
Chapter 864 Glorious Sunshine Part 18


Before Toh could say anything to that, the doors opened revealing caramel coloured hair wearing a lilac coloured cloak. Toh's eyes widened seeing him. He looked towards Lucifer furiously and the man simply chuckled.

"Lucifer, why did you-" Jian Hiriji barely got any words out when a large spear cracked the wall beside them. The owner of that spear being none other than Senbi Nao.

Toh was expecting people to start screaming, since it isn't normal to be carrying weapons around. But, everyone is probably more shocked and curious if anything.

"Nao stop!!!" Sumire exclaimed as she rushed over.

"Like hell this guy is the reason you had to suffer. Because of him you lost everything. As long as he is alive you won't find peace." Nao yelled.

 What blood lust. Senbi was seriously trying to kill Jian just now. As a psychologist he is more intune to others emotions, and that's why he can tell. There is anger but mixed with a pain so deep. He is broken. 

Alto and Senna tried to hold Senbi back but it was futile. They were clearly struggling. 

"Tsk." Hino cursed and rushed over as he held Senbi back,

"Let me go damn it! Let me go! He is the one person I can't forgive. He-"

Sumire grabbed hold of Senbi's wrist. "Nao." Sumire said standing in front of him. "Please stop. It's okay. I'm fine, look at me."

Despite the hazard gaze in Senbi's eyes, something flashed in his eyes when he looked at Sumire.

"See? I'm not hurt you big dummy." Sumire laughed. "I'm truly okay Nao. If you keep this up, you'll get hurt and that would hurt me too."

"P-princess." Nao mumbled.

"Mm. Let's go."

Sumire turned to Jian Hiriji with a pained gaze but simply bowed as she led Senbi away. Narasaki alongside Alto Mikaze and Senna Masato were doing their best to distract the director and staff members. 

Lucifer chuckled. "I see, so that's how things are with you three."

Jian Hiriji sighed deeply. "I wondered why you arranged to meet me here. Sumire is sensible. Even if she resents me, she won't act on her emotion here. On the other hand Nao? Nao doesn't care about his reputation. He only became an idol so he could protect her." He trailed off. "Nao finding out I was the one who killed Sumire's 

Toh glanced at the comotion. The staff members and the director were proving to be very difficult to persuade.

In the end a purple glow surrounded Narasaki and everyone in the room fell asleep. One by one Narasaki placed his hand on their foreheads, erasing their memories.

"Every single person involved with that girl is troublesome." Hino cursed.

"Do you need help?" Toh offered. He can't erase memories but he does have mind related powers. He can manipulate thoughts and events if he gets into a person's mind.

"It's fine, I can do this much." Hino harshly turned to Lucifer. "I hope your little experiment was fun. You're lucky that wasn't live. Sumire doesn't need any of this shit right now."

Lucifer chuckled. "If she cannot handle this much, she will never be the Queen." He trailed off. "But it does seem I went too far, I shall choose a better location next time." With those words said Lucifer walked away.

Toh could only curse. Damn him, what on earth was all that far? He is the one who has to pick up the pieces. 

Jian turned to leave but not before briefly sparing a glance at Alto and Senna who were observing him silently. They didn't look as hostile as Senbi did, but there was clearly friction there. 

"Can you check on her? She'll be stubborn and keep up a facade in front of the others. But, she is probably hurting." I think you should take a look at

'Jian still seems to care for her. Then why did he betray her?'

Toh simply nodded and walked in the direction that she came from. It didn't take long before her, a small bundle crouched into a ball shape beside the fountain. Even when he was standing in front of her, Sumire didn't budge or sense his presence. He grabbed hold of her wrist and pulled her up. 

Hazard and clouded eyes. 'Probably hurting.' is an understatement. Seeing Jian Hiriji must have caused more damage. But Sumire being Sumire focused on Senbi Nao's pain over her own.

It only makes sense. Jian Hijiri was the one who killed Sumire's parents. Lucifer simply set the fire and chased after Sumire in the forest. When he learned these details, he wanted nothing more than to send Sumire a warning. But knew how dangerous contacting her would be, so he resorted to telling Mamoru instead.

'When Sumire leaves to find Yuhi, Hiriji will strike then.'

When he saw that message, Toh felt relieved that she wouldn't have to witness her cousin betraying her in person. But, he also found it odd. Why is Jian Hiriji being so considerate of her? There is no need for him to do that. There must be something he is missing. Jian doesn't seem to be the traitor type. Moreover he stayed by Sumire's side all those years despite killing her parents, and he hasn't harmed her once when he could have.

If Jian simply wanted to end the blood line then, he should have killed Sumire. He's had many opportunities to do so, but he kept her alive.

He can ponder about that later, for now. His gaze fell on Sumire. She can't stay like this. Toh thinks for a moment before cupping her face, and pressing his lips against hers. Kissing Ibuki Sumire has always been one of his favourite things to do. At least ever since he first kissed her. 

It was the main reason why he was so patient with her. They didn't have to do it. As long as he could kiss her it was more than enough. Perhaps Nagawa Sano shared that thought too. Sumire can really kiss.

Kissing this woman makes him feel emotions that he would normally hide. It feels like his body is on fire. Toh deepened the kiss, making sure to intertwined their tongues as much as he could. 

Gods, she tasted so good. Sensing movement, Toh opened his eyes to see Sumire's red stained face as he stopped kissing her.

"I could kiss you forever." Toh mumbled against her lips.

"T-that would be a problem--I-I'm fine now Toh." Sumire said as she backed away.

"Are you sure?" Nao asked.

"I-I am. I'm more worried about Nao."

"What happened to him?"

"I'll check on him later. I had to knock him out. I called Siena over, and she dragged him away."

"I see." He cupped her cheeks and Sumire averted her gaze. "You don't want to look at me?"

"I never said that, you're nice to look at."

His lips curved to a smile hearing her mumbling. "Is that so?"


Toh chuckled and draped his cloak around her. "The temperature is colder today, wear that."

"Thank you Toh. I-I can't exactly talk about the issue with Hiriji. But just knowing that you'll have my back is reassuring."

"Of course beautiful." Toh kissed her forehead softly. "I'll always be here."

Even when Terashima returns, he will always have her back.


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