
Chapter 277 - Two Hundred And Seventy-seven: Betrayed Him With A Kiss

Chapter 277 - Two Hundred And Seventy-seven: Betrayed Him With A Kiss

Niklaus' point of view

Reina was uncomfortable, I could tell that, which made me anticipate meeting this man called her father. I knew how much she had longed to meet him during her time as Maya so I didn't discourage nor show an ounce of fear.

It was clear, only the bad guys were active at night since it provided the best cover for their illegal activity. I was tempted to call my men but decided against it, I wasn't going there to declare war against her mysterious father.?However, if things got bad, I trusted Reina would do the right thing.

It was quite funny, she didn't even know she had the power to control all of my men. Call me stupid or something but even after Maya died or thought she died, I had not withdrawn the authority I gave her. Reina just needs to make a call to Micheal and the rest is settled.

But as I said, I didn't come here to make war, even bad guys are fathers and husbands, I'll just have to inquire about what her father wants and if things go well, take away Maya and my kids immediately.

Allen and Ailee shouldn't live in that kind of negative environment. As someone who lived in one, I can tell you that with time, you're inevitable to take a life - intentionally or unintentionally - I don't want such a future for them.

"What are the twins like?" I asked out of curiosity.

Reina gave me a strange look, "Didn't you three form a father-child bond behind my back, so you should know everything already,"

I sensed sarcasm in her voice.

A smile tilted my lips to the side, Reina was jealous, "I mean personality-wise, I didn't have enough time to study them during our chat," I pretend not to notice the grudge in her tone.

"Well, guess, what?" the corners of her mouth quirked mockingly, " They inherited your stubbornness -"

"A-ah," I gestured no with my finger, "That gene is obviously from you,"

"No way, they took my intelligence," She argued.

"Yeah, intelligent indeed. You're as intelligent as a goose," I sassed.

Suddenly, her eyes turned red. Uh oh, Maya mode activated. I was in trouble.

"Did you just call me a goose?" she pointed to her chest with all seriousness.

"No," I gulped, refusing to meet her burning orbs.

"Why don't the both of us die today," She said and before I could react, grabbed my hair tight.

"Ouch! Reina, I'm driving," I struggled to keep the pain at bay and drive at the same time.

"I don't care! I'm a goose? You slept with a goose then, huh? Do you know how many suitors are fighting each other to have this goose as a wife," she effused.

I had no choice, I packed the car by the side of the road and spent the next fifteen minutes placating her. Seriously, why were women so hard to please? It was just a joke - a joke that hit close to home. Fine, no more calling her a goose.

After appeasing the tigress, we drove to our destination in silence. The first thing I noticed about the mansion was the huge intimidating gate and men standing patrols.

There were no other houses around for quite a distance as if they had purposely bought the lands off. No wonder the twins didn't want me to come - without Reina's direction, I might lose my way here.

Reina was the first to get down and I stepped out after taking in our environment only for her to press me against the car, kissing me.

I was surprised, this was unexpected. Not to add that this kiss was questionable, it was as if Reina was saying goodbye or something.

"Is this a good luck kiss?" I asked, breathless.

"Sort of, you're going to need it" she replied and kissed me once more.

"Your father hates me, doesn't he?" I inquired knowing that was the only reason the man would keep me away from my kids for seven years.

"Trust me Niklaus, when you see him, the feeling would be mutual," she answered.

I caught the wistful look on Reina's face. Who was her father? I began to go through my memory, thinking hard about people I must have offended or offended me. None of them fit being Reina's father but there was a nagging feeling in my belly as I thought of one person. No, I refused to believe that.

"It's time," Reina grabbed my hand and began to lead me to the gate.

"Open up," She said through the intercom and the next, the huge gate slid to the side electronically and we went in.

I could sense their intense glance at me and it didn't seem friendly at all. They surely knew who I was else that one by my right wouldn't be glaring at me.

"What's he doing here? How could you bring him here?" a man came out of nowhere to confront Maya.

"Get out of my way, Andrew" she growled at him.

Andrew? My brow raised at the mention of that name which made me look at him closely.

"You?" I was shocked, pointing at him, "Wasn't he your ex-boyfriend?" I asked Reina, "What's he doing here?"

"It's a long story," was all she said.

"I'm not letting him in," Andrew insisted, disregarding my presence; he treated me as if I was air.

"Niklaus would come in and there's nothing you can do about it," Reina demanded, not caring about his opinion.

"Watch me," Andrew challenged.

Suddenly he brought out a gun and pointed it at me, but what happened next left me baffled.

Reina brought out her gun from underneath her shirt, instead of pointing it at Andrew, pointed it at herself. In synchrony, all the guards around us fixed their guns on Andrew instantly.

Wow, It seems Reina's words here weigh a lot - her father must love her a lot to give her this much authority. But what surprised me the most was how she had a gun and I didn't know it. Maybe my private investigator was right, I should be wary of Reina. She might be Maya but we spent seven years apart and people change, coupled with the fact she lost her memories. What if all this was a pretense and she was leading me to my slaughter?

Seeing he was outnumbered, Andrew had no choice but to lower his weapon but he hit me in the face.

"Get away from him now!"

I had never seen Reina this furious, she looked like she would murder him that moment. It relieved me to know she cared this strongly for me,?I could trust her now.

"Let's go," She grabbed my hand, leading me through the entrance door.

We went through a long hallway with lots of rooms coming off of it. Some of the doors were opened, showing me bald men with tattoos scattered around their bodies and playing cards; rooms storing weapon crates with men checking them out and so many others.

That assured me that her father was involved with a gang that I now know. That tattoo could only belong to the falcon gang and as much as I tried to deny it, evidence was everywhere.

"We're here," Reina said to me as soon as we walked into the spacious lavish-looking living room.?She must have sensed my withdrawal because she let go of my hands, going to meet a man that had his back turned to us as he instructed another.

A name lingered on my tongue but I refused to say it out, no, I didn't want to call it out. There was no way this was happening.


"Reina dear," He turned and our eyes met and held.


I didn't know how to feel at that moment. I had a premonition that it was him but I refused to admit it until I saw it with my eyes and now I did,?I want it to be a dream.

"Sakuzi is your father?" I asked in disbelief.

She nodded.

"Nice to meet you again, Niklaus," He smirked at me, "Though it has been seven years, it still feels like yesterday,"

"And you don't look any younger," I countered, struggling to keep my emotions under check. Now, I saw him, the memories of Kay I had buried years ago come flooding back.

"Alright," Sakuzi clapped his hand, "Thank you Reina dear for bringing him straight to me, you'd be rewarded greatly for this job well done," he said.

Between me and Reina, I couldn't tell who was more shocked, or maybe she was faking it. If I listen carefully to his speech, she just betrayed me.

"That is not true!" She hollered.

Reina approached her father, turning to look back at me with anxious looks and back to him, whispering something I couldn't hear.

"Don't worry, I won't kill him as I promised you but he won't leave here in one piece," Sakuzi declared.

"Father!" She cried out, deterred.

"Take our guest out, he'd be having a pleasant time here," My arch-nemesis, Sakuzi, instructed four men who came out of nowhere and grabbed me. I couldn't fight back, they manhandled me. It dawned on me, this was a trap and I fell right into it.

"Niklaus!" I heard Reina call my name but I didn't turn to look at her. I needed time away from her. No wonder she kissed me earlier having known this would happen. Just like Judas, Reina betrayed me with a kiss.

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