
Chapter 1545 That Thing That Hides In The Dark

However, unlike the majority, Will saw the issue through a different lens, one that didn't magnify its significance.

Azief perplexity deepened as he listened to Will's laughter. "You don't think it's a problem?" he questioned.

With a shake of his head, Will replied, his voice laced with a touch of amusement, ""it is the Republic problem" Azief snorted in response, his disagreement apparent.

"It is now the world problem"

To him, it had become a concern that held global ramifications. 

However, Will perspective see it as a more localized predicament, confined within the confines of the Republic's affairs.

The bond between Azief and Will was strong, allowing them to challenge each other's perspectives 

Not many people dare disagree with Death Monarch when they are in one-on-one setting with him.

Will's disagreement with Azief perspective remained steadfast, his head shaking gently in dissent. 

Sensing the need for a change of atmosphere, he suggested, "We need to have a drink if we're going to discuss this."

As he muttered those words, a surge of lightning crackled in the air, almost instantaneously manifesting two glass cups on the table. 

Accompanying them was a pot of coffee and a bottle of wine, materializing seemingly out of thin air. 

The sudden appearance of the items shows Will ability to manipulate space and time, his movements too swift for ordinary eyes to perceive.

Indeed, in this world, few possessed the perceptiveness necessary to keep pace with Will's remarkable speed. 

His abilities transcended conventional boundaries, allowing him to traverse dimensions and manipulate the very fabric of reality. 

The ambiance in the room shifted as the coffee and wine stood ready for their consumption. 

But in this world how many people could really see and keep up with Will speed. 

The air crackled with the ethereal dance of electric arcs, yet there was no sense of danger or surprise that registered in Azief expression. 

He only sighed

he had grown accustomed to such displays, embracing the extraordinary as if it were mundane.

The mesmerizing sparks slithered gracefully along the walls and floor

But Azief remained unfazed

The room itself remained untouched by the lightning's transient touch

Azief chuckles a bit, his chuckle resonated through the room as he observed the choice of beverages before him. "Wine? At this hour?" he quipped; his amusement evident. 

In response, Will's laughter intertwined with his own words, playfully retorting, "Coffee? At this hour?"

Their light hearted banter filled the space

Azief laughter echoed, mingling with the sound of Will's amusement. 

The wine, chosen for Will, symbolized relaxation and indulgence. Its presence reflected Will's penchant for embracing the finer pleasures of life, revelling in the joys that could be found even at unconventional hours. 

Like now. Just right after the war. 

On the other hand, the coffee, designated for Azief, represented his unwavering devotion to his favourite caffeinated elixir. 

It served as a testament to his enduring passion, an obsession really. 

Within Azief inner circle, the understanding of his deep affinity for coffee had become commonplace knowledge. 

Azief got up from his chair and move to the guest table and sit across Will. 

Will pour him the coffee and before Azief could return the gesture, Azief could already see that the cup is full of wine. 

Will take a sip of his wine and Azief take a sip of his coffee, leisurely and without rushing. And then amidst this peaceful silene, Will said

"since when do you care that much about the world problem? As long as you are here, as long as you sit in that highest seat, even the most troublesome problem could be easily solved" Azief halted his cup of coffee that he was about to put down. He sighed and put down the cup of coffee and he spoke

"It is before"

" What is different now?" Will ask

"I am going into seclusion" Will listen to this answer. He ponders and then he nodded

" A thousand years plan , a thousand schemes…in the end, the people of that era has to choose it for themselves. Do your best and whatever happens next…just accept it" Azief chuckles at this

"what a carefree thought" Azief said, a wry smile on the edge of his mouth

"I am not you. And maybe that is a good thing" And Will laughed

Azief also smiles a bit. 

They drinks and share stories about what they were doing now, what adventure that they have encountered, who they see, their problems and their happiness. 

And there was one news that made Will smiles

"That is how you do it" Will said, his face is full of smile while he was chuckling and punching Azief shoulder

His laughter fills the study room and dissipates all the tense atmosphere in the room

One laugh and it seems to brighten the room. Even Azief who rarely smiles and laugh, now smiles a bit and laugh a little

Will was not surprised that Azief is currently dating Katarina. Finally, he said. Will has nothing against Sofia, but to him, Katarina suits his sworn brother more. 

Of course, he knows how much love Azief has for Sofia. But unlike him, Azief was never a man that knows quite right how to explain his feelings.

He could speak the words, but sometimes he could not show it. It is not that he did not know how. 

It's hard for him to show it. Azief is not such a tragic child that he never felt love. And he is not a person starved for love. 

Before the Fall, he was disappointed many times. And after a while…..he simply grows accustomed to disappointment 

And so, he expects nothing and a certain coldness radiates from him. Warmth is not easily found from him. But he does have it. 

He also has a certain coldness that shiver people heart. 

He could be sincere to you, if you are sincere to him. He would fight the world for you, if he loves you. 

But once you betray him, once you disappoint him, he would be as cold as the winter wind. This ability to cut someone so cleanly chills people heart, the ability to turns his face as fast as lightning

The coldness he could emanate could be felt right in the soul. Will did not mean ill will for Sofia, but their relationship is sometimes very complicated. 

Katarina is calm, easy, peaceful. 

But…if there is one thing Will knows about love is that it is never easily predicted. 

Especially if that love story is about the strongest person in the world. And because that person is Azief. 

"It will be complicated" he thought to himself. 

He only sighed at this and congratulate Azief. 

As for Will, even though he did not say it, he still felt a little bit sting by Erika. He understood why she rejected him but that does not mean he is alright about it.

His love story is probably even more complicated than Azief love story. 

He remembers a fragment of  a different timeline, a timeline where he and Erika are not just a pair of lovers but husband and wife. 

But in this timeline, they avoided each other. Maybe because they were both afraid that they would feel the same pain again. 

Maybe, both of them accepted it because they did not want to make the same mistake again. 

"Though, time would tell. Fate and Destiny after all are a very powerful force" he thought to himself. 

Though without the distraction of love, he had been focusing on learning about Savi'krian race history and learning more about the powers and abilities of Speedsters. 

Will talks and laugh with Azief but then he stopped for a moment

"I forgot about something" He said as he brought something out from his bag of holdings. He throws is to Azief and Azief grab it with his hand. He looks at the things in his hand. 

It is an obsidian-like thing shaped like an USB pen drive.

"what's this?"

"That is something I got from my source"

"Your source?"

"Don't ask. I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy" Azief simply nodded.

"What's in it?"

"Remember what you said that there might be a traitor inside the world council that aids the enemies of the world power?' Azief nodded

"Well, one person became my interest"

"Someone I know"

Will shook his head

"He is very mysterious. Some people called him a….what is it again?" Will rack up his brain. 

He actually possess great memories but after putting so many Savi'krian race methods in his mind, his mind sometimes takes time to remember some other memories. 

"Ah, I remember. A rat" Will exclaimed.

Azief raises his eyebrows. 

He just snorted and chuckles.

"A rat, huh?"

And then he laughed

Beyond the walls of that study room, the world remained oblivious to the calmness of the world leaders

They could probably not expect the sight of Death Monarch Azief indulging in moments of relaxation. 

he had initiated a war against the formidable Crime Alliance, and the aftermath of his intense battle with the Kaiju had left the Turbulent Sea in chaos and disarray.

  The magnitude of the disaster had left the world grappling with the consequences.

Yet, there he was, savouring the taste of his beloved coffee, engaged in light-hearted conversation with his old friends the Speedsters.

  For Azief, this was his way of decompressing after the chaos of war. 

Amidst the weight of his responsibilities and the immense power he wielded, these moments of tranquillity served as a brief respite, a way to find solace and rejuvenate his spirit.

However, even as Azief relished in these cherished moments, the world outside the study room was undergoing a different transformation. 

The aftermath of the battle he had waged was just beginning to unfold. 

The repercussions of his actions and the impact of the war on the global stage would soon become evident.

The echoes of war would ripple through nations, reshaping alliances, and redrawing power dynamics. 

And it already has begun, the other six world powers is now plotting new schemes. The faction and forces of the world recalibrate their positions and alignment. 

A power vacuum is now present in the criminal underworld. 

The world would be forced to grapple with the aftermath of destruction, while leaders and citizens alike would try to survive the ramifications of Azief recent engagements.

In the midst of these swirling consequences, the world remained unaware of the dark forces in the world that is beginning to gather and hide, plotting and scheming, waiting for the day to come out again


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