
Chapter 331 331 Glowing Recommendation

While the Mecha of the Terminus Trading Company watched on, the surviving Rebels finished the transfer of valuables off of their last remaining ship and departed the planet in shame. Max wished that they could have forced them to return to Kepler space to face judgment, but the Facility had kept the Empire updated on the current situation, so if they had the manpower to spare they would send someone to deal with them.

“Well, Mister Dar Mar, it was a pleasure to meet you, and I am glad that your Facility managed to survive the incident mostly intact. Our Mecha have secured your shield generator and are working on bringing it back online now, so you can have safe air to breathe in the next hour or two.” Nico informed the leader of the Facility.

“It was a pleasure doing business with you as well, and my condolences on your losses while attempting to save us.” Dar Mar replied.

The casualties had been remarkably light, but he couldn’t know that. He had only seen the battle footage from his security cameras, and it showed a prolonged and intense firefight, that would normally mean a heavy loss of Light Mecha.

“This was the first outing for the newly designed pattern of Line Mecha, and as you saw, they are far more effective than the ones that they are replacing. I do hope that you will think of us if any of your allies should come into similar troubles.

The Empire might be too busy to respond, but we are always happy to help. For the right fee that is.”

The residents of the Facility chuckled at that. The Reavers had made out very well today. Even after paying the death benefit, and replacing the lost Mecha, they were still way ahead on this mission.

Unlike the Military, who dropped crippled veterans back on their homeworld with a lousy pension, and never mentioned those lost outside of the monthly holiday ceremonies, the Reavers paid a very significant sum to the families of Reavers who died on a mission, so that they wouldn’t suffer from the loss of their most talented.

[How is that ship I sent into orbit looking?] Nico asked Max as they finalized the security checks of the Facility and prepared to depart.

[Trashed. But the other Kepler Ship that we traded for will be able to pull it along at Warp speeds without issues. The main structure scans as solid, it is everything else that is shot full of holes and damaged beyond recognition.] Max replied.

Even that was an understatement. If anyone had been on that ship when it left the atmosphere, they would certainly have died from the experience, and a number of the outer areas had been first scorched into a soft metallic putty and then frozen, shattering many of the secondary bulkheads, which weren’t intended to undergo such rapid temperature fluctuations.

The thoughts of adding that ship to the defense fleet would have to wait, it was in no shape to even be rehabilitated at the moment, and would be better used as scrap metal to build more ships in the new designs with higher speeds and better weaponry.

One squad of technicians was transferred from the First Battalion’s Cutter to the better of the two new ships, and the Regiment started loading back into their vessels in preparation to depart the planetoid.

“Those are some fancy ships, Miss Rage. Might I ask, what system did you find them in?” Dar Mar asked.

“They are produced from an alien schematic that we found aboard our Colony Ship, Terminus. They are as impressive as they look, and the other Reaver Companies have created quite the waiting list to get their hands on one.

I’m sure you’ve heard about our newly established Colony on Rae 5. That is where the Reavers will be gathering to relax and do deals when they are not on a trade route. If your Facility should find itself with a bit more product than the Empire is ready to purchase, don’t forget to contact us and Rae 5 Command can help you find alternate buyers.” Nico offered.

“And that is why everyone loves the Reavers. Such selfless and helpful sorts. I will keep your offer in mind. Best of luck on your way back home.” Dar Mar told Nico with a smile.

Nico led the honor guard back to their ship and then flew back to the First Battalion’s Cutter so that she could go through the debriefing with Max and make contact with their observers.

The Reaver Companies that came to watch would surely have a few things to say about the effectiveness of the Samurai Pattern Line Mecha, since the casualty rate was incredibly low, despite using them as the front-line shock troops that they were intended to be.

[Excellent Showing Terminus. Those new Line Mecha that Rae 5 has started making are very impressive. I had my reservations about the shielding system, given the power output of a Line Mecha, but they took the abuse like champions.

We have some combat analysis data to add to your own as well. It might not be as accurate, since we were all the way out here, but I’m sure that the other Companies will be interested in secondary sources.] One of the Reaver Captains informed them as they approached Terminus.

[The pay was better than expected for a testing mission as well. Rae 5 has gained two new ships for the defense fleet. Well, more like one and some spare materials to make another, but that’s basically the same thing.] Max informed the other Company leader, making the Reavers who were listening in give a chuckle at his sense of humor.

[Thirty new pattern Mecha lost of a thousand, with only three Pilots lost due to the new cockpit reinforcements. I would say that that test was a rather successful one. Even their power supplies held out well, and we didn’t have any issues with keeping the energy weapons firing at full output.] Nico added, sending the basic battle data through to their observers.

[I have already put in my order for a Company of them. But it looks like you have been training your men in new close combat styles as well?] The Reaver asked the question with great interest, wondering what all they had done to prepare their crew for these new Mecha.

[Yes, and we will be improving their close combat training now that the basic testing is done. The Pilots did very well, but their damage rates dropped when they got within twenty meters of the enemy, and that is less than optimal. With better training in less conventional methods of combat, like the Cygnus Close Combat styles, they should be able to make up the difference and let us plan for a number of new tactics that will best utilize the abilities of the Samurai Pattern.] Nico agreed.

[I hacked the cameras in the Rebel ship before the assault started. Perhaps you should be training them in whatever it was that you did to the Rebel infantry? If a Mecha fought like that, we wouldn’t have to worry about casualties.] The second Captain told Nico and sent over a short clip of her raiding a Cargo Hold full of Light Mecha and infantry.

It was as predictably gory and brutal as Max had expected, but the Captain had a point. If they could teach Line Mecha pilots to do that, the Reavers wouldn’t have much to fear during boarding actions, where Line Mecha were the primary assault force, due to size limitations inside a space vessel.

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