
Chapter 138 - Drako’s Pain

"Today, is a good day. We won. Let's eat," Kyle said, drank his juice and sat down.

"What? That's it?!" Xing Han shouted

Kyke just smiled. What is the point of long speeches anyway? He didn't really have anything to say but they had insisted he give a few words since he was treating them to the celebratory dinner.

"Well," began Cole as he stood up, "I have a few words to say. First, all of you are absolutely wonderful. Thank you for joining me for my last run."

He turned to Kyle, bowed a bit and said, "Especially to you, Kyle. For all your help."

"Hmph. if it wasn't for him being with us, Cathy would never have been in trouble," muttered Ken under his breath. It was still loud enough for everyone to hear.

Cathy glared at Ken, saying, "That's not his fault, and you know it. Stop being such a douchebag, Ken."

In the end, Cathy couldn't help but tell her Dad the truth. That she had been kidnapped because there were people were trying to get to Kyle. Cole had noticed Cathy had been hiding something and pressured her; out of guilt and an innate sense of obedience, Cathy caved and revealed it. Except for the personal guards. She merely said Kyle's dad had helped. Cole didn't press the issue, noting that there were probably some things that could not be asked.

"No, no," Kyle said, wanting to ease the situation, "He's right about that. You would never have been taken if they weren't getting at me."

Then Kyle turned to Ken, "But Cathy is also right. I cannot control what other people do so I can't be blamed for that. I can, however, do what needs to be done to solve it. Which I did."

"So, Ken. Peace," Kyle said, "Let's just relax and have fun, okay?" Truth be told, Kyle was kind of tired with the simmering-under-the-surface animosity that Ken kept showing him.

Ken looked about and grudgingly admitted that he had gone a bit too far. He mumbled an apology, raised his glass as a sign of peaceful acceptance and the night carried on.

"So, are you going do another round at the individual competition, Kyle? To try to improve your timing?" asked Cathy.

Rxel and Rylen scoffed at that.

"His timing is already a new record," Rxel pointed out.

"We need to step it up!" Rylen said, sighing and looking at Rxel forlonly.

"Yeah," Rxel agreed, sighing as well, "How can we face our crushes otherwise?"

"Crushes?" Cathy said, her eyes wide, "There's more than one that you guys are pursuing?"

Both nodded their head vigurously.

"At first, it was only one," Rxel admitted.

"But we couldn't deny the awesomeness of the other," Rylen explained.

"We couldn't choose!" both wailed.

"So then, we figured - why not both?" said Rxel.

Then they grinned, "A foursome sounds pretty good, too"

Suddenly, both of them jerked back, shouting "OW!!" while rubbing their foreheads. Everyone could see there was a small, red spot right in the middle of it.

"Stop spouting nonsense," Kyle growled, his finger tapping on the table. Right at his curved pointer finger, there were a couple of peas.

"YEAH!" Xing Han said, putting on his most menacing face ever, "Kyle's MINE."

Kyle spluttered and turned to look at Xing Han who then patted his chest, continuing, "MY BFF. I am HIS BFF. Okay? Got it? So hands off. The position is filled. Not taking any more applications."

Everyone else tried to keep a very straight face at that sudden declaration, but you could see several mouth twitches and some laughing softly. Xing Han was oblivious to it all. The night passed by uneventfully, with lots of merriment and laughter.

.:*?°☆...:*?.:*?Master Shifu's House, MIB Branch Office .:*?°☆...:*?.:*?

Master Shifu looked at the man that was unconscious on the bed, his wrists and legs strapped down tightly. Taking out a small flashlight, he plied open the eyelids and studied the pupils seriously.

"Hmmmm ..." he hummed, thinking.

His fingers ran all over the man's body, feeling certain spots and then concentrated on the man's head. Finally, he pressed a few points on the body, releasing him from the lock that Kyle had placed him under.

"Hook him up to an IV," Master Shifu instructed the men beside him, "Use Solution XY. I'll need to observe him for a few days more."

The men nodded and proceeded to do as instructed. Master Shifu peered at the young man on the bed, shaking his head.

The signs were there but Master Shifu did not want to make a conclusion until he can make a few more tests and observations. However, it seemed likely that what Kyle suspected was true.

Master Shifu walked out, thinking that if it was true ... that poor boy in there had gone through Hell. Whether or not he can pull out of it, remains to be seen.

.:*?°☆...:*?.:* .:*?°☆...:*?.:*?

Warning: R18

Nitocris suppressed the desire to roll his eyes as he watched, yet again, the Boss throwing another temper tantrum. This was his ... what? Third? Fourth? Nitocris has lost count already. That Kyle person was really making him work extra these past few months.

Seriously, this was getting old.


Nitocris just stood there, waiting patiently and started counting sheep. That was far more entertaining than the drama in front of him.

May was sitting on the desk, the collar and leash no longer on her. She was still dressed in that stupid see-through negligee which was basically just film over her nakedness. Nitocris wondered idly what was the point of the negligee anyway if it didn't hide anything?

When Kazuya was done, he was breathing heavily, his face scrunched up as he stood at the desk. May gingerly patted him and started hugging him. He didn't push her away so she got bolder. She began to unbutton his shirt and opening it, she hugged him again, pressing herself on his exposed chest.

"So where is Drako?" Kazuya demanded to know.

"Missing," Nitocris said, "Along with all the Squad members. Presumably dead."

Kazuya ground his teeth at that and pushed May's hand down to the bulge in his pants. She quickly unbuckled it and unzipped it, putting her hands into his underwear and taking it out.

"And that stupid boy is still alive? Not even injured?!" Kazuya hissed out.

"Yes, Sir," Nitocris replied, "He not only managed to finish the competition, but he also achieved the highest score, breaking the past records."

"ARGH!" Kazuya cursed, the anger in his heart grew even more.

"How did he escape THIS time? Drako wouldn't have been careless," Kazuya said as he thought carefully, "I believe this boy can fight."

"Sir?" Nitocris asked, ignoring what May was doing right in front of him.

Kazuya looked at the little bunny in front of him, who had just pulled out his hard shaft. Feeling her delicate hands on his manhood, Kazuya shuddered in pleasure and let her do her work as she started licking and sucking the tip.

"Find out what happened," Kazuya said through gritted teeth as he was trying to talk normally, "If that boy defeated Drako, I want him alive. He can replace Drako. It's only fair."

Unable to stand it any longer, Kazuya grabbed May's head and stood up, bringing her along with him and not allowing her to let go. Then, he began to move his hips, thrusting his manhood into her mouth. She gagged a bit as he was shoving it quite deep inside until her throat.

Kazuya didn't care about that. The deeper he could shove it inside, the better the sensation. Tears came flowing down her cheeks as she struggled to breathe through her nose and the pain of having the thick shaft being shoved down her throat.

Ignoring everything else, he began grunting and moaning as well, and his movements became more violent and faster. He hardly realised that Nitocris had long gone. In fact, he had even forgotten that he had been there.

Outside, Nitocris felt like throwing a tantrum himself. The disgust and anger that he felt filled his heart to the brim. He took several deep breaths to calm himself down. He was NOT going down that path. One in the family was more than enough.

Nitocris looked at the closed door of the main office and walked out. He was going back. Normally, he would wait until he was dismissed but since that thing even forgot he was around earlier, what was the point of staying on?

By the sounds of it, that pig would probably not stop till night time anyway. However, before he left, he made a call, "Start following Kyle Smith and record all of his movements. Plan the best time to snatch him. Boss wants him alive for Dr. Dre."

"Noted, Sir. It will be done."

Satisfied, Nitocris walked out of the building and headed home. The man on the other side of the line, however, was looking at the phone with a tinge of sadness as he thought of the lively young boy that would soon be caught. Once handed over to Dr. Dre, there was no hope of redemption.

'Dr. Dre, huh? Poor kid. Well, at least it isn't me,' he thought as he pushed aside the gloomy thoughts. Hardened criminal as he was, Dr. Dre still gave him the creeps and he always felt sadness for every person that was handed over to Dr. Dre.

.:*?°☆...:*?.:* .:*?°☆...:*?.:*

During the entire drive there, Nitocris began thinking. This was the first time that he had come across such a formidable foe. Every act and plan that they had made, had been countered beautifully.

Unlike Kazuya, Nitocris didn't take each failure personally. He admired and respected the young boy. Nitocris even entertained the thought - albeit briefly - if they weren't enemies, they could have been good friends.

Then again, now that Kazuya wanted him, there wouldn't be any 'Kyle' left once he was done with him. Death would have been better.

Nitocris sighed and parked his car expertly at the front of his Mother's house. At the front door, however, his face frowned. There were a couple of shoes there, indicating his mother had guests.

Unlocking the door and entering, he said loudly, "I am home, Mother."

"Nitocris, honey? I am in the living room with your friends," Nitocris heard his mother say.

Friends?? Nitocris reached into his jacket, took out his gun and flipped the safety cap off. He stuffed it into his belt behind him, ready to take it if needed.

As he walked through the doorway to the living room, his feet stopped at the scene in front of him, stunned.

His mother was smiling widely, her face showing a gentleness that he had not seen in a long time. Beside him was an elderly man that was smiling amicably to him, his entire aura gentle and kind.

That, by itself, was already shocking. It was the other person that made Nitocris's heart turn cold. The guy smiled widely, standing up while coming to him, his arms wide open to hug him.

Nitocris couldn't do anything with his mother watching, her face positively radiating happiness.

"You're back, Nitocris!" said Kyle, enveloping him in a tight hug, "I missed you!"

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