
Chapter 369 369 Exchange

The refugees on the station had noticed the incoming ship and had rushed toward the doors, loudly begging for food and supplies.

[Everyone shut the feth up. We have all the supplies you need, but you need to back up from the door so that we can make the exchange.] Nico roared, using the audio amplification function of her cyborg voice box.

That seemed to startle the refugees enough that they stopped pushing forward for a moment.

"Really? Do you have enough to trade for everyone? Food is hard to come by anywhere lately." The representative of the station asked, stepping forward to begin the negotiation.

"We prepared one hundred tonnes, as your request stated you were willing to trade for. We also have a few spare Mecha, brand new never seen combat, if you have deep pockets." Nico informed him.

The word that the Colony Ship had enough to spare spread through the refugees, and the mood immediately lightened.

"Our furniture is known all around the Galaxy as exquisite in quality, you won\'t have a problem trading it at a profit. Guys, bring forward the samples." The station commander ordered.

"Logistics, if you\'ve got the army stew ready, start passing it out to anyone who has a dish. Humanitarian aid for these refugees stuck in space." Max ordered, then moved back a bit so that Nico would be the one forced to deal with the negotiations.

Being able to delegate was definitely his favorite part of being Commander.

The people aboard the station had come prepared, and they all had a bowl of some sort ready for just this situation. Most likely because they were carrying everything that they owned, but that wasn\'t the point.

Nico had out a tablet with assorted valuation tables, looking over the furniture, while the Station Commander waited patiently, looking over the cavernous storage bay with its assortment of random crates and equipment.

Max noticed the moment that he noticed the terraforming and farming equipment in the corner of the bay, mostly hidden behind crates of ration packs.

That was perfect, things were going to plan already, they wouldn\'t have to mention the equipment, and he would find a way to work them into the deal if it was at all possible.

"Everything seems to be up to your usual standards. I can offer you all of the rations and two of the Line Mecha for the quantity that you have listed in stock." Nico decided.

Looking at the list, it should add up to all four Line Mecha that they had prepared, but even for a Station full of refugees, Nico wasn\'t running a charity.

"The Line Mecha is a secondary requirement, I can accept the two, but your price is too low. Perhaps you could offer some of that fine farming equipment to the deal? It wasn\'t on our list, but the population on the planet finds themselves in need of it for new arrivals who wish to become colonists." The station Commander suggested.

Nico looked over her shoulder at the collection of new gear and tapped her chin as if pondering his proposition. "Those were intended for another customer, but there is a spot between here and there where we could restock them. How about all the rations, one Mecha, and all of the farming equipment?"

The man sighed and looked longingly at the gear. "We really do need the second Mecha for station repairs. Both of ours are out of commission. I can offer you a stock of local Rye Whiskey, should your crew have a taste for it."

All of the Logistics staff smiled at that. Liquor was always welcome as part of a deal with Reavers, and they didn\'t have any objection to a supply of Whiskey to supplement their Rum.

"Rations, two Line Mecha, the Farm equipment, and four pallets of local Rye Whiskey, and you\'ve got yourself a deal." Nico agreed, and a cheer went up from the station side.

The Logistics staff moved the two Mecha which weren\'t part of the deal back out of the bay to the adjoining storage area, leaving only the items which were part of the deal, then gathered to bring the trade items from the station aboard.

It took them a while to clear a path to bring out the crates of furniture, but with the knowledge that they would be eating well in only a few minutes, the crowd was much more agreeable.

"Aren\'t these all Kepler ration packs? Made this year they say. It looks like the rumor that the Rebels ran afoul of the Reavers was true." Max heard someone say as they were loading the boxes onto the station\'s carts.

"The Tapani as well. The Reavers have done very well by themselves lately." Another station staffer agreed.

If they thought that these were plundered from a defeated Rebel vessel they wouldn\'t have anything negative to say about the Reavers having so much of a precious resource while they were in a hard spot.

"I don\'t suppose that we could beg delivery from you, could we? The planet refuses to send any of the barges back up to the station, but we need the farm equipment on the surface." The station Commander asked Nico once everything else was delivered.

Ah, the classic last-minute addition to the deal. But they didn\'t actually have a problem with that, and they had a shuttle they could use, originally belonging to The Dutchman, the transport vessel they had begun this crazy journey on after leaving Abraham Kepler.

"That won\'t be a problem. Would you like to accompany it, or should we just drop it and leave?" Nico asked.

"Drop it outside the city next to the guard posts. They will know what to do with it, and it should improve their attitude toward the Station." The Commander replied quietly.

[Logistics, bring around a Shuttle for the farm equipment, it needs to go to the surface. Tell the guards that it was purchased for them by the station and return to the ship.] Max ordered over the radio.

The staff brought the shuttle to the next bay, taking advantage of the fact the Innu had brought their cargo bay barriers back online, so they could freely enter and leave without worrying about hull temperatures.

In a few minutes, the shuttle was entering the atmosphere, and the first batch of rations had been handed out, clearing the path so that the rest could go into the station\'s storage area to be distributed as needed.

The process wasn\'t a fast one, as they could only bring the boxes through on small carts, thanks to the lack of operational equipment at the station, and the shuttle was back by the time they finished, followed by a single cargo barge.

[Sir, the Colony Staff wishes to express their gratitude to Terminus for the thoughtful inclusion of much-needed supplies in the deal.] The Logistics staff informed Max as they returned.

[Guide them into the bay beside us. They should have room to dock the barge.] Max ordered, hoping that they would see sense and start letting people back off the station.

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