
Chapter 368 368 Border Patrol

Here, security is their first concern, and all foreign vessels are suspicious in the eyes of the border patrol.] Nico\'s voice informed the ship as Terminus began its journey.

This caused a predictable wave of excitement to flow through their guests, who were about to experience the protocols of moving between independent nations with only rudimentary political ties for the first time.

The Admiral had alerted the border patrol that The Terminus Trading Company would be arriving in Kepler space, and their estimated location of arrival an hour in advance so that they could have a ship ready, should they wish to meet with the Reaver\'s vessel in person.

When they got near the border there were two ships, both smaller vessels from a planetary defense fleet present and waiting.

[Reaver Vessel Terminus, you have entered independent Tapani Kepler Territory, prepare to drop out of Warp and be boarded. No casualties will be necessary if you follow directions.] The lead vessel commanded.

Max quickly checked the sensors and found that the Kepler Border Patrol was still ten minutes away, and closing fast, meaning that these were likely Pirates clinging to the last hopes of victory against Kepler.

[Tapani vessel, please be aware that at this time the Tapani Alliance is still at war with the Reavers. If we drop out of Warp, we are bringing a Reaver attack fleet with us. Please confirm your previous request.] Max ordered over the radio.

Max could sense the amusement of the crew members that were still listening in, and the seconds drew on as they waited for a response from the two vessels.

For thirty long seconds, the communications remained silent, and then the signal from the actual border patrol came through.

[Welcome back Terminus, you are clear to proceed. Unknown vessels, please power down and prepare to be boarded for Customs inspection.] The Heavy Cruiser signaled.

[It is a pleasure to see you as well, Kepler. We have a number of trade stops along the way, but we will check in again before we leave your territory.] Max informed the Cruiser, who had already changed course to intercept the two smaller vessels.

Max began to relax as the Pirates broke and ran from the border patrol, then turned on the feed from the Cruise Ship\'s intercom and security cameras to see how the passengers were taking it since they were given a live stream of the interaction.

[As you can see, the Pirates often cling to delusions of authority to help reconcile their trauma at the loss of their insurgency to the established power, and attempt to enforce said imaginary authority on others. But when confronted, their cowardice shows itself and they flee without a fight, unable to back up their threats.] Nico\'s voice was narrating, as the majority of the passengers watched the video screen showing two small vessels fleeing from one larger one fading into the distance.

If they could hear her description of them, they might actually turn around to settle that insult to their honor, but the rebels remained blissfully unaware that a large portion of the nearby galaxies would now view them as opportunistic cowards.

After a few hours of peaceful flight as Nico narrated the recent history of the region, as well as the major industries and populations of the planets they were passing, a new signal came in for Terminus.

[Trade request. Kepler 808 Station requires 4 standard pattern Line Mecha and 100 tonnes of shelf-stable rations. Offers artisan furniture and infantry kit in trade.]

The text request came up on Max\'s terminal, and he frowned at the trade terms. The planet was known for its unique forests, so the furniture was a standard offering for them, but why would they be offering a large amount of infantry equipment?

[Admiral, was there a large battle on Kepler 808 recently? They are offering infantry equipment in trade for shelf-stable rations.] Max asked.

[Not that I can see. The data on the planet doesn\'t show any extensive damage. I don\'t see any supply ships in orbit though, or many cargo vessels in the region. I suspect that the reason for their request is an uptick in piracy targeting the cargo vessels in the area, as they are very close to the border.] Admiral Drake replied.

That made sense to Max so he sent the positive affirmation of their intent to trade, and ordered the Admiral to turn for Kepler 808 Station.

[Nico, I need a scan of that station as soon as you can manage it.] Max informed her, then began his own attempt to hack through their computer firewalls.

It was a civilian station, and not big on security, so it didn\'t take Max long to get basic access, revealing that the station was incredibly overcrowded and that all shuttles from the surface of the planet had been halted due to the high refugee population already present and stressing the infrastructure.

Now things made much more sense. They weren\'t getting outside supplies, and the unrest had moved far too many people to a lightly populated planet that couldn\'t adapt fast enough to the influx. They had sent repeated requests for farm equipment, to supply an expansion of the farms, but the planet itself was desperately short on metallic alloys without their usual supply shipments.

That made this mission look more like a humanitarian mission than a simple trade, and Max sent the data through to logistics to produce a hundred tonnes of rations, while he had the Manufacturing bay create four new Light Mecha in the old standard Kepler pattern. That would let them bargain on anything the planet needed, and he could offer to make them some farm equipment to sweeten the deal when they inevitably tried to get a little extra.

A quiet win for everyone involved without overloading the station with any particular item.

[Kepler 808 Station, Terminus requests clearance to dock, or an envoy from the station to begin negotiations.] The Admiral requested as they approached.

The station was on the small side to be docking a vessel the size of Terminus, so he was expecting them to send a barge to meet them and execute the trade. What they brought with them would give a good idea of how desperate their situation was, and what they could offer in trade.

[Terminus, please carefully dock with the end pier of the Terminal. We currently have no barges available.] The station reported.

No barges? That was unheard of, and even the most desperate of Pirates usually wouldn\'t try to take an orbital barge. There simply wasn\'t any other use for them. They didn\'t even make good combat landers.

[Understood, we will be as gentle as possible so as not to throw you off your orbit.] Admiral Drake confirmed, and began the final maneuvering, giving everyone watching the exterior cameras an excellent view of what a Kepler civilian station looked like.

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