
Chapter 1614 To Niflheim

In fact, a majority of the people of the northern continent have ancestors that could be traced back to the Norse Universe. The human mortals there are people that were left in the main world when the Pangea broke apart. Some of the mortals in the northern continent still retained their devotion to the Nordic Gods while some integrated with the other people in the north.

The Norse Universe was not destroyed by foreign gods, but an entity called the World Devourer. It is an unknown being that even the gods fear as it can devour planets easily. It could also devour an entire universe if given time to grow which is why they are often extinguished once they are made known.

It also has powerful resistances to physical and magical attacks which is why it usually takes ten gods to defeat one that is at the size of a hill. The World Devourer will grow larger and larger until it could defeat even a hundred gods. Once it grows big enough, it will devour the universe that it is currently on.

If the World Devourer manages to eat the universe, then it would go into a period of long hibernation. It would hibernate until it will reduce back to the size of a small hill. It would then repeat the cycle of its hunger as it is a being that was created or born just to devour worlds and nothing else.

"Prepare yourselves as I will now create the portal." Adrian stated as the God Freyr and Frey gulped.

Adrian poured mana into Paradox as the astrolabe spun around them and released a gentle yet unknown mana even to the God Freyr. The God Freyr is not prejudiced at Adrian even if he was a demon as he could feel the abundant life energy in him. The God Freyr is considered a god of life in the Nordic God pantheon, but he is not under the Goddess of Life Gaea.

A magic circle suddenly imprinted itself on the ground as the mana that Adrian released created the pattern by etching itself. The pattern was indeed that of the Bifrost, but it was not etched into a stone slab like the one that they used before. The ground just looks like it was burnt but it was indeed the magic circle that is familiar with the God Freyr.

"This is not a permanent magic circle because we do not have a conduit and a material to etch it in. This magic circle is a one-time use kind of way. Only I can activate it though as I have created it to my liking and even gave it my own flare." Adrian stated as the magic circle looked like an exact copy, but it was not.

Adrian actually found flaws in the magic circle of the Bifrost or rather he used a more modern take on it. He only changed around 10% of the magic circle but it was enough to call it something that he created. In fact, even a mage from the Tower of Magic would claim an original magic circle if they edited at least 3% of it. It is incredibly difficult to modify a magic circle to fit one\'s needs as they are very rigid in structure.

[Congratulations on becoming a Master Rank Scribe!]

[Mana Cost for spells using magic circles will be decreased by 15%.]

[You are now able to ignore a target\'s magic defense for a total of 15%.]

[All spells using runes or magic circles will have 15% more power.]

[You are the first player that has achieved a Master Rank in the Sub Job Class of Scribe.]

[You have obtained the title First Master Scribe.]

[You can now take on apprentices as you have sufficient knowledge to teach on the ways of the Scribe.]

Adrian did not expect that deciphering the Bifrost runes would actually makes him breakthrough. He always thought that he needed to create a Semi Transcendent talisman or something in order to advance but this was a good welcome. He will now have better magic damage as he has a flat 15% magic penetration.

"Most of my magic is also created using magic circles which is why all of my spells are also empowered." Adrian thought as he clenched his fist.

Adrian is overjoyed at the things he accomplished even if he was not able to level up. Frey might not have been able to detect anything that changed for Adrian, but the God Freyr could. He already felt that Adrian was somewhat dangerous, but it suddenly increased which baffled him.

"Are the two of you ready?" Adrian asked.

"I am ready." Frey stated.

"I am always ready." The God Freyr replied.

Adrian then called them to the middle of the magic circle as they would need to be in it for the Bifrost to take them. Frey was about to hold Adrian and the God Freyr\'s hands when she was told not to. Adrian told her that this magic circle would have less burden on the body and a smoother transition which is why handholding is no longer necessary.

"Just to make sure." Frey stated as she still held Adrian\'s hand but did not hold onto the God Freyr\'s hand.

"Uhum… I will now activate the magic circle." Adrian stated as he pretended to cough while blushing.

The God Freyr looked at the two and almost choked as feelings do blossom in the face of danger. He did not berate them as he knows that the Valkyries are under her sister\'s care who is also a goddess of love. The Valkyries were not forbidden to love as the Goddess Freyja herself is a minor goddess of love.

Adrian activated the magic circle while his cheeks are a bit flush, but the magic circle did not have any problems. Rainbow colored light suddenly flooded down onto them as their bodies vanished from the area. The magic circle that was drawn on the ground also vanished as if the mana used to write it has been used up.

The gods of Asgard did not even notice that the God Freyr managed to leave the realm despite not going to Heimdall. All of the Asgardian gods except for one who was asleep was aware that the God Freyr escaped. The God Odin felt the shift of energy from something that is similar to the Bifrost, but he could not tell the other gods as he was still fast asleep.

The God Odin is not entirely asleep when he is sleeping but his soul separates from his body. He might not be able to leave his physical body for too long, but he gains the incredibly sensitive sense for energy. He could sense any energy disturbance in the whole realm of Asgard and could even distinguish the owner of that energy if he is familiar with it.

"The God Freyr has left Asgard using a way that I do not know. The location of that spatial shift was not the Bifrost that Heimdall guards. It seems that he also plans to betray me for his sister. So be it, I shall end their lives when I awake from my slumber." The God Odin\'s soul stated as he lingered near his physical body.


A powerful rainbow light suddenly poured from the skies of a world filled with eternal ice. A world almost desolate of life as it is filled with nothing but snow and ice. The world of eternal winter and a world where Asgardians punish those that have wronged them. 

[You have arrived at Niflheim.]

A notification popped up as soon as they arrived at Niflheim. Frey started to shiver in cold as even her own resistances could not protect her. The God Freyr also felt cold, but it was bearable to him thanks to the armor that he is wearing.

"Why are you not shivering?" Frey asked as she saw that Adrian was fine and his hand was still warm since they are still hand holding.

"The Daemos have incredible physiology that even lets us survive the cold depths of space. This place is very cold though since I can still feel the temperature. I have the solution for your problem. Greater Summon: Kanlaon." Adrian stated as he summoned his dragon soulbound.

The God Freyr is shocked to see a dragon bowing down to another being as they are known to be prideful. Then again, he could understand if that other being was Adrian as he is special even compared to other demons. 

"Can you coil around her neck and keep her warm for the time being?" Adrian commanded Kanlaon as the dragon shrunk in size and warmed up Frey\'s body upon the orders of his master.

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