
Chapter 320 - Three Hundred And Twenty: Youd Be The Last Ill Continue To Love

Chapter 320 - Three Hundred And Twenty: You'd Be The Last I'll Continue To Love

The third point of view:

"Let's give it up for the brides and the grooms!" The Mc hollered enthusiastically.

All heads turned to the entrance as the guests all stood with an applause, cheering the newly wedded couples entering the hall.

The wedding reception was held in a hotel owned by the Spencers, precisely the hotel where Maya and Niklaus had met. Though the hotel was the family's property, Niklaus had bought it from Eden because it was a place of importance in his heart.

As expected, everyone fixed their eyes on the couples who were in the spotlight as they strut in one after the other, both grooms having their brides by their side.

After the church service, they had spent a lot of time taking pictures with family and friends, so they had rushed over as not to keep the guests waiting for long.

Reina had a blush on her face as she walked in with Niklaus while the Dj played a number. Her arm was hooked around his own and the man held onto her tightly. Everything seemed surreal to her, she was now a Spencer?!

If she had been shy, it was nothing compared to when they reached the center of the stage and the Dj changed the somewhat romantic song to an upbeat tune as the MC requested them to have their first dance as a married couple.

To be honest, it was super nerve-wracking to be on the dance floor for the length of an entire song that appears to have gone on forever in a room full of people staring at you. But then, with Camille and Eden showing off their dancing steps, Reina had to throw her shame away.

Now talk about Niklaus, the man was rocking it. She knew her man was a good dancer but he keeps on surprising her. And just like that, the couple dance was monopolized by Niklaus as everyone cheered him on.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the crowd, Isabella was busy searching for those mischievous siblings of hers - they had disappeared after the photoshoot - she stumbled upon Julie.

Ugh, what bad luck.

"Yo, fiancée," That irritating squirrel said, " You didn't tell me my father-in-law was a good dancer?"

"What?" Isabella was confused.

"Just come," Julie grabbed her hand and began to lead her through the crowd of people that had gathered around the dance floor just to record Niklaus dancing.

"The legendary player and ex - eligible bachelor shows a great dance move in his wedding today, " it would surely go viral on the internet.

"I swear to God if you're..." Isabella was still saying when Julie squeezed her between two women just so she could see what was going on and her eyes almost bulged out of her socket.

Her father was twerking!

No, scratch that, her father and Reina were twerking uniformly and the guests were cheering them on.

Isabella almost spat blood. That was it! Her career was over! There was no doubt all of her fans were watching this - some of the guests were videoing live. Now, she can't make a single video without them mentioning this twerking experience. They would make jokes - wait a minute, why not just feature Niklaus on her show since he was so great at dancing and people were willing to watch that shit? She could create a separate server…..

And just like that, the once dejected look on Isabella's face turned into a mischievous one as she thought of ways to convert her father into her money bag and followers attractor. Even Julie who was by her side couldn't help but shiver, what evil plans does this she-devil have in mind now?

It was a great dancing session because the groomsmen and bridesmaids joined in no time, igniting the whole place. The MC had no choice but to give them more time to dance since the guests were enjoying themselves.

By the time they were done, everyone was sweating and jubilating, it had been one hell of dance and the couples were ushered to the head table. With the guests seated for upcoming speeches, waiters went around with fresh trays of champagne glasses and drinks, serving the guests according to their choice just as the father of the bride came on stage to give his speech.

While the Dj created the perfect ambiance with the collection of his soft songs, Reina and Camille used that opportunity to slip out to change into their reception dress. The wedding dress was a bit restricting and uncomfortable to move around with - especially for Reina who couldn't stand heels. She had taken walking lessons the past week hence the reason she had lasted that long in them.

"Good afternoon everyone," Sakuzi began, "On behalf of Niklaus and Reina, and myself, I would like to start by welcoming you all and to thank you for coming here to celebrate this very special, happy occasion, the marriage of our daughter Reina to Niklaus.

"It really is great to see so many friends and family here today. But a special thanks to those of you who have had long and difficult journeys. I know it means a great deal to Reina and Niklaus that you're here with them today, especially to my ex-wife Nadia, who squeezed out time from her busy schedule to come to my daughter's wedding,"

The world was deceived into believing that Reina's mother was his mistress who had died while giving birth to her and the reason Valentino had separated from his wife. It kept the gossips talking hence no one cared to check the authenticity. Moreover, Valentino was a known flirt.

He went on, "Every wedding is special, of course. But to see your daughter get married is something else. Princess, our walk down the aisle this afternoon is a memory I shall cherish. You looked absolutely beautiful in your stunning wedding dress.

"When the date was set for the wedding, I kept getting anxious by each passing second since I knew it was time to let you go. You see, growing up Reina was quite stubborn and strong, I'm guessing she got that from me, "

The crowd chuckled.

"She was so stubborn that she got twin kids for a man I never approved," He added, " At that time,"

This time the crowd went silent as the speech enthralled them.

"You see I love my baby girl and would never allow her to get hurt. But then, my over protectiveness hurt her and I've learned my lesson," He swallowed, "Which is why I let her do what she wanted and be happy for the rest of her life. She deserves all my care and my support and she has given me the best gift by making me a grandpa.

"Allen and Ailee are a handful but they're special kids that I would not trade for anything in the world. Anyone who's seen the kids with their parents would know they are one happy family," he lifted his champagne.

"Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, could you please raise your glass to the bride and groom: Reina and Niklaus,"

Reina, who had returned by then, walked over to her father and hugged him tightly, batting away the tears from ruining her makeup.

And the next to speak was Camille's father rendering a very emotional speech that had his daughter in tears.

When it was Niklaus' turn to speak, the whole room went dead silent and all eyes rested on him as he grasped the mic. But to everyone's surprise, he didn't speak immediately, instead reached out as Judy handed a Tablet to him.

He started, "I know you all are curious but I… eh… wrote a little something for my wife. I'm kind of nervous right now, So I have to make sure I don't forget any. And you might be wondering why I am reading this in front of a room full of people then. Why not read this in a room with just the two of us? But since today is a celebration of our love, I thought what other way to celebrate this love than to talk about it in a room full of the people that we both love.

"Growing up, I didn't have the best parents a guy could ask for. The woman who would have been a lovely mother died when I was young and I don't think I can remember her face without looking at a picture. I could say her death devastated my father who took out the anger and devastation on me- Love is the best gift that you can ever give anyone. I guess my father saw himself as a failure and chose to make me the perfect version of himself. But in all, I was grateful to have someone to call a father.

"Growing up with such experience, you should be able to guess what I'd turn out to be. Everyone in here knows about my famous younger days, "

There were whispers and comical responses from the crowd.

"In my experience, there are two kinds of people. The people who are romantic at heart and the people who don't really believe in true love until they meet the one. I fit into the latter category. I was a skeptic, I was cynical and never thought love would come calling. Until one day, it did. I had only ever read stories and heard tales of what true love was. It was not until her that I finally knew and understood what it all meant,"

Niklaus turned to Reina with a smile,

"Doesn't my wife look stunning today?"

The crowd burst into laughter while some concurred with his statement. Reina blushed beet red.

"With or without your opinion, my wife, Reina, looks absolutely stunning today and every day. Whether she has on a dazzling dress and perfectly manicured nails and every strand of hair in place or she just have a messy ponytail and some t-shirt and sweatpants on, she'd look beautiful no matter what she wears - though I personally think she's prettier in her birthday suit," He chuckled.

The crowd gasped and whistled suggestively at his innuendo while Reina mentally face-palmed, she should have known this would happen.

"But then, beauty is only skin deep anyway. What counts is what I find on the inside. And the more I got to know my wife Reina, the more I fell in love with her. When we first met up in this very hotel, I could never have predicted where we would end up today, but I am sure glad that this is where we are now. Now that I know you, I could not see myself with anyone else but you.

"Naturally, I tried my best to not fall in love with her, I really did because I knew she was dangerous and I didn't want my playboy days to end,"

The guest burst into another round of laughter.

"But fate has its funny ways of bringing two people together and I don't think I've seen anyone who's more selfless than her, always thinking of others.

Marriage, of course, is a big deal. It is a huge commitment. I just want to tell you that I'm not the same person I was before I met you.

"We went through many persecution and war when we started this special embarkment, but we conquered in the end. Thank you, Reina, for signing up to be my wife. I know you know that you're not the first woman I ever loved but I promise you'd be the last I'll continue to love, even in death. I love you. "

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