
Chapter 319 - Three Hundred And Nineteen - Does Anyone Object To This Marriage?

Chapter 319 - Three Hundred And Nineteen - Does Anyone Object To This Marriage?

The third point of view:

"Do you, Niklaus Christian Spencer, take this woman, Reina princess Armani Sakuzi, as your lawfully wedded wife?" The pastor asked Niklaus who had his eyes fixed on his lovely wife, Reina.

At the moment, Niklaus had pushed every negative thought out of his mind and set his sight on Reina. His heart was pounding so loud in his ears that it was a surprise Reina couldn't hear it.

"I do," He answered, honestly. Niklaus had never been this sure in his entire life. Reina was the woman he was going to spend the rest of his life with.

The pastor then turned to inquire of Eden the same question which he answered with confidence.

"I do," Eden said, smiling down at his bride. So he was finally getting married and getting another shot at happiness - well, he was tired of the bachelor's life anyway.

"Now, repeat after me grooms," The pastor began to enunciate the traditional wedding vows which both of them recited accordingly.

"I, Niklaus Christian Spencer, take you, Reina Princess Armani Sakuzi, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law, in the presence of God I make this vow, "

"I, Eden Benjamin Spencer, take you, Camille Elizabeth Smith, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law, in the presence of God I make this vow.

Then the priest turned to the brides and repeated the same query to both women.

"Do you, Reina Armani Princess Sakuzi take this man, Niklaus Christian Spencer, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," Reina answered, still not believing what was going on. She was finally marrying Niklaus? This seemed like a dream to her.

The priest repeated the same question to Camille. Since it was a double wedding and for both cousins, everything had to be done together.

"I do," Camille answered with a smile on her face. Her husband looked truly gorgeous today.

Almost immediately, the ring bearer, Pedro, who had the rings tied to a small luxurious pillow walked over to the respective grooms who took the ring according to the direction of the ordained priest.

Niklaus and Eden picked the ring one after the other and this time, the pastor gave them the chance to personalize their ring exchange wordings.

"I give you this ring as a sign of my faithful devotion. I will always love you, cherish you, and honor the vows spoken here today." Niklaus said and slid the ring into Reina's finger.

"I give you this ring as a symbol of my faith in our united strength. It shines as brightly as my undying love for you." Eden promised, sliding the ring into Camille's finger as well. A round of applause reverberated across the church auditorium.

Now, it was the bride's turn to exchange the ring and both picked the rings accordingly.

"This ring is a token of my love. I offer you all that I have, all that I am, and all that I will be." Reina declared and slide the ring into the appropriate fingers.

Today, for the first time in history, Niklaus had gotten rid of all the rings in his fingers, just so he could wear this one alone.

"This ring is almost as beautiful as your smile. Let's embark on this new journey together and live life by each other's side." Camille said hers, putting the ring in Eden's finger too.

This time a thunderous clap reverberated across the aisle. Though they hadn't been proclaimed husband and wife yet, the guest could not hold back their happiness anymore. The sight was so sweet and heart-stirring.

Since Pedro's duty was done, he had to return to the aisle and one should have seen how Isabella's eyes widened when she saw him coming.

She quickly reorganized herself to make sure nothing was out of place and tapped the space next to her - she kept it free on purpose - suggesting he should sit with her.

However, to Isabella's disappointment, Pedro walked past her with his head held high and choose to sit with the bridesmaids.

Julie who saw how everything transpired between them burst into mocking laughter to Anabelle's irritation.

"Could you stop jinxing another person's relationship?" she was upset.

"Sure," Julie added, "After I'm done laughing to my heart's content," He burst into another round of laughter while Isabella clenched her fist by her side, glaring at him.

Meanwhile, Cecil had been chatting with the girls when she felt someone take a seat beside her and it was her son.

Confusion furrowed her brows and she checked the aisle before her to confirm there was space, plus Isabella, yet her son left her to come here -unbelievable!

Ever since Isabella and her son got together, it has been hard to get a grasp of her son. He was always with Isabella or the trio of them altogether. Even she didn't even dare enter Pedro's room currently without knocking - she had learned from her previous mistake after locating them necking passionately.

But then, since the past week, her son's been behaving strangely; he was moody and spent more time with his buddies than usual and she hadn't time to ask him questions due to the wedding plans and business.

"Did you fight with Isabella?" She couldn't help but ask.

"No, we did ourselves so much good by breaking up,"

"What?!" The woman cupped her mouth when she realized she literally screamed.

Cecil didn't have any problems with Isabella. She was a good girl with her own special quirkiness. Sure, the girl was bad at times but Isabella knew the line not to cross and that's the kind of influence she needed around Pedro.

Her son was too soft and naive though resolute when he puts his mind into doing something. But as someone who would take over her business in the future, he had to be strong and a risk-taker. Finally, here comes Isabella to influence him.

Sure, Cecil had accepted him and Anabelle when they were still together but she always knew something was missing, she wanted more. As if God heard her prayers, everything worked out well but now this foolish son of hers was telling her that he has lost his Godsent?

"What happened between the two of you?" She disturbed him without wasting time.

"Mom, can we focus on the wedding," Pedro dismissed her.

Humph! Think you're going to keep me off? Keep on dreaming! I'll get to the bottom of this issue but for now, let's respect your wishes. If only Cecil knew another family was after her precious daughter-in-law, she wouldn't have given Pedro a resting space at all.

By the way, while all this was going on, the pastor announced,

"If anyone can show just cause why this couple cannot lawfully be joined together in matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace"

And just like that, there was silence, absolute silence.

There was a furrow on Niklaus' face, hadn't he told Judy to ask the priest to omit this certain phrase? He looked towards his best man who shrugged innocently, gesturing to the pastor instead who looked forward to the congregation.

Damn these pastors and their doctrines, Niklaus cursed. He should have known while holding his wedding at a church.

The church was Eden's idea, he had wanted to follow the footsteps of his father Eric during his time, else Niklaus would have had an outdoor wedding and invite an officiant. Now, he was standing on tenterhooks - well this was karma for the numerous hearts he broke.

Everybody in the congregation held their breath, everyone in here knows of Niklaus' careless lifestyle in the past. There was a 99.9% percent chance of a drama occurring anytime soon.

Reina's hands were clammy from anxiety, though she stood with her head held high and a smile on her face, her stomach was knotted with nerves while she forgot how to breathe.

Though she knew without a doubt that Niklaus loves her, it would be another issue if a woman emerges with a claim of having his child. Children complicate issues and Reina wasn't ready to share Niklaus. For sure, it would hurt but she'd rather leave with her kids than compete with another woman for a man's attention.

What was actually a minute seemed to have lasted forever that the moment the pastor pronounced them, "Husband and wife" Reina released the breath she had been holding in.

"You can now kiss your brides,"

Tears of joy mixed with relief flowed down Reina's face as Niklaus kissed her. For a moment there, she had been so scared that everything she had built so far would crumble down in the twinkle of an eye.

Niklaus was eager to kiss his bride, to ensure this was real. He had never regretted his life options until that very moment of trial. He had been so scared he would lose this precious woman because of his past mistakes.

The whole congregation stood to their feet, greeting the new married couples with deafening rapturous applause. They cheered Niklaus who passionately kissed his wife, Reina for God knows how long even after Eden and Camille were done. Their gleeful acclamation and applause mingled in a single sustained roar.

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