
Chapter 448: The thirteen steps of the supremacy stairway (2)

It was then that the statue of the monk-like being glow with golden colors that pierced the darkness of space and changes the particles of Death and Destruction all around this Universe.

The aura around the statue changes. If before it was full of desolateness and despair, now it seems to contains infinite life and infinite light.

Hymn song seems to echoes through all of the Universe and the sound of people chanting Sutra-like song could be heard echoing from the deepest darkness as it pushes away the Darkness and bright Light, Life and Love.

A Divine Mountain appeared above the stairway, coming out from the Void of darkness, emanating boundless life and light that brings life and release souls from the suffering of Karma.

Now, the statue no longer look like an unmoving object.

It looks like the statue was imbued life and the statue now move and sit in a cross legged position with the statue fingers making mudras with its fingers.

Azief could see even in his current situation that the black halo behind that statue turns golden and it seems to turn into a holy halo that seems to elevate this statue into a higher existence.

This is Will. The Will of the former people that used to walk these steps. Each step has these statues not to fight the people who walk these steps, but to help him to keep walking.

Any sound seems to be erased as only peacefulness and quietude existed when that light shines itself over the Universe.

That is why Azief could suddenly have this revelation.

Then suddenly the statue burst into fire but the fire could not harm the statue as it did not even leave a scratch.

Instead it refines the statue as it emits Universal energy and seems to fused itself with Azief law Body of Universal Energy.

A wheel of concept appears behind the statue with eight spoke in the large wheel. It seems to contain holiness and divine presence.

It looks like these Wheel created Eight Path that glitters with stars coming from the Divine Mountain above the stairway to the statue in the second step

The fire turns to fireflies that morph into blues hues of motes of light that seems to scatter like flower scattering in the fall.

Azief pay attention to these motes of light since he could feel the energy contains in each motes of light

When he scans it with his divine sense he could sense that the light does not really scatter. instead it fuses with everything

A concept of Oneness

Auspicious signs appeared in the nebula above the stairway. Golden Lotuses floats from the Divine Mountain and reach the second steps and that Lotuses floats around Azief Law body.

Azief sighed. He now could understand what it means to walk all thirteen steps of the real Supremacy Stairway.

To cultivate the Law Body, to bloom Seeds into Laws. He could walk until the end or he could give up now and fuse with only two laws body.

In the end he had to decide that for himself. Bu for him there was never any other choice.

He refuses to believe that this is his limit. His defiant Heart beats furiously and he closes his eyes and he instantly knew what he wants.

He is not giving up

But he let his eyes closed. He is trying to rest. He lay there while both of his Law Body keep sitting cross legged absorbing all the essence necessary to form Laws.

It felt like a year before Azief opens back his eyes. By now that feeling of listlessness and tiredness have disappeared.

He slowly gets up from his lying position.

The moment he stands up he wanted to climb the next stairs. His intention did not escape the Stairway as he could feel that latching force.

Like it could read his heart, it appeared

He now felt it even more clearly that something is wrapping up against his Disk. Slowly the binding on his Disk become even more powerful and painful.

It felt like they will pull the Disk the moment he takes the next step.

He winced but he also smirks. The pain, like always would be unbearable. But this is also a huge opportunity for him.

It is thankful that he has such powerful physique. If not, he would already be dead. He looked up at the stairs with eyes were filled with determination

His eyes shines brightly

If you think this will make me give up, then you give me too little credit’

The moment he lifted his foot to step onto the third step, the entire stairway rumbles and that shout once again echoes in his ear.

But this time Azief was not shaken by those roars anymore.

His Will did not even yield to the Heavens, so how could he just back down because some powerful people roars at him

His eyes seem to be shining with a powerful will.

Thunder seems to crackle in him, the trace of tribulation lightning that has fused with him surged out and a thunderous roars of lightning seems to pierce those roaring Will of the stairway

This time his Will pushed back the Will of those roaring inside his mind. His Willform nearly come out but was pushed back down by the Laws of the Supremacy Stairway.

And he stepped onto the fourth steps.

The planets and stars trembled and the giant stairs trembled even more. This time another diamond mark appeared on him.

This time it is on his right arm and it created a vein like patterns that is slowly spreading all over his arms like it is something alive

He felt that another part of him being cut and something is being taken away from him again but this time he refuses to bow down to his weakness.

He forced himself to stand and while the energy in his body is slowly depleting, now, standing there on the third step of this stairway that was built by many of the greatest and most powerful being in the Universe, he looks like a celestial god, his fluttering hair gave him a sense of elegance.

He looks from the fourth step looking down at the third step and saw his Law Body.

This Law Body is different than the rest.

His entire body seems to be tattooed with ancient rune and the energy he emitted was also different as it darkens the moon and bring an eternal coldness to the stair of the third step.

On the edge of the third step is another statue. This statue does not resemble human being at all.

But this statue must also be the state of some powerful Supreme Being.

This statue is a statue of tentacle like webbed creature.

It had small eyes, the end of the tentacles is filled with spikes and saw-like teeth on the end of its suckers and an antenna-like thing on the middle part of its head.

Azief could not see the statue before because he was unconscious for a while on the third step. But now he is on the fourth steps he could see the statue and he was shocked to see that the statue seems to emanate the same type of energy like of the ancient Runic energy

The more Azief progress on this stairway the more he understands about this stairway. Looking at these statues Azief doubt they possessed the same energy like he did.

Then the only explanation is that the statue adjusts the energy they emanated according to the energy of those who walk these steps.

He just walks until the fourth steps but the more he walks these steps the more he felt tired. He wanted to sleep and he wanted to quickly went out from this stairway.

He knows that this feeling is one of the byproduct of this stairway trying to affect his Will.

But that doesn’t mean it is not true. He is tired. Both mentally and physically.

His energy is being ripped out of him with every steps. No one could understand how painful that is until they truly feel it

He sighed.

He knew he only had nine steps more to trek.

And he is determined to walk it until the end.

He wants to know what is waiting for him at the end.

Would he get teleported back to Earth? Or will he know something more about the secrets of the Universe.


He will walk five hundred miles and he will walk five hundred more. Da da da da da da (Do anybody got this reference?)

Anyway, Azief is slwoly walking to the end. But it will not be easy. And you will understand why later

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