much as before if not more.

His energy reserves had pretty much doubled which would in theory allow him to last longer and spam more of his moves. However, in his current state, using mana would only slow him down in battle as he was still not used to it at all which was exactly what he planned to train for right now.

Moby closed his eyes and focused long and hard trying to visualize a large shard of ice being formed in a dark void. He visualized the ice crystals slowly expanding from the edges until it finally reached Moby's desired shape. Then, he imagined his demon energy slowly enveloping all of it as it raged on until it combined with the ice giving it a dark purple colour and aura surrounding it.

This was what Moby wanted to test out. If his ice was purple unlike how his ability was supposed to be, nobody would suspect him of buying it off the black market and classify it instead as part of his own ability with little to no suspicion. However, if it was the same colour of blue ice like the original ability, then it would have been extremely suspicious and would have warranted a large investigation that Moby definitely did not want to deal with.

So, if his technique worked, then he would not have anything to worry about. However, if it was not the case and it failed, then he would be forced to hide it like his "Sin Mode" and would have to only use it when he really needs to which he might do anyway as to keep the element of surprise on his enemies.

It was now the moment of truth, although Moby was confident that it would work he was still not completely sure. So, Moby opened his eyes to see if his visualization worked…

"Damn… That's ah… A lot smaller than the one in my head but at least it's purple like I wanted…" Moby thought, trying his best to stay positive and excited about an ice shard that was barely even the size of a toothpick.

"WOOOWWW! You did amazing my lord! Purple Ice! As expected of the great Moby Kane, future king of all demons!" Abby said with even bigger stars in her eyes, staring at the purple tooth pick-like ice shard floating in the air 1 meter above Moby's head.

'But it's just a small toothpick… there is nothing impressive about it…' Moby thought in confusion, looking at Abby's clearly exited figure in the distance.

Then, suddenly, Moby felt a huge sneeze coming his way, something that had started to happen much less often ever since he became a demon.

'Shit, there still must be some water or ice in my nostrils or something…'

"Ha… Ha… AHCHOO!" Moby sneezed out loud making a small beam of pure demon energy emerge out of the small ice shard, hitting the side of the arena with little force that caused virtually 0 damage, making Moby so shocked that his mouth almost dropped on the ground and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"Curse you my lord!" Abby said in response to Moby's sneeze as she had learned the hard way what would happen if she said it the other way.

"And, what was that? You shot out an energy blast out of your ice shard! Truly a mind a cut above the rest! I don't think anyone else could have come up with such a technique! Truly genius! As expected of my one and only lord!" Abby said in excitement, clenching her fists together, fighting the urge to start jumping up and down like a child.

'H-huh… What the fuck did I just do…' Moby thought in absolute astonishment.

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