
Chapter 70 - Truth From A Royal Mouth

Chapter 70 - Truth From A Royal Mouth

The Emperor stays silent for a while before continuing with his speech.

I can understand how he's feeling, right now, after admitting that his kingdom is in ruin. That's how I felt when I surrendered.

All that I've lived for shattered in a single day. The war did last for years, but only after signing the treaty, I felt that painful burn on my heart. Every day in preparation for that event was long and tedious. At some point, I couldn't wait to just end it all and die.

Realising that a winning empire was falling might be even worse, right? At least, the Emperor realised the state of his lands in time. Maybe, it is not too late.

?The larger an empire, the more difficult it is to maintain control. Some territories are rebelling to the central command, and the intrigues in court are getting worse each day. In particular, some families are trying to take advantage of the unstable situation. I've been crowned immediately after the late Emperor's death. Everyone thought it was too soon, but that choice maintained peace for a few months.?

?Is that why your majesty increased the efforts to conquer Polis, instead of proposing peace??

?That's part of the reason. Peace was a preferable option, given our circumstances. Yet, I was counselled not to concede. It would have been seen as weak.?

?Did the Duke counsel your majesty?? I inquire.

My heart is pounding in my chest, at a speed that I couldn't imagine before. I try to keep my expression calm, but the Emperor must have guessed my thoughts.

?No,? he says, after a few seconds of silence. ?Duke Kyre asked me to grant a wish in exchange for his help in solving the situation. And he used his wish to save your life, Duchess. He didn't even ask that you were given to him. He only wanted that your life was spared, and your freedom guaranteed.?

My Duke didn't ask for this marriage?

?I couldn't ensure both of his wishes, so you ended up alive but not free. He also used all of his influence to make sure Polis is ruled by efficient officers and peaceful guards.?

Wait, isn't the Emperor advertising my husband a bit too much? Why all this praise now when he doesn't reward him when we're in public?

?Your majesty doesn't need to tell me all of this. I don't ought to know, I'm just the wife of your loyal subject,? I utter.

?I was just a child when I sat on the throne,? the Emperor continues. ?How do you think I could notice that there is something rotten going on??

Like every ruler, right? It's not easy to spot, but there are ways to find out if rebellions, betrayals and misdeeds are going to be done. Nothing happens all of a sudden.

Maybe, it's more difficult in a big empire. And after all, I don't have the right to think it's easy since I failed when I didn't notice the Duke's spy.

?I was warned by my cousin,? the Emperor voices.

?How is that possible? How could the Duke notice when no one else saw anything amiss??

?It's Alexander of Kyre we're talking about,? his majesty reminds me, grinning amusedly.

Oh, right. If it's my Duke, then everything is possible.

?I'm going to ask you for a second time, and not many people have the honour to hear the Emperor repeat himself. Will you become one of my counsellors, Duchess??

It's not like he will let me get out of this room unscathed after he told me the Empire's secrets. If I work for the throne, though, I'm forced to maintain secrets.

I don't really have a choice, but I still nod as if I've unexpectedly decided to help.

?First of all, your majesty needs to talk with the rebels and figure out what they are unsatisfied with. Ethiro is too vast of an empire. Giving them some sort of autonomy will calm things down for a while. However, be conscious that one day they'll use that same autonomy to split from the Empire. Before that happens, the throne has to work hard to ensure that the ordinary citizens become more loyal to the crown than their local dissidents.?

?Is that so?? he mutters, scratching his chin. He's probably comparing my words to those his aides whisper all the time.

I'm not really concerned about it, though. I'm being honest, so there's no reason to fear the Emperor's reaction. If he doesn't like my bits of advice, he can just not follow them. Either way, the choice is his.

A ruler's responsibility is to listen to every voice and find the wisest decision.

?And what about diplomatic relations? Our ambassadors are reporting about possible invasions. Some of our neighbours are waiting for a revolt to help the civilians as an excuse for declaring war.?

?Your majesty will soon need an Empress by his side. I suggest your majesty chooses one from the kingdom that has the worst relationship with Ethiro.?

?Why is that??

?They will send a message to the rest of the continent. That Ethiro is not just a threat to fear, but also a potential ally.?

?What about the princess they send, though. It will surely be some half-blooded girl. We will be doing them a favour by taking her in.?

?Your majesty will have an obedient wife. Also, your majesty should explicitly ask for a young princess. That way, there's a higher chance for her to accept the situation and be of help. Also, a young girl is easier to train. She can learn how to be an Empress together with your majesty. Some countries allow the king to marry more women. If they send the daughter of one of the less-loved concubines, then she won't have a deep link to her country.?

?A young girl will soon get used to thinking of Ethiro as her home,? he nods.

I smile, content that the Emperor understood what I wanted to say. As long as he doesn't marry the younger daughter of Count Grahm! I can't let them ensure their position, or they'll start targeting Alexander.

?You haven't asked who is the one behind the attack on your life, Duchess,? the Emperor realises, maybe reading the expression on my face.

?Is it that relevant??

?I think you figured it out, though. It's Duke Grahm.?

?Lady Elisabeth's grandfather?? I inquire.

I haven't considered that possibility. I just thought the Grahms were trying to ensure power. Still, if I'm not here, lady Elisabeth will have a chance to become Duchess. And the Crown Princess, even though informally.

?Lady Elisabeth asked George Lindell to make it look like you two were lovers.?

?Such a clumsy plan,? I sigh. Who could think something like that after George hit me?

?Well, Duke Grahm was aware of his granddaughter's wild schemes. Yet he let her do in the hope it worked. Only after her attempt failed, he decided to let the killer he had prepared strike.?

I've chosen the wrong target. I should have ruined Elisabeth Grahm. Not Patricia, who was just a pawn in someone else's hands.

?That girl thinks that she's more fit than me for this position,? I say without even realising that I'm talking out loud.

?You can't take revenge immediately, Duchess. Just trust your husband, and everything will turn out for the better. There are so many other more pressing issues that I have to solve. An entire nation is at stake.?

?Yet, I believe your majesty has to avoid marrying the younger lady Grahm. It would be a problem if the faction that supports your majesty and is talking your majesty into exiling or removing my husband from the scene in any merciless way... It would be bad if they got more power with an Empress.?

?I won't let my cousin get hurt because of that,? the Emperor sighs. ?I owe him at least that much. He's one of the few people whose loyalty I can be sure of.?

?That's true,? I nod. Alexander hasn't even a wrong word in the Emperor's direction. He even happily smiled when he was fired because of my complaints.

?Will I be able to count on the Duchess' help when the summer comes again?? he asks.

I smile politely, trying to calm down my nerves. It's too early to think of the next summer. Also, it's too early to ask for a reward. I haven't done anything yet.

?It will be my honour,? I say.

After all, Polis would be a small price to pay for a whole Empire to survive. Even if I obtain only some more autonomy, I'll make it work.

I'll ask Alexander to contact the right people from my city so that Polis gets the same degree of freedom that the rebellious lands will have.

Just thinking about it is enough for my smile to seem less awkward. The Emperor seems to have noticed my mood, but it's too late to hide it now.

?I'm looking forward to seeing how you'll adapt to your new role, Duchess. Nine months is a long period. I'm sure you'll do great things in the cold north,? he exclaims.

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