
Chapter 276 - Two Hundred And Seventy-six: Meet Her Father

Chapter 276 - Two Hundred And Seventy-six: Meet Her Father

Reina's point of view

I was sure Niklaus would hate me once he finds out the truth. He hated Sakuzi as much as Sakuzi hated him; I can't let both meet.

"I'm sorry but I can't answer that," I replied to him.

"Really?" his brow raised and I could find a trace of annoyance mixed with determination in his eyes.

"Yes, so it's either you continue or just let me down and stop giving me a damn blue vulva," I grabbed his hair tight, hoping he felt this pain I was feeling.

There was an aching, heavy feeling in my genitals since I have been sexually aroused for an extended period without reaching the holy O - sorry, but guys weren't the only one who gets 'blue balls', we're all in the same boat. I needed to climax to release this pressure and Niklaus knows that, which is why he's not giving me what I want.

He was intentionally torturing me.

"Reina, you know what I want and I'll get it because you have no choice but to surrender, " He whispered into my ears, tremors rocked my body, and my grip on my scalp tightened.

Maybe he was right, I can't fight him. Niklaus held me at a tight spot, I was the one at a disadvantage here and the one bearing the brunt of the pain. I thought guys were always the needy ones in this act but Niklaus had so much control over himself that he showed no sign of discomfort at all.

"Fine, I'll take you to them," I gave in at last.

"How do I trust you? You're not exactly reliable at the moment, " he murmured, nipping me at the ear, wriggling his waist a bit, which gave me some sort of relief from this build-up.

"I give you my word," I struggled to breathe, "Besides, how can I escape from you? You're the boss now"

That sentence made his eyes darken with lust and the next I knew, he was slamming into me with a force that continuously ripped whimpers and screams from my mouth.

My nails dug into his back as he came increasingly closer to the right spot with his teeth gritted and then I felt it;

that heavenly bliss, the light blinding my eyes as I felt weightless.

Niklaus followed after me, the orgasm shaking through my body and echoed in his, causing me to rest my chin on his shoulder. We stayed that way for a while trying to catch our breath with a satisfied smile on our faces.

Niklaus pulled out of me but didn't let go of my waist, instead, he kept staring into my eyes that made my heart beat a mile per minute.

"I'm grateful that you're alive," He suddenly said, tucking my hair away from my face.

A surprised gasp left my parted lips, I didn't expect him to drop that kind of comment. My heart pounded harder, it wouldn't surprise me if he could hear that.

His hand began to caress my face, "And I'm so sorry I broke my promise of protecting you and the baby. I failed you and…"

He stopped speaking when he watched a tear slid down my face. I didn't even know why I was crying but my heart just felt so heavy and sad.

"The past seven-years was real hell for me too, Maya" Tears began to fall off Niklaus' eyes?"I blamed myself every day I woke. There wasn't a day I wasn't tortured in my dream,"

The more Niklaus spoke, the more my heart ached and the tears fell. There has been this hollow feeling in my heart over the years and now, someone was unloading the heaviness in there.

"You should know that I love and would always love you, Maya," Niklaus confessed, breaking the dam that bottled all my emotions all these years.

We cried on each other's shoulder, though I was the one who did much of the loud sobbing. Strange enough, I felt better afterward when I stopped crying. It was almost like my soul found peace or something.

I saw Niklaus in a different light, he was the one I needed and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him amid his flaws and scars; I was in love with him, again.

I initiated a kiss, he responded passionately, pouring all his emotions and unspoken words into it. Unlike before, this kiss was slow, deep, and sweet, we wanted to savor everything.

Burning with desire, we blindly found my bedroom with our lips still attached, unaware of the world and its problems. He placed me on the bed and there we explored the rest of our bodies, touching each other in places that pleasured us till we were joined as one. Niklaus made love to me in ways unimaginable till we were both satisfied and exhausted.

"I survived that fall but I lost my memories," I confessed to him as we lay together, tucked under the sheet after the lovemaking.

My head was on his chest with my hand drawing circles while his hand treads through my hair. That gesture felt familiar, no wonder, I felt like I've been missing a whole lot of things in my life.

"I thought so too," He said.

I turned my head, resting on my chin on his chest asking in surprise, "You did?"

He nodded, "You were so attracted to me - everyone could sense the sexual tension between us - but then your eyes were clear. Though it held affection, you were staring at me like I was a stranger," He explained patiently.

Oh, so that was it.

"I get snippets of my past with you, I haven't recovered my memory fully yet,"?I informed him.

"Don't worry, you'd recover it with time while I'll be by your side always to support you," Niklaus kissed my forehead.

That gesture warmed my heart. I must have loved Niklaus so much in the past that I couldn't wait to regain the rest of my memories.

"We should start going if you want to see my dad, he gets extremely busy at night," I intentionally dropped hints for Niklaus. He should figure out the kind of job that makes one active at night.

"Alright," Niklaus didn't say anything about the clue I dropped.

I didn't press either but got off the bed with the sheet wrapped around my body while Niklaus stood shamelessly naked. I blushed.

"What are you hiding?" he teased me, "I've already seen and touched everything, just let me enjoy the sight,"

The blush on my face deepened, how could he be so bold to say that. Didn't he have a sense of decency?

"No way," I refused him as he put on his briefs while I searched for my pant. Oh crap, it was in the living room.

"Take it off," Niklaus demanded," You can't watch mine and deprive me the privilege of seeing your body, "

" No freaking way, Nik - "

He tugged on the sheet and pulled it off without effort, baring me to him. I was so embarrassed that I looked away, my breath shaky as he ravished me with his eyes alone.

"They've improved, " He murmured.


"Your breasts," He mentioned without shame.

My jaw dropped, how could someone be this wantonness?.

"Seven years ago, they were so small I had to feed you coconut milk to increase them," He grinned, "I guess motherhood has done me a huge favor,"

"Y-you," I raised my hand to hit some sense into him but Niklaus captured my hand midway.

"Don't tempt me, get dressed,"

To my horror, Niklaus put the missing panty in my hand, pecked me on the lips, and left the room with a pleased smile at the corner of his lips.

"Pervert," the word was released from my mouth.

Worried he might return to watch some more, I dressed up in a flash, choosing to pick another cloth from the wardrobe when I couldn't find the ones I had previously worn - having known they were in the living room with the one and only Niklaus.

Thankfully, Niklaus respected himself when I came to meet him in the living room. We left, deciding to take his car instead - after playing rock, paper, scissors on whose car to use.

"Honey, you look good in blonde hair but you're not hiding from me anymore, you should revert to your old look," Niklaus attempted a conversation after five minutes of silence in our journey.

"Alright," I replied blandly.

I was nervous; the nerves were playing acrobatics in my stomach. Niklaus would hate me after he sees my father - Sakuzi killed his wife, Kay- they were enemies.

"Any chance I might change your mind about going to see my father?" I tried my luck.

"Not at all, my mind is set," Niklaus replied, eyes fixed on the road.

"Is your father a good person?" Niklaus asked me that strange question. Has he figured it out?

"He's good to me and the twins but the same can't be said for others, especially you. If I could give you an advice Niklaus, I would rather you turn around and let me handle this, please?" I grabbed his free hand, rubbing it tenderly.

He turned and smiled at me, saying,

"What kind of man would I be if I can't protect the woman I love and our kids?"

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