
Chapter 447: The thirteen steps of the supremacy stairway (1)

The moment he took that step a thunderous rumble echoes inside Azief mind. He felt shaken and as his feet left the first step he felt there is something sheared out of him

Like an invisible blade cut him and cut one part of himself. He felt energy coming out of him like it leaked

His body was a dam of energy and suddenly it broke unleashing terrifying energy

He climbed the second steps and he almost fall unconscious on the large second step.

He is panting and breathing laboriously as he tries to get up. He is sweating buckets and he felt like a part of his energy was cut out of him would never return.

It is a terrifying feeling

And that is not all that happened to him. After he took the first step, there is a diamond like symbol with an eye-like dot in the middle of that diamond on his right palm.

‘What the hell!’ he thought to himself as he slowly gets up on the second step. He felt like he just survives a life and death crisis.

Then he looks behind him and he was shocked.

Looking at the step behind him a sight that shocked him to the core appeared.

Azul statue on the first step is glowing and worldly energy is emanating out of him and there sitting cross legged on the first step is none other than himself.

Or to be more accurate a clone of himself. He looks closer and then he shakes his head.

Not a clone of himself. He then thinks for a few seconds. Then he opens his status window but all he could see was blurry lines and the words could not be read.

His eyes narrowed. He knows that the status window would disappear sooner or later.

He is slowly approaching the boundary of levels that the World Orb had implemented on humanity.

He then looks back and then as he closes his eyes and seek deep inside himself he then opens his eyes. His eye shines with understanding. He finally understand.

He felt like one of the energies in his body is no longer there. And then he immediately knows what kind of clone this is.

It is not a clone. It is a Law Body.

And the Law Body that is sitting on the first step of the thirteen steps is formed from his First Disk, the Worldly energy.

His Law Body is closing his eyes; his body is swirling with worldly energy.

The steps seem to sprout with life and planets below the steps is slowly breathing like it found a way to breath as the worldly energy in his Law Body exhale.

When he inhales the portion of life around this place responded giving him more energy. But that was not the only thing he could feel. He could feel the Tree fill with Seeds inside his Inner Universe is slowly blooming.

Nine Seeds that could be cultivated into Laws also bloom. The energy turns into Laws and the Seed blooms to create Laws.

All the nine Seed he sow are all ethereal concept while the Laws form from his energy is more solid. It is backed by existing energy.

But for the Tree of Life, with nine seeds that is about to bloom each one of them is the kind of seed formed from Azief own understanding of that concept.

It is not necessary the right interpretation for each seed yet it is true for him. The energy would supplement the Seed. At least that is how it should be.

But the Supremacy Stairway is a stairway used to bring out the whole potential of a person so that they might have a chance to become a Great Supremacy, or True Divinity and others great figure of the Universe.

They refine the Energy, turning it into Laws, they shower the Seeds to turn it into Laws. This is the blessing of the Supreme Stairway.

But whether that blessing could be bestowed, one had to keep walking until the end.

He could the Worldly energy slowly entering the Tree of Life inside his Inner Universe, showering the Nine Seeds.

Death aura rises up from his Inner Universe, tempered with the Life aura. Those that died experience rebirth as Time went crazy and Darkness fills the world.

The Elements were torn into chaos and Destruction reign supreme while the elusive concept of Destiny and Fate lurks in the background.

In that one moment, all Nine Seed that turned into the Tree of Life appears in his Inner Universe, like declaring that it is time now for their turn to become Laws.

All it takes one steps and he could feel a qualitative change in his body. It took him a few moments for him to recollect himself.

Azief then took a deep breath and look beneath his feet. He intent to take the step and then he laughs faintly.

‘It acted with my intention., I don’t move and this stair won’t move’ he thought to himself.

The moment he wanted to raise his feet and climb the next step, Azief once again felt that latching force on his feet.

It is like the feeling of being sucked into an endless dark abyss.

There is no doubt in his mind right now that the moment he takes another step, another Disk from him would be shed apart and another Law Body would appear in this step

He is trying to calm himself down but his heart was raging like a storm. He looks at his right palm and notice the mark.

And he frowned even more. It looks like a sealing mark.

‘Sealing my energy?’ he thought. He looks at the three thousand rips far away from him and for some reason he felt a premonition about them.

And this premonition is not something good.

He then looks at the steps in front of him. Thirteen steps for thirteen Laws. Which means each time he walks the steps one part of himself would be cut from him.

He has thirteen energies which means thirteen law body would appear in this stairs.

But if he walks until the end, shedding a part of himself with each step would he pass the trials? Or will there be more?

But he also notices that the nine Seed that was used to form the Death Source is also separating from the Death Source, to bloom as Laws by itself.

Death Source is rarely used by Death Monarch

That is what most people of Earth thought.

Truth is, he used it at every moment of his battle.

There is a reason why his punch and kick is so powerful and terrifying. There is a reason why not many survive his strike and there is a reason that he rarely got injured in a fight

As he walks forward he would grow weaker.

And then he understood something else as he smirks bitterly. To walk from below with everything, the world could offer but to walk the last step with nothing.

Is it another application of this Emptiness concept that this stairway seems to signal? Or is he thinking too much about it?

He slowly felt that the statue in each of the step is not just mere statue. He saw how Azul statue changed the moment his law Body appeared.

The glowing of the statue and the energy it emitted made Azief think.

Looking behind him he could still see the glowing statue that seems to watch over his Law Body and providing it with energy.

And he could still feel the latching force beneath his feet.

Now that he knows what would happen he pays much more attention to the energy in his body. He could feel like there is a small thread that have wrapped itself up with his Universal Disk

He looks on the other end of this step and he could see another statue.

This statue is siting cross legged and it depicts a bald person of godly appearance, pleasing to the eyes countenance.

One of his finger pointed above and one of his other finger pointed to the ground. His face seems to be handsome and the aura around him is desolate and full of despair.

Behind him there seems to be a halo of black light. It appears like he was the only existence in all of the Universe and that is the reason of why the despair could be felt so vividly

If Azief didn’t know any better the statue looks like the statue of monks in his world.

Azief calms himself down and after a few seconds, he took a deep breath and tries to take the third steps.

Now that he takes the second step, suddenly he felt like his entire body is being immersed in an endless abyss.

This feeling of suffocation and fear almost paralyzed him from taking another single step.

A powerful divine Will surge through the door and bombarded his mind. The voice was loud and domineering and could incite fear.

It was at this time a new diamond pattern slowly about to appear in his left palm. And then the screams nearly split his mind into two.



The word shouted itself into his mind. They echoed endlessly in his mind and it felt like a million of people were roaring at him

He felt his body slowly being torn apart like he is being ripped apart by some primeval beast. That Will is domineering and powerful but Azief did not intend to back down at all.

Even though he felt that his body is cracking he push down through all the pressure and climbed the third step.

This time he almost fainted on the third step as he felt that pulling and cutting sensation once again. This time he felt it even more vividly.

He felt the Universal energy leaving him, and the energy leaked out from his body. As he lies down on the third step he turns his face to look at the second step.

And he laughs.


Next part tomorrow

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