
Chapter 332 332 They Don't Teach That In School

“By the Emperors, who taught you to fight like that? And where did you get that exoskeleton? I can see that the power supply is limited, and you had to change the power pack a number of times during the battle, but that combat style isn’t like anything I’ve seen before.” The first Captain gasped when he saw the footage.

“That, I am afraid is a family secret. But I can teach the pilots to fight better than most in close combat, just not using that style. I don’t think human bodies were meant for that sort of maneuvering. At some points, even my gravity sensors triggered overload warnings, and a full conversion is good for forces up to thirty times the gravitational standard.” Nico replied.

“Yes, I am getting dizzy just trying to follow it. But then, your core crew are all Kepler Pilot retirees, aren’t they? Seeing the physical skills of System users is always mind-boggling.”

That was a kind way of putting it. At nearly six times the human standard, Max could deadlift a small car and toss it a few meters. The major limiting factor was his actual flesh and blood body. It had received a lot of upgrades to deal with the system increases to its capability, but even now he had to be careful if he was going all out so he didn’t injure himself.

As much as the nanomachines rebuilt him, he was still essentially human, with intrinsic human frailties, like organic muscles that could be torn under extreme stress.

“We will make up a training regimen for Pilots using the new Mecha once we get back to the planet. Using them properly is the key to their survival, and unless you have a Cygnus Pilot among your trainers, I suspect a lot of Companies will be lacking in that department.

The shielding lets them close the distance in relative safety, so a front line, rear line combination seemed to be the most effective method during the battle, and then have the front line fall back when their shields were depleted, letting the back line take over while they recovered.

It is unconventional, but with only three Pilots lost among a thousand testers, I don’t think there is going to be a better technique, just better Pilots.” Max informed the Reavers who had come to watch their battle.

“We will be waiting for the new simulation data for the training. I just got confirmation that they will be starting on my units right away, based exactly on the test units unless you wish to send them some design changes before they start.” The Captain informed Max.

“I think these are good enough. Let the individual Companies tweak them to their own liking, and we can make them all to this standard for distribution among the Reavers.”

The conference call ended as the ships all got in position to start heading home, and Max ordered the Cutter back to its cargo bay aboard Terminus.

“Nico, it looks like you are going to be busy making training simulations for the new Pilots. They have a lot to learn about close combat, and it will take a lot of work to make a simulation that will cover all the skills and tactics that they are going to need to know in order to be properly trained melee fighters in Mecha.” Max informed his best friend with a wink.

“Nico do the thing, Nico, make a simulation, Nico train the rookies, Nico, stop disemboweling the enemy commanders. Everyone is so demanding today. But I’m already on it.

We modified the martial arts programs when we were still in the Academy, and I have been adding to them as I got downtime. I don’t know how well some of the ideas from my old memories will catch on, but the more simple and efficient ones I have already put into the martial arts trainer.

Once I put in the Samurai Pattern Mecha data they will be able to start training the basic techniques, then they can start on the tactical upgrades once they have learned to at least somewhat fight in the new units.

Do you think that I should make a program for the purchasers to receive with their new Mecha? I’m sure they’ll all want one either way, so it might be a nice touch to have them packaged together, buy the stupidly expensive brand new mecha, and get the melee combat training simulation at a discount?” Nico’s rambling answer reminded Max that she was still somewhat human, and feeling as overworked as anyone else would be.

“You can add that later. How about we take a nap in the meantime? We’ve got a bit of transit time back home, and there will be far too much work waiting once we get there.” Max suggested.

“Excellent plan. Go shower, you’ve been working all day, and I had to wash off before they would let me out of the Storage area of the Cutter.” Nico told him, already stripping off her uniform jacket.

Fortunately, Max’s room wasn’t far from the office where he received the group call, because Nico was very enthusiastic about her naps.

“Have you been altering your shell? I know the non-Newtonian alloy was supposed to be soft when not being impacted with high forces, but you seem softer than you used to be.” Max asked as he climbed into the bed next to her in his pajamas.

“I have. The System Functions have been assisting me, and they’re giving this body a full makeover. I would say that I’m over halfway to Biomechanical now, and the process is speeding up as I gather more data. At first, I didn’t have much to work with, but I have been studying every known cybernetic capable species, and the new information has been a big help to the System.” Nico explained, dropping her shell temperature until she was a cool pillow against his side.

“Maybe we could take a journey to the Northwest of the Galaxy. Nobody knows much about the area, since the Klem and the Narsians bordered either side of the quadrant and nothing ever seems to come past them. But we might find fun new things there if it isn’t completely overrun with bugs and murderous giants.” Max suggested.

“That sounds like way too much work. I’ll keep checking the data net looking for advanced tech from the Northeastern Quadrant. They have a lot of good stuff, since they’re one big alliance and never had to focus on warfare. They just don’t come down here often, since they view it as far too dangerous, and our weapons are much better than most of what they can field.” Nico disagreed.

Since her System was reworking her anyhow, they didn’t actually have to do anything, Nico just wanted new data so that she could make herself even better than what could be accomplished with the data that the AI had already.

“What was your most recent upgrade? The more natural shell reactions?” Max asked sleepily.

“No, I did that a while ago, it’s just slow to adapt. The newest change is variable-zone temperature control.” Nico informed him.

Originally, her entire exterior would be one temperature, so having the ability to adjust zones was pretty neat, though the practical uses of it escaped Max’s comprehension.

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