
Chapter 1546 Alexei

The cataclysmic aftermath of the war between Death Monarch Azief and the Crime Alliance had left a profound impact, leading to a cascading series of moves and counter-moves from factions across the globe.

In this critical moment of uncertainty, every faction sought to safeguard their interests and ensure their survival. 

The power dynamics were shifting, and the trend was evident to all—the Seven World powers were taking center stage in the global arena. 

The quest for control and dominance was palpable, with each faction vying for a prominent position in the emerging landscape.

The world had become a chessboard, where strategic moves were being made with utmost precision and caution. 

No one wanted to be left behind or entangled in the intricate web of power plays. The stakes were high, and the future was unpredictable.

In this era of uncertainty, each force endeavoured to prepare themselves for the challenges ahead. 

Every faction sought to identify their role in the changing world order, seeking a path to secure their position in the face of this ever-shifting landscape.

Every move, every decision, carried weighty implications as the world held its breath, waiting to see how the new balance of power would ultimately take shape.


A week had passed since the tumultuous end of the war. 

In the aftermath, schemes and plots of all the factions of the world is being recalibrated as the Crime Alliance and the Pirates were dealt a crippling blow.

  Forced to retreat into the shadows, the criminal underworld was once again forced to cloak their operations in secrecy. 

Even if Death Monarch enter seclusion, these organizations could no longer brazenly parade their influence across the world as they once did.

That is how bad the aftermath of the war towards them 

The territories once controlled by the Crime Alliance and their sphere of influence now crumbled, leaving power vacuums in their wake. 

The chaos within the ranks of the pirates was equally evident, as their elusive pirate lords retreated into hiding. 

The world for now may have appeared peaceful, but those with a keen eye and astute observation could sense that this was far from over.

Though Kaiju had been defeated, his survival remained shrouded in mystery. 

The world powers might have turned their attention elsewhere, but Kaiju still loomed in the shadows. 

Though he lacked the trident that give him the power to contend with Death Monarch in equal ground, the fact that he had managed to evade capture suggested he possessed abilities.

It is still possible for him to rally another force and create another unstable factor for the world

The world is on the brink of a major reorganization, and a new world order was poised to emerge. 

The tides of power were shifting, and the world held its breath, anticipating the dawn of this new era. 

The fallout from the war had left an indelible mark on the global landscape, and the repercussions would ripple through the world for years to come.


In Moscow, the snow falls endlessly. 

The Ice Hill of the Ice Queen Katarina stood tall and imposing behind the hallowed Senate building. 

Its presence was nothing short of magical. The hill exuded an aura of ethereal beauty and chilling grandeur.

Covered in a pristine layer of glistening ice and snow, the Ice Hill seemed to emanate an otherworldly radiance, casting a soft, silver glow upon the surrounding landscape. 

Its slopes were adorned with intricate ice sculptures, masterpieces of frozen art that depicted mesmerizing scenes of ancient legends and mythical creatures. 

Each sculpture seemed to come alive with an inner luminescence, as if animated by the very magic that permeated the hill.

Those who knows the secret of these statues would know that these statues and sculptures could come alive to protect the Ice Palace when they are activated. 

At the summit of the Ice Hill lay the awe-inspiring Ice Palace, a majestic structure that seemed to rise from the very heart of the frozen landscape. 

Its towering spires and shimmering domes gleamed in the sunlight, a sight to behold even from afar. 

Beyond the Senate building, on an entirely different side, lies the enigmatic Jean Quarters—an expansive domain exclusively reserved for Jean the Time Master. 

Within these grounds, an array of structures can be found, each shrouded in a mysterious aura that only Jean is permitted to explore. 

The Jean Quarters serve as a sanctuary of temporal exploration, comprising of his residence, magnificent palaces, enigmatic research labs, and various other structures

This place is seldom visited by others due to the unpredictable nature of its temporal fabric. 

Time-space fluctuations occur frequently, causing portals to unpredictably open and lead to uncharted destinations, making it a perilous zone to traverse for anyone not proficient in the manipulation of time.

It is an enigmatic abode where every clock and watch dance to a rhythm known only to him.

  Timepieces of all kinds adorn the walls, ticking and tocking in a symphony of temporal harmony, creating an ambiance that is both fascinating and hypnotic. 

Stepping into this dwelling feels like stepping into the very essence of time itself.

Connected through enigmatic pathways and temporal bridges, grand palaces rise like mirages, imbued with time's elusive essence. 

Each palace, a chronicle of time's eternal dance, houses Jean's vast knowledge and artifacts that traverse the annals of history and the realms of parallel universes.

In the secluded research labs, Jean delves into the deepest secrets of time, unravelling temporal mysteries that elude the grasp of ordinary minds. 

His experiments involve bending and shaping the very fabric of time, exploring the intricacies of time travel and its implications on reality.

And because of that it is a place few dare to venture. 

The pulsating time-space fluctuations guard Jean's domain like vigilant sentinels, shielding it from the prying eyes of the world beyond. 

For those brave enough to navigate this temporal labyrinth, it is a glimpse into the very essence of time itself—a domain where past, present, and future intermingle, and where the boundaries of reality are stretched to their limits.

Perched upon another hill, a stately residence stands as the abode of Alexei Koseff, a respected and influential member of the Senate. 

As the overseer of Karelia and its surrounding territories, he wields significant power and governance, yet he has managed to maintain a sense of understated presence within the Republic. 

This reserved demeanour was by design, as Alexei preferred to navigate the political landscape with a subtle touch, avoiding the attention of the Chancellors while effectively tending to his responsibilities.

Of course, there are people that notices it but since Alexei never stepped on anybody tails, people just thought he chooses to be low profile so that he would not get involved in something dangerous. 

After all, the politics of the Republic could sometimes claim lives.

Karelia thrived under Alexei's wise and steady leadership. 

His dedication to his duties ensured that the region flourished and prospered, becoming a shining example of growth and development within the Republic. 

Despite his reserved nature, Alexei was not a recluse. 

He was sociable and adept at forging connections when necessary, yet he knew precisely when to keep a low profile. 

This skilful balance allowed him to navigate the intricate webs of politics with finesse, ensuring he remained in his esteemed position without drawing unnecessary attention.

As a result, he earned the trust and respect of both his constituents and his fellow Senators, solidifying his position as a prominent and influential figure in the Republic.

Standing in his hillside residence, Alexei gazes pensively through the study window, watching as snowflakes gently drift from the heavens above. 

A sigh escapes his lips, hinting at the weight of his thoughts. 

He decided to go out and the house maid seeing that he is about to go out prepares him a fur coat

Usually, this kind of thing is just a gesture. 

After all, Alexei is a Disk Formation leveler. 

He would not be affected by the cold or heat unless that cold goes beyond zero and the heat goes beyond boiling point

Even then, it would not give him any adverse effect. But this snow that falls from the heavens is not normal snow.

This snow….is not natural. 


The name falls from his lips in a murmur, her presence lingering like an enigmatic shadow in his mind. 

Complicated emotions churn within him as he contemplates the implications of her existence in his life. 

And then he sighed again just like he had sighed yesterday

"As long as she is here…. I could not be at ease. It is good that she is not like his brother. I could get away with many things" he mutters to himself. 

The maid did not hear anything he says. After all, they are mute and deaf. And even if they are not, they should pretend to be deaf and mute

In the company of powerful men, it is good to learn to know nothing, to see nothing and to hear nothing

This is the wisdom of the ancient and applicable even until now. 

He stretched his hands and the coat is fitted onto his body. 

Its warm embrace shields him from the chill of the snow-laden world outside.


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