
Chapter 768


After Reece and I talked for a while, and ate until I felt really sleepy, I wanted to have a bath. I felt so dirty even though I knew that I wasn’t. I guess part of it stemmed from the time that I spent in the underworld. I wasn’t there physically but I still felt like my body was filthy from that place. I had fought a hydra. I had fought a Hell Snake. I had fought a HellHound. I had spent months in that place. And I had done it all without having a single shower. That knowledge just about killed me.

Now, I am going to have a bath. And since my body was doing better, I was going to give walking a try. I pushed myself back from the table and went to stand up. Only, I never actually made it.

“WHAT IN THE FUCKING HELL DO YOU THINK THAT YOU ARE DOING!?” Reece roared the words at me so loudly and so fiercely that I actually jumped. He just about made me have a heart attack. I sort of remember him doing something similar to this when I was pregnant with Reagan and Rika. He had scared the shit out of me when I was standing up when I was on bed rest. And here he was doing that again.

“WHAT THE HELL, REECE!” I snapped back at him almost as forcefully.


“What do you think that you’re doing? Just because your arms are better doesn’t mean that you need to be walking. Also, you’re pregnant. WITH TRIPLETS! Don’t you think that Griffin would be telling you that you’re on bedrest? You’re not going to walk until he tells you that you can.” He was angry at me. Well not so much angry as he was worried about me. “Where do you even want to go anyway?” He lowered his voice and calmed down a little bit.

“I want to take a shower, or a bath. I need to clean myself up at least a little bit. I feel so dirty since I was in the underworld. I also haven’t bathed since I have been home. I want to be clean, Reece. That is all.” I explained it to him and again went to stand up.

“Don’t you dare.” He growled at me. It was actually a little reminiscent of when we first got together, and he used to growl at me all the time. I think I even told him he was going to lose his voice if he kept growling so much. Or something like that anyway.

“What do you want me to do, Reece? Do you want me to stay nasty and filthy?” I let him know that I wasn’t happy.

“No. I want you to wait. I will get you a bath ready and we will go in there together. When I carry you in there, that is.” He was definitely not going to budge on this. He was going to make me stay off of my feet like I was some kind of invalid. Ugh. Well, this did have its perks, at least a little bit.

“Fine. I will only let you carry me in there and get the bath ready, if you promise to take a bath with me.” I batted my eyes at him playfully.

“HA HA HA!” He laughed at me. “Deal. But I was planning on doing that anyway.” He smirked and left the room. Damn him. I didn’t actually win anything from him.

I guess this was my life now. This was the future that I had to look forward to for the time being. I knew that Reece was going to be very strict about this. And yes, technically I could force him to stop arguing with me by giving him commands and all that, but I hated doing that. Especially to him. He was my mate, my husband. We can’t have a proper relationship if I give him those kinds of commands. Then he wouldn’t be acting under his own free will but under my will. I didn’t want that from him or anyone. That was why I tried not to give those types of orders unless I absolutely had to.

Still, this was going to get a little boring. I remember how bored I was when I was pregnant with Reagan and Rika and I was stuck in bed all the time. I had already known that it was going to happen this time too, but I didn’t think it would be so soon after I woke up. I thought that I would be able to use my legs at least a little bit.

This really was inconvenient and bothersome. I knew why it had to be like this. I really did. But that didn’t mean that I was happy about it. I didn’t like my new normal. At least the normal for the time being. And it made me want the time to pass quickly so I could give birth and walk again.

Yeah, Reece might have said that I couldn’t walk until Griffin told me that I could. And I could hold out hope that he would tell me that I could walk around right now. But I wasn’t stupid. I mean, this was Griffin that we were talking about. He always went overboard when I was concerned. He would wrap me in a bubble until I delivered if he could. I mean I was the Luna, the Queen, the Goddess, all of it. I had to be ‘protected’. Or that is what he and all of the others would tell me. It was best if I just resigned myself to my fate now.

As I wallowed in the pity of my fate, I heard Reece come back into the room. He was ready to take me to my bath. And the moment that I saw him, I was no longer upset. Why wasn’t I upset anymore? Well, that was because he was naked.

Reece had literally stripped everything off while he was in the bathroom. When he came out to get me, he was the picture of perfection. Well, there was one thing missing. He wasn’t erect. Probably because this wasn’t a sexual situation. Well, not for him at least. For me, my juices were already flowing. And judging by the look on his face, he could already tell.

“Cool your jets, nympho. This is just going to be a bath and nothing else.”

“Uh huh. I know. Just a bath. Like that one we had when I got home from the hospital when I was pregnant with the twins. That was just a bath. And it didn’t require a lot of exertion either. I want a bath like that again.” I could remember that day very easily. It was fun after all. And it was important to me.

“I don’t think we should, Trinity. I think that we need to just wait until the babies are born. Once you are healed from that, we can do whatever you want.”

“Hmmm.” I think we would be seeing who got what they wanted here. Whether it was going to be him and his innocent bath, or me and my adult bath.

“Stop fantasizing. I need to take your clothes off of you.”

“Oh, yes please, Reece. Take them off of me.” I smirked at him while the heat intensified in my eyes. I knew that he could feel that look. I could tell by the embarrassed grin on his face. I was going to make him give in. He was going to give me what I wanted. I mean, Griffin hadn’t said that this was off of the table. And I was going to take advantage of that.

I let Reece do what he needed to do. He slowly stripped away the thin white nightgown that I was wearing. He did it so gently and slowly that I thought he was trying to take care of something made out of porcelain or glass. He was treating me like I was fragile. I didn’t like being treated like that, but I loved the way it felt when his hands slowly brushed across my arms, my shoulders and my belly. He was so sweet, so tender, so loving. I wanted more of it.

After my gown was gone, Reece lifted me and took me over to the bed. He gently laid me back so that he could pull my panties down past my hips and off of my legs. I wanted him to take me. As nasty as I felt at the moment, I would have taken him over the bath in a heartbeat. He was too irresistible.

“Come on, my sex addicted wife. Let’s go take our bath now.” That was when he lifted me into his arms again.

A moment ago, I had been mostly naked but there was that small amount of fabric separating us. Now though, there was nothing between Reece and me. It was just his body and mine. We were fully skin to skin. Just him and me and nothing else. That feeling right there, that was the most perfect thing that there was in the entire world.

And this was the moment that I knew I was going to make him give in to me. This was not a silly little want or desire anymore. This was what I needed more than anything right now. And I would make sure that Reece knew that and understood it. He had to be wanting it too. I mean, it had been a very long time since we were last together in that way. I knew that he wanted it. Probably even more than I did.


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