
Chapter 769


I just snuggled against Reece while he carried me into the bathroom. I could feel his warmth as he held me, and it was making my body feel even more hot than it had already been. I was so happy to be home with my mate. There was nothing like being with him. I loved him more than anything in the entire world. OK, maybe I didn’t love him more than my kids. But they were the only exception.

And knowing how much we loved each other, I was quite looking forward to this bath of ours. The moment that Reece walked into the bathroom with me in his arms, I could smell the bath water. It was filled with soap and oils. He was trying to help me relax as well as get cleaned up. And of course, with him not letting me stand, the bath was my only option.

I was looking forward to soaking, everything else aside. I wanted to wash away the presumed filth of the underworld. I don’t care if it was a filth on my soul and not my body. I was bound and determined to treat it like it was something that a good bath could take care of. There was nothing that was going to stop me from being able to get myself clean. And to get a little tender loving care from my husband. Both were completely essential for me.

“Come on, you little nymphomaniac.” Reece laughed as he stepped into the tub with me in his arms. “Let’s get you cleaned up.” I loved the way he was thinking about me at all times. He may be calling me a nympho, but that doesn’t mean that he didn’t love me, or that he was wrong.


“Yes, Sir!” I pretended to salute him as he lowered himself into water. He didn’t put me down or sit apart from me in any way. Instead, like he always did, he put me on his lap and held me against his chest while we soaked in the water.

“Is this any better than it was before?” His smooth and soft voice seemed to be rumbling through his chest and into me. I loved when we were close enough for this to happen. To feel him speaking as he held me, that was one of the most intimate things that I could possibly imagine.

“Hmm.” I sighed happily when I heard and felt his words. “Yes, it is much better. I haven’t felt this comfortable and relaxed since I got back. Though, I think part of that is because you are here with me too. You know how happy and calm you make me.” I was giving him a compliment, but for some reason he started to laugh.

I didn’t mind him laughing all that much. I mean, that meant that I got to hear and feel it like I did his voice. It was nice, sexy and exciting.

“Calm? Is that what you consider yourself right now?” He chuckled the words out for me to feel them vibrate through me. “Baby, nothing about you is calm right now. I swear, your sex drive has been switched out for a hyper drive.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” I laughed right back at him. “I would have thought that you would have been happy to have a wife that would want you so much.” I arched a brow and gave him a very skeptical look.

“Under normal circumstances, I would. But you’re pregnant. Very pregnant. Many times over. I know what you want, baby, I really do. But that doesn’t mean that you can have it right now.” He was still trying to deny me. Seriously!? OK, I would just have to wear him down, that was all.

“I can have it. There is nothing at all stopping us from having that right now. Aside from you telling me ‘no’, that is. Come on, Reece, you know you want it. That is, unless you’re not attracted to me anymore.” I knew that he was still attracted to me, that wasn’t even a fear of mine but I batted my eyelashes at him and pouted a little bit just the same. Sometimes, we women just want to hear how into us our men really are. And that was all this was about. I wanted Reece to admit that he still wanted me. Then, from there, we could get him to give in to me.

“You know I want you, Trinity. There is nothing on this fucking planet that would ever make me stop wanting you. I want you now. I will want you in a year. I will want you in ten years. And I will even want you a thousand years from now. There will never be a time that you aren’t the only thing that my heart and body desires.”

I love him when he gets like this. This was the sweetest thing ever. In fact, I think I was going to tell him just that. And it was a good thing that I was sitting across his lap instead of facing away from him. I was able to just turn my head just a little bit and press my lips to his. I was kissing him within a second of those beautiful words from him. My tongue tangled with his and my arms snaked around his neck so that I could hold him closer to me.

This kiss was one of the few that I had gotten since I woke up, since I came back from the underworld. It felt like so long, if I was being honest. It felt like I hadn’t been intimate with Reece not in just the last four months or so, but rather like it had been years. My body was starved for this attention and affection from him.

I turned toward him just a little bit so that I could intensify the kiss some more. I would have straddled his lap and rose above him if I could. It was a little difficult at the moment because of the largeness of my belly. It really was getting in the way at the moment.

“Ugh! Damn baby belly. I’m happy that I am pregnant, but I want to kiss you right now.” I complained but there was laughter in my voice.

“Yeah, it’s definitely in the way.” Reece laughed as he put both of his hands on my belly again. He was feeling the boys again as they moved around inside of me. “I can’t wait until they’re here.”

“Yeah, well, you better wait. Because right now is ‘me and you’ time. Come on, Reece, focus.”

I did what I could to recapture his lips for another kiss but he was bound and determined to avoid me.

“No. Wait, Trinity.” He moved his hands from my belly and put them on my shoulders. With a little bit of pressure, he pushed me away and made me sit down all the way on his lap.

“Why, Reece? Why do I need to stop?” I was not happy and I knew that he could tell that based on my attitude and my tone of voice.

“Because, Trinity, my Little Bunny, my dear sweet wife, I know that you won’t want to stop if you kiss me again.” He looked so lost and hurt right now. How was it that he was hurt when I was the one being denied here?

“Of course I won’t want to stop. I want to be with you, Reece. I need you. I want you. I have to have you. I feel so empty and so lonely. I want to make love to you Reece. I have to. Please, don’t deny me.” I know that I was essentially begging him for sex, but dammit I wanted it.

“Please don’t look at me that way, Little Bunny. You know that I want to be with you. You know that I would give you everything that you want and more. But I can’t. Not right now. Not while you’re pregnant. You’re so far along and with three babies this time. I don’t know how this will affect you physically. And I don’t want to put you into labor too soon. I don’t want you, or the babies, to be hurt because of this.” I knew what he was saying. It all made sense and everything. But that didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt.

“But Reece-?” I was about to plead with him some more when he started to speak again.

“No, Trinity, please, don’t beg me. That will just make me feel worse. I hate to deny you, my love. I really do. But I have to. I want to be with you more than almost anything else. But the thing that trumps it, the one and only thing that rises above being with you, is your health and safety and that of our children.” This time, when I looked at Reece, closely in the eyes, I could see how hard all of this was on him. I could see how much strain he was putting on himself to make it so that we were not intimate with each other right now. It wasn’t easy for him and here I was making it worse. I was being so mean to him right now.

“I’m sorry, Reece. I didn’t mean to hurt my little puppy. Can you forgive me, Fido?” I kissed his nose to let him know that the intimacy was no longer up for debate. I didn’t want it anymore.

“Always.” He answered me with a laugh. “Now come on, I can wash you up.”

From there, we just had a normal bath. He washed me and I helped to wash him, but there was no sexual tension whatsoever. When we were done, Reece stood up and took me to sit on the small bench that was in the bathroom. That was where he dried me off and wrapped me in a super fluffy and extra large towel. I was dressed for bed and laid on the mattress to relax. I wasn’t exactly happy right now, but I was content at least.


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