
Chapter 863 Glorious Sunshine Part 17


Once they arrived at the set, Sumire immediately left his side and greeted the ones in charge. This isn't the first time he is observing her work, but each time he does he ends up very surprised. The blushing and raging girl from a few minutes ago has transformed into a completely different woman. She seems a lot more mature. Now that he thought about it, Sumire is very good at acting. She is good at transforming into different characters, at playing a role. If she wasn't such a good singer, she would make a fantastic actress. 

The ability to truly become the character, the role one has to play isn't an ability granted to everyone. Seldom anyone can do this. Not even the most talented actresses can fully immerse themselves in the role, and even those who do have limitations. Limitations that involve mental damage. There are some actors and actresses that get so in to the zone, that they can no longer distinguish between themselves and the character.

Sumire doesn't have that limitation. She can immerse herself in the role and climb back out of it, in just a second. She is truly amazing, a rare talent that appears only once every decade. 

Sumire finished the greetings and was walking back to Narasaki who was holding a script.

"Geh. Do I really have to say this?"

"If I don't prepare a script for you, you'll run your mouth and say something stupid."

"Hey!!! I'm not stupid."

"Yes yes, miss high IQ."

Sumire pouted. "You always insult me Hino."

"It's not an insult, don't you tell Yuhi all the time that your cute, silly and adorable and that's why he should pamper you more."

"She really says that? Off. Are you really the Princess?" Senbi smirked.

"Of course I am! It's all a trap you see. I need to act cute and silly, so my dearest can attack me."

Masato sighed deeply. "Should you really be talking about that so casually?"

Mikaze laughed. "Sumire-chan has always been very smart."

"Right? Right! Mikaze-kun understands. The rest of you are just bullies."

When Sumire was greeting the director she truly looked like a mature woman. But, now that she is with her friends, there is a childish air around her.

Sumire must have caught him staring, since her cheeks tinted red and he smirked. After staring for a few minutes Sumire walked over to him, and he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Is something wrong beautiful?"

"You know what's wrong!" Sumire said accusingly. "S-stop staring at me like that. What if someone notices?"

"Staring at you like-"

"Like your about to devour me." Sumire's face reddened more. "D-don't make me say it."

Toh chuckled and cupped her face. "I don't want to lie to myself. Don't you hate lies beautiful?"

"I do, but sometimes it's necessary." Sumire paused. "I don't detect anyone hostile. But, the entertainment industry is built on lies. Nobody is going to say something negative to me know, because it would risk impacting the program."

Toh caressed her back and a content sigh escaped her lips as she leaned forward into his embrace. 

"Do you need anything else beautiful? Maybe a kiss will get rid of your nerves."

"If you hugging me like this is causing stares. What do you think a kiss will do?"I think you should take a look at

Indeed, Toh could sense people looking their way. But, it didn't matter to him. All that mattered was Sumire.

"It'll make you feel better." Toh concluded.

"Pass." Sumire trailed off. "Is it really okay for you to be here? Aren't you busy?"

"It's alright, I've cleared my schedule for awhile."

Sumire sighed deeply. "You don't have to do that for me. I'll be fine, and with Nao here. It's the same as having a thousand guards."

"Still, I'd hate to compromise your safety. I know you don't like me being overprotective. But these safety measures are for your own good."

"I know, and I don't mind too much because well even if I can keep myself safe. Keeping myself and three kids safe is another story."

That's exactly what he is worried about, that his fellow black alice organisation members will resort to attacking the kids knowing they wouldn't be able to beat Sumire. 

"If you stay wrapped in my arms, you'll be very safe."

Sumire rolled her eyes and laughed. "You really have become a huge flirt. Wait for me until I'm done okay? I really want to walk back together."

Toh nodded and watched as she walked over to the stage where the members of nanirofeather, and the host were already behind their podiums.

As the program began, Toh kept an eye out on their surroundings. There doesn't seem to be anything odd. However, recently he has been overhearing conversations in the company. Conversations regarding Sumire. Some people are becoming impatient, and instead of waiting for Lucifer's orders they are taking matters into their own hand.

Not good, it's too dangerous for Sumire to be alone. No matter how strong she is, there is still a high risk. There doesn't seem to be anybody hostile in today's set. Then again, his gaze fell towards Sumire. She is doing better than usual.

In an instant she has drawn everyone towards her, the members on stage with her, the cameraman, the staff. She has a strange magnetism that keeps their eyes fastened on her. Having charisma like this is more important than having skills. The ability to naturally draw people towards you without any effort.

Contrary to what others say, Ibuki Sumire is truly born to be an idol. Born to be in this industry.

Toh already knew from the moment he stepped into the room who it was. A deep sigh escaped his lips. "What on earth are you doing here boss?"

"Hm? I thought it would be a good opportunity to observe my wife work."

Toh frowned. "You're not married."

Lucifer chuckled. "She has my mark. She will be my wife one day."

'That confidence is irritating. Then again even before I knew the wife Lucifer was talking about was Sumire.

"It seems she has been drinking your blood."

"Do you have an issue with that? She needs to feed. If I don't do it, she'll go crazy due to the blood lust."

Lucifer nodded. "I am aware and while seeing her lose control of herself is entertaining. We don't understand her powers very well. It's better to be careful."

"Are you actually worried?"

"Not at all." Lucifer trailed off. "In fact, I think it will be quite interesting to see her behaviour when provoked."


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