
Chapter 964 - To Linarium

After quickly explaining the situation before the dragon had let out a terrific roar that had pinpointed Jason's location to the scouts of the races, the Sacred Elvyr nodded his head in a seemingly nonchalant manner.

However, Jason was able to perceive that Kiat was nervous owing to the faint vibrations of the second type of cultivation energy he used.

This showed his excitement, which was something Jason could also perceive due to the hue that enveloped Kiat tightly.

He was evidently excited about the existence of Rocs on Manyr, which made Jason recall the time on Argos, where Emily had had a Lesser Roc as her soulbond.

After thinking about it for a while, he realized that he had thought of Emily after a very long time which caused him to smile subtly.

'I wonder how she is doing…'

Jason never had a special connection with Emily, but he knew that she had loved his late masters dearly.

As such, meeting her once again would be nice.

However, instead of bothering about this, Jason averted his attention to something else as he heard Kiat mumbling in a barely audible whisper.

"Rocs on Manyr? Maybe it was not that bad to build a small base here…just maybe we can convince them to co-..."

Only after he had finished speaking did Kiat realize that he had uttered his thoughts out loud.

This made him quiet down in an instant before he changed his demeanor once again.

The hue of his excitement didn't disappear, but his facial expression turned back to neutral as if everything was perfectly fine.

Jason didn't think much about this as the Elvyr race in general, including the Sacred Elvyr, seemed to have a much stronger connection with Rocs than initially thought.

Even Aren noticed this, causing him to jump behind Jason as he felt the intense gaze of Kiat on him.

Returning to the soul world a moment later, Aren decided to annoy his new family a little bit more.

Meanwhile, Solaris was moving towards the outskirts of the soul world as the Origin flame was struggling to control itself.

After having been nurtured with the breath of a true dragon, Solaris had devoured enough of its flame to reach its next stage of evolution soon.

It was not missing out on much, and Jason knew this.

However, the downside of this was the fact that Solaris was struggling to control its flames in a near perfect manner.

This was due to the difficulties of adjusting itself to the dragon's breath's potent flames which it had devoured.

It would take some time, but that was what Jason had more than enough right now.

After all, he was allowed to visit the Sacred Elvyrs origin planet.

The chain of events in the last few days, or hours, to be precise were quite a lot, and it was not only Jennifer who seemed to be confused.

Even Jason required time to process the information.

In the end, what mattered was only the fact that the Sacred Elvyrs had been sent out to help him, and that they would leave the moment he asked them to.

As such, there was not really a need for him to be vigilant.

Kiat might be lying to him, but in the worst-case scenario, he would bring him to a Primordial, who was interested in his existence as a halfling.

Shrugging his shoulders, he eyed Kiat in order to gauge whether he was lying to him, or toying with his and Jennifer's life.

That didn't seem to be the case, and without further ado, he spoke out his thoughts.

"If a base of the Elvyrs exists on Manyr, we have to go there first, I guess. The world bridge leading to one of your planets is located there, right?"

Jason felt much more comfortable with Kiat after he had been referred to as their young master.

He didn't plan on acting arrogantly, or like a pretentious dick-head who wanted everyone to bow to himt, but it made him fall at ease.

This was quite important for him, especially for his mentality.

Having faced too many obstacles in the last few years, Jason slowly grew tired of everything.

It was obvious that he wanted to meet his grandparents once again, but his gut feeling clearly indicated that it would take much longer for this to happen than he had initially expected.

As such, Jason had decided to take it slow and not invite unnecessary trouble.

Unfortunately, he never had the time to really do so as too many issues were thrown at him and all of them demanded to be solved immediately.

Because of that, Jason sincerely hoped that he would have some time off once he left with Kiat.

The Sacred Elvyr just nodded his head before giving him some tips on what he could do.

"To be honest, I think you don't need a special permission to even visit our origin planet. This is different with other races, but the Celestia race, or to be precise, Celestia Yaldra is our benefactor.

Explaining why this is the case would take too long, but just know that he saved our Queen and a few of our highest authorities from being violated and murdered.

Thus, as long as you don't step out of line, nobody should restrict you in any way.

Of course, this doesn't mean that everyone will accept you as some of our younger generations might be jealous of the free ticket you have to go everywhere you want!"

The more Jason heard, the happier he became and he turned his head once again towards Jennifer.

"Does that free ticket include Jennifer too? Is she allowed to come with me to the origin planet if I were to feel like visiting it?"

To this, Kiat had no answer, which meant that he had to seek permission from the Queen or some other higher authorities.

According to the stigma Kiat was able to get a glimpse of on Jennifer's neck, she clearly belonged to Jason.

This meant that there shouldn't really be an issue, but Kiat wasn't the one to make the rules in their Empire.

"It would be better if you two won't try to visit the origin planet first, even though I doubt that there will be a problem!"

Answering honestly, Kiat gave the two young Cultivators the intel they required before manifesting a spatial portal right in front of them.

"We should go to the camp first, and then let's not waste any time and use the world bridge to Linarium!"

Linarium was one of the biggest planets which both the Sacred Elvyr and Elvyr inhabited.

It was not on par with their Origin planet, whether it was in terms of magnificent sight, the density and purity of the surrounding mana, or the planet's size.

However, Linarium was still better than Manyr in many aspects.

Jason didn't know anything about the said planet, but he simply nodded his head and smiled in acknowledgment before he stepped through the Spatial portal in front of him.

He didn't hesitate a single second, and seeing this, Jennifer quickly followed suit.

Seeing this Kiat could only shake his head, surprised at how naive the two young Cultivators were to believe everything he had said.

'If it were so easy, why did the Queen say that I should offer some treasures to convince them to enter our territory??'

Kiat was confused about this, but in the end, he simply shrugged his shoulders and accepted how easy it was for him to rescue Jason.

Waiting for him had been a far more arduous task, after all.

With that in mind he stepped through the spatial portal he had materialized and followed the two youngsters with a gentle smile on his face.

'They're still soo foolish and naive…will they ever lose this innocence? I hope they won't!'

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