
Chapter 139 - Nitocris

Kyle didn\'t answer and instead, placed his arm around Nitocris\'s shoulder and smiled. He turned to Nitocris\'s mother and said, "Aunty, is it okay if I talk to Nicky here outside for a while?"

"Of course, my dear," she said, smiling and waving him off. Then, she patted the elderly man\'s hand gently.

"I\'ll be fine here with Shifu," she said with a smile.

With Kyle\'s hand over his shoulder and his mother practically selling him off, Nitocris followed Kyle, shaking off Kyle\'s hand that was on his shoulder. As they reached the backdoor, however, Nitocris stopped Kyle while shaking his head.

Kyle just smiled and said, "Don\'t worry. The area is has been swept clean and all frequencies blocked. The house is covered."

Nitocris nodded, satisfied, glad that Kyle took all things into account.

Nitocris knew that Kazuya would never trust him 100% and thus, this house was under constant surveillance. He was a bit worried that Kyle had been tracked here but his words blew those worries away. They walked out.

Once the door was closed, Nitocris turned to face Kyle, his hand at his back.

His face turned grim as he couldn\'t feel his gun and then saw Kyle holding it by the handle with the tips of his fingers, "These things are nasty. I\'ll keep it for a while, for safekeeping."

Without looking back at Nitocirs, Kyle walked to the middle of the backyard and looked up t the night sky, "Don\'t you just feel so insignificant when you think about how small you are, as compared to the Universe?"

Nitocris was silent, staring at Kyle\'s straight back and then walked over to stand by his side, "What do you want?"

"To get rid of Kazuya, once and for all," Kyle said simply, "And you take over his position."

"Anything but that," Nitocris replied.

Kyle turned to face Nitocris and looked at him straight in the eye, "My Master can cure your mother."

Nitocris stood there, shocked when Kyle continued, "But it will take time."

Kyle stopped talking then, waited as he let his words sink in.

"Why should I believe you?" Nitocris said finally.

Kyle shrugged.

"I can\'t tell you to trust me for trust is something earned, not told," Kyle said, "And that will take time. As a show of good faith, my Master has already started the treatment. I\'m sure you noticed something different about your mother, right?"

Nitocris was livid, grabbing Kyle by his shirt as he said, "You did what?! What if something went wrong?!!"

Nitocris had hired many specialists and even flew them from around the world just to see if they could treat his mother. All of them said that it was too risky, that her brain was too delicate, that any wrong move and she would become worse. She could become a living vegetable!

Kyle didn\'t dodge and calmly said, "You\'ve done the background check on me, right? Am I the sort of person that would do anything that would hurt an innocent just for my own need?"

Nitocris\'s hands trembled at that statement and he pushed Kyle away. He turned to look away, his head and heart in a turmoil.

"You\'re a good man, Nitocris," Kyle said suddenly.

Nitocris turned to look at him suddenly, his eyes in disbelief, "What the fuck are you talking about? Me? Good? Do you know how much blood stains my hands? How many lives I\'ve destroyed?"

Kyle shrugged again, "But you\'re filial. And your mother is one of the sweetest soul that I\'ve met. In my book, you\'re a good person who was just dealt with a bad hand."

Kyle took a deep breath and sighed, "To be frank, I admire you. Truly. If I was dealt with the kind of hand that you were, I don\'t know how I would have turned out."

When Kyle had dug up more information on Nitocris, he had been appalled. The abuse that he had gone through under the hands of his father from such a young age.The things he had to endure as his father wanted to \'make him the best\' - and the methods to ensure total control over him. It was his gentle mother that somehow shielded him from the worst effects.

Kyle had no idea what sort of strength that woman had, to stay married to such a monster and yet, still be able to love and nurture her son. His heart resonated with her, he could empathize with her and he wanted to do all that he can to help her.

It was now more than just to get at Kazuya.

The more he learned, the more anger he felt towards Kazuya and the more respect he had for Nitocris and his mother, Rheia.

Kyle looked at his own hands and said, "I have killed and I have tortured people as well, though perhaps one can say it was justified as it was all in self-defense or that they deserved it. It doesn\'t detract from the fact that I have killed and will continue to kill so long as my family is in danger."

"Isn\'t it the same for you? All that you have done and all that you will do, is solely to protect your mother," Kyle continued, "So why is it that I am the good guy and you\'re the bad guy?"

Nitocris continued to stare at Kyle, his mind not fully being able to accept what Kyle was saying. Him? A good man? Kyle, whom he admired, also admired him? What sort of twist was this?

Since young, Nitocris was told that he was evil like his father. The apple doesn\'t fall far from the tree. That there was no path for him except for what his father laid out for him. His mother, however, always told him otherwise. He wanted to believe her and for a time, he did ... until the accident.

It was his fault. He was the devil\'s spawn and he caused his angel mother to suffer.

Yet, now, the man in front of him also said he was a good man?

Nitocris\'s eyes narrowed and he glared at Kyle, "I am not a good man, and will never be. I will kill anyone and will be willing to do anything, to get what I want."

"Yes, I know what you\'re capable of," Kyle said, "Otherwise, you wouldn\'t be a good Crime Lord. Just because you can do all that doesn\'t mean you\'re not a good person."

Nitocris snorted, "You\'re hopeless."

Kyle grinned, "You can\'t change my opinion of you, no matter what you say. I make my own judgments. Just like I am asking you to make yours."

Kyle kept quiet then, letting Nitocris think it over.

"It won\'t be easy," Nitocris finally said, "I will do as you say but - only after my mother shows more progress."

Kyle nodded, as this was within his expectations, "There are a few things that you need to know about your mother\'s treatment."

"What?! You\'re only telling me this now?!" Nitocris roared, sending daggers at him with his eyes (not literal daggers, mind you), "The deal is off!".

"Geez, Nitocris. Calm down, will you?" Kyle said, "I\'ve already told you the main parts, you know. I wouldn\'t sell you short."

Nitocris grinded his teeth and nodded, taking several deep breaths. "Fine. What is it. The deal may be off or on depending on what you say," he warned.

"One," Kyle said, raising one finger, "She has to move to Master Shifu\'s house."

"WHAT?! NO!" Nitocris shouted.

"Ssshhh, sssh. Don\'t frighten your mother, Nitocris," Kyle said while rolling his eyes, "And listen till the end, will ya? Master Shifu needs to be by her side all the time while doing the treatment. Two reasons for this."

"He needs to do the treatment twice a day and secondly, he can monitor her all the time," Kyle explained, "Also, it\'s not just a matter of doing the treatments, it\'s a matter of her lifestyle as well. There are certain foods rich in nutrients that her body needs. Having her stay with him will allow him to monitor and take care of her 24/7."

"Two," Kyle continued, raising another finger, "It can take months for her to be fully healed but no longer than a year."

"And finally, three," Kyle said, raising yet another finger, "As her fantasy world fades and is replaced by the real world, she would need some semblance of security. An anchor. In short, she needs you."

"What do you mean?" Nitocris asked in puzzlement, "Aren\'t I always here with her?"

"You need to stay with Master Shifu as well," Kyle replied, "Not just visit her every day. Actually, live with her, take care of her along with Master Shifu. She needs to see that you\'re living a good life, a happy life so that she would not be drowning in her guilt for what your father had been doing to you."

Kyle looked away at a distance, "Master Shifu said that she created this fantasy world as a means of survival. Her mind was breaking down, as she blamed herself for the pain and sufferings that you were going through. When she had the accident, the defences she held up just crumbled."

"So ... you\'re saying ... you want me to be a normal guy?!" Nitocris gasped, the thought beyond his comprehension.

"You want your mother to recover, right?" Kyle said.

Nitocris nodded.

"So just be like me," Kyle replied with a grin, "In front of your mother, be a normal guy that hangs out with his friends ... but when you go to work, you do what you need to do as the Crime Lord."

"Like you, huh," Nitocris mumbled.

It was true. From his digging and the way Kyle had thwarted all his plans, clearly showed that Kyle was not what he appeared to be: a happy-go-lucky boy that was set to be the future CEO.

"I don\'t want my parents to know about the real me," Kyle said with a sigh, "They\'d just worry too much and I have things to do."

They went silent again, each lost in their own thoughts. Yet, the silence wasn\'t uncomfortable or awkward. On the contrary, both felt a sort of peace and understanding between them. Kyle found the whole situation strange but he didn\'t question it. He had long accepted to trust his intuition.

And his intuition was telling him ... work with Nitocris.

Finally, after 10 minutes, Nitocris turned to Kyle and offered his hand for a handshake, "You have a deal. Count me in."

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