
Chapter 963 - Choice

Jason would have loved to shout this out loud, but he didn't dare to.

He was sure that something might happen to him if he were to be snobbish.

The being in front of him called Jason 'young master' which was a great sign, but it did little to help him understand the situation.

As such, after giving it a thought, he decided to take the situation seriously, but without being too arrogant.

"I'm Jason Stella, a Halfling of the Celestia race. May I know who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?"

Despite trying to small talk, he ended up speaking stiffly like a washboard, and Jason could only shake his head after his lame attempt to strike a conversation.

Terminating his soul fusion, he returned to his original form with his Stigma activated and his Celestia aura partially released.

Divine energy coursed through his entire body, clearly indicating that he was a being who could control and use it efficiently.

This was not something many beings were able to do.

As such, adding the Celestia aura, the enlarged Stigma, and the fact that Jason was able to control divine energy without any issue the Sacred Elvyr nodded his head in admiration.

He accepted Jason's reasoning, but that didn't make him feel that the change in appearance that Jason was able to undergo could be deemed worthy of his ignorance.

Other than that, the Sacred Elvyr was slightly astonished that it was possible for a being at Jason's cultivation base to control pure divine energy.

This was something that was supposed to require lots of training, even for beings of the Celestia race. At least, the Sacred Elvyr thought so.

After discarding the thought in his mind, the Sacred Elvyr straightened his back before introducing himself formally.

"Commandant of the Sacred Elvyr's Rocix Legion, Kiat Merilan at your service, young master!"

Jason's hunch had been proved correct when he heard the introduction.

'He is really a mutated, or an evolved version of the Elvyr race!'

Realizing that he had been right all along, Jason calmed down visibly.

After all, he knew that his father, Celestia Yaldra, had been in touch with the Elvyr race once in the past.

Thus, Jason could figure out that Kiat Merilan was unlikely to have lied to him.

With that in mind, he stared at the Sacred Elvyr for a few seconds that stretched up to an entire minute, in which Kiat looked at him extremely calmly as if patiently waiting for Jason to finish observing him.

This caused him to smile lightly before he asked,

"If that's not too much to ask for, what exactly is your mission?"

He was sure that his father wouldn't order the Sacred Elvyrs to bring him to the Celestia race, not after it was clear that the Celestia race wanted to see him dead.

Jason was not sure if the entire Celestia race thought like this or if there were some who considered him as a blessing for their race.

That was not something he could know for sure, but what Jason knew was that his father wouldn't want him to end up like his mother.

This was, at least, what his instincts told him clearly.

Looking into Jason's eyes, Kiat could clearly see that he had freed himself of his earlier tension.

Jason was calmly looking at him, his golden iris with the silver pupils seemed to stare straight into his soul.

This caused Kiat to feel slightly uncomfortable as it was like Jason was attempting to see whether he would be lied to or not.

"Young Master, the orders I received were quite simple. The highest priority was your safety, which I was supposed to ensure.

After that, I was told to prevent others from finding out that you are a halfling of the Celestia race as it was a secret only a handful of people knew.

In the end, after I ensured your safety, I was told to transport you away from Manyr as it is likely for the Primordials to send out even more powerhouses of other races.

It was only fortunate that you stayed on Manyr, and not somewhere else when the Primordials found out about your location, otherwise they would have sent Demi-Gods at the Driekta stage to hunt you down!"

After ending his long answer that branched out to include multiple more topics that Jason had wanted to enquire about in detail, the Sacred Elvyr changed his stance once again.

Jason had no qualms against leaving Manyr as nothing held him back.

The same could be said about Jennifer as she had lost everything that could have held her back from feeling like abandoning the planet forever.

However, what caused Jason to feel a little bit confused was the fact about Demi-Gods at the Driekta stage stated by Kiat.

'Is that the stage after the Mecynar stage?' He wondered for a moment, only to ignore this fact for the time being.

Based on the way Kiat spoke, Demi-Gods presence itself was way too powerful.

After all, their sole presence would be enough to destroy the surrounding environment in a matter of seconds!

Comprehending this caused Jason to fall at ease as existences like that were innately repelled by the planet's will that manifested the world bridges.

"By what you said about my safety and that you've been ordered to make me leave Manyr, does that mean you want us to accompany you to your race's planet?

Otherwise, you cannot ensure my safety while bringing me away from Manyr. Or do you want to accompany me wherever I want to go?"

This question caused Kiat's pokerface to stiffen for a moment before he cleared his throat and answered,

"I'm not ought to become your companion during your journey, nor will I tell you what to do.

To be precise, the moment you decide to leave, I will report to my Queen that you rejected any further help from our side.

After that, you are on your own, and I will have successfully fulfilled my mission!

If you want to join our race, you are welcome to do so.

As for your little girlfriend right here, I don't really mind if she joins us, but I will have to report about her to my Queen then!"

Jason couldn't help but feel that the issue was quite easily solved.

This caused him to smile lightly as he nodded his head, agreeing to leave Manyr, at once.

"In that case, I think we would be glad to join you, right?" Turning his head towards Jennifer while asking the question, he looked at her, only to receive a subtle nod as an answer.

Jennifer was not comfortable around the Sacred Elvyr because she had forgotten about the name of the race that had helped Jason when he was still in Argos, fighting with his life on the line.

If she were to recall that the Elvyr race had already helped Jason once, and that the race was somehow connected to Jason's father, her reaction would have been different.

All of a sudden, Jason noticed that someone in his soul world was trying to wreak havoc.

Having annoyed the older soulbonds for quite some time, the golden Roc youngling, which Jason had decided to call Aren, forced his way out of the soul world, emerging right in front of Jason's face, only to plummet to the ground a moment later.

Upon noticing this, Kiat reacted almost instinctively as he changed his stance, and became ready to kill the being that had emerged from Jason's body, only to realize that it was something that was probably connected to Jason.

Only a moment later, Kiat realized what kind of beast had emerged from Jason, causing his eyes to widen slightly.

"A…Roc youngling?"

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