
Chapter 69 - Traps Of The Palace

Chapter 69 - Traps Of The Palace

After getting rid of Patricia and making everyone believe she has an affair with Marquise Lindell, I don't have to worry about that man anymore. Anything he says will be interpreted as the crazy hatred of a man in love. Not in love with me, obviously.

Alexander has relaxed a bit, seeing how I have everything under control.

We go back to our seats, and he tenderly caresses my face.

?Don't make me worry, all right?? he mumbles.

I simply nod, hoping to hearten him with a single gesture. I won't let him know that I've prepared a fake poisoning too, as an emergency plan. It's better if he doesn't know it.

Also, I have to reward Kate when this is all over. She helped me so much to set everything in place.

The music resumes, and the party continues as nothing happened.

I eye Pericle, in a corner, retreating with a couple of swords in his hands. He wasn't expecting the little incident from before to end without a single drop of bloodshed. He's smiling at me when our eyes meet. He's happy that I've solved this instead of the Duke, apparently.

Well, I can guess that it would have been hard to explain why the Emperor's carpets were full of blood and body parts, and why his subjects were wounded.

Some noblemen drag the Duke away, telling me that they want to instruct him about the duties of a married man.

We've already been married for a month, so I'm positive the Duke already knows that very well. Still, everyone is so drunk that I prefer to simply nod and smile cutely.

After all, how much damage can be done to a drunken Duke? He won't even remember what they say.

He looks at me with a doubting expression, and one of his comrades jokes about it.

?No one will steal your wife, Alexander,? he chuckles. Since he's calling him by name, I guess they're close friends.

?Also, the Duchess won't even leave your field of vision. We won't take long, my friend. We just want to talk with you for a bit,? another one adds.

After thinking about it for a while, Alexander gets up and follows them.

?You're a pain,? he complains, but he still follows his friends. They won't be able to see each other for months, so he should be a bit more patient and kind.

A young maid reaches me, and she whispers to my ear.

?His majesty, the Emperor, asked your grace to lend him some of your time.?

During my wedding? Well, I will travel away immediately after the celebrations are over. If the Duke's condition is proper for a journey, though.

However, the Emperor won't have any more opportunities to talk with us after this evening. That might be the reason why he's asking for me.

I follow the maid while she holds a small backdoor for me. It's on the same side as the main door, but we don't attract all the attention while getting out. We end in the main hallway, and the maid starts to walk in the direction opposite of the throne hall. She's rather gloomy, and her face is pale and inexpressive.

?His majesty is this way,? she says.

I take a couple of steps in her direction when I notice something weird. I slow down, without stopping to walk.

Her steps are silent, I can't hear any noise even if I focus. I wouldn't have sensed her presence if I wasn't looking at her. She's just like a ghost.

I stop midway, considering whether my instinct could fail me this much. In the end, it's just a young girl. She's short and skinny, what damage can she do?

However, her arms and shoulders look quite strong for her tiny figure.

I've just solved one problem, and it looks like another one is running at me at full speed.

Trying to be as silent as I can, I bow down and grab the rim of my dress. I lift the skirts and start to run without giving any warning to the assassin maid.

When I glance back, I notice that she's running after me, so I increase my speed and throw myself on the main door, trying to open it with my weight. When I step into the hall, I look around and realise that I don't know who sent a killer after me.

I could die here if I entrust my life to the wrong person.

Before I have time to decide in which direction to run, a pair of strong arms surround me. I see a glimpse of Alexander's face before he drags me to the side and shields me with his body.

I notice how he kicks the maid's hand, which is indeed holding a dagger. His hit sends the weapon flying, and I grab his shirt and bury my face there.

He's able to protect me even if he's drunk.

When I turn towards the door again, the hallway is deserted. There is no trace of that maid.

I look back at Alexander and hug him tightly, not paying any attention to the people staring at us. The music has stopped for the umpteenth time, and I don't think they will start playing again after what happened.

In fact, the royal guards step in and begin to search for the assassin. Some of them stand next to the Duke and me, looking for possible threats.

If only I was a step slower at figuring out that the maid was a trained killer, I would have died in Alexander's arms. That woman had her arm raised to hit me.

However, Alexander noticed that I was gone. He was so close to the door, he was probably going to look for me.

?Thank you,? I whisper, surrounding his neck with my arms and sinking my face in his chest.

?Are you all right?? he inquires.

I nod, unable to talk any more. I just lean on Alexander and wait for the guests to start leaving.

After a while, I sit on my chair and look at the table absent-mindedly.

The Princess dares to reach out for my hand, and I turn to her, surprised.

?How are you feeling, Duchess?? she whispers. Her eyes are wide, out of worry, but her fingers are as warm as Alexander's.

?I'm fine. Alexander saved me, as your highness saw,? I smile.

?I have to go now. It's the protocol in case of assassination attempts,? the Princess explains.

?It's better if you go, your highness. The assassin might still be in the Palace. You better take care of yourself,? I nod while giving back her ruby earrings.

?I won't be able to greet you later. Xander doesn't want to postpone your departure, so I'll wish you a safe journey right now.?

I guess my husband is even less eager to stay after what happened. He's still talking with the guards, right now.

The Princess has just left, and the aide that followed the Emperor when he retreated walks to me.

?Your grace, Duchess of Kyre, the Emperor wishes to talk with you.?

Last time I heard these words, I almost died. And it happened a few minutes ago.

I blink confused and turn to Alexander. He's still busy, but he gestures to one of his knights to accompany me. After all, we can't reject the Emperor.

I follow the functionary, and the knight with long hair follows me. His eyes are looking around in search of danger, but he's wearing a bored expression. He hadn't said a word to me from the start, but he's always kept some distance when I was with the Princess or Kate.

He's even colder than Patricia, but somehow I can tell that he's dutiful and loyal to the Duke.

The officer walks away after leaving me in a study. The knight waits for the Emperor to arrive before retreating behind the door.

?Thank you for following my aide even though you were just attacked with a similar excuse.?

?It was not similar, your majesty. The killer used the exact same words as your officer.?

?I promise you I'll do my best to find the killer and bring her to justice,? the Emperor sentences. ?I wasn't able to defend you from Marquise Lindell, but I've heard you did a good job on your own. You're one of my subjects now, Duchess, and I've failed you when your life was put on the line. Twice.?

I don't understand why he's telling me all of this.

?The least I can do is explain to you my reasons,? he continues. ?I won't be able to punish the culprits behind the attack because I can't find any real proof of their involvement. As of now, I've only informed your husband about what I know. Still, I think you deserve to know.?

?Involvement in what?? I ask.

The Emperor grabs the armrests of his chair and looks at the table with a troubled expression. Then, he lifts his head and looks directly at me when he says the fated words.

?The Ethiro Empire is on the verge of collapse.?

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