
Chapter 832 - Love More than One?

Chapter 832 - Love More than One?

Melanie was also the type that believed how a person\'s personality could be seen by said person\'s physical characteristics. So while her husband was interrogating the twins and their background, she was busy observing them.

It was their eye colour that got to her.

After looking at it more, it seemed to be green rather than blue. They really had beautiful eyes, but it wasn\'t just for the fact that they had a rare eye colour, but they seemed to be twinkling?

She knew that was just her imagination, but she couldn\'t describe it in any other way. Bright and innocent-looking?

Whatever it was, their eyes were beautiful and the colour?

One who has green eyes are said to be curious about nature, be very passionate in their relationsh.i.p.s, have large amounts of love, and possess a positive and creative outlook on life.

That made Melanie feel that the boys were obviously sincere about their feelings for her daughter. Plus, they didn\'t seem to be fighting each other for her? They seemed to be two peas in a pod, two yet one. It was so strange.

The downside of green eyes is that they get jealous easily.

Some would say that when there is jealousy in the relationship, it is good for it shows how much one cares. Yet, if it is too much, it can be stifling or even controlling.

Which one would the twins fall under? And could Beatrice really handle two boys like that?

She sat quietly while continuing to listen to her husband questioning the two boys. They were really taking this seriously as well, and that was a plus point for them.

Kevin leaned back on his sofa.

He kept his face impassive, even though his heart was beating rapidly inside his c.h.e.s.t. This was the moment he had been waiting for, the day when a boy came over to take his baby princess away.

He had been both dreading it and anticipating it.

Having his baby princess finding someone, like how he has his beloved wife, was something he wanted for her more than anything. However, he was worried that she might end up with someone not worthy.

Beatrice had always been the odd-one out when she was younger. Things got better in secondary school when she was in the Student Council and Sage Class. It was a time that he and his wife referred to as "S.C".

Before S.C., she was in her own world and cut off from society. During S.C, she opened up more and had a lot of good friends. However, after S.C. (i.e. graduation), she seemed to be back into that shell of hers.

It wasn\'t as bad as it had been before S.C., but it was not as good as it had been during S.C. She didn\'t really make new friends, though perhaps, that may have been asking for too much since she doesn\'t trust easily.

So, now, THE day had come.

Never in his wildest dream, though, did he think he would need to question *two* of them.

What was his baby princess thinking?!

"And your parents are fine with both of you marrying the same girl?" Kevin asked.

Marriage isn\'t just between two people. It\'s between two families.

If their family does not approve nor like this union, then Kevin wouldn\'t want to push his daughter into that minefield. They would have to pave the path for her first and not expect her to struggle and fit in.

"Our grandfather loves Beatrice," Zack said with a smile, "And he can\'t wait, actually."

Yuri gave Zack a side glance and Zack cleared his throat, reigning in his enthusiasm. Their role was to simply answer Kevin\'s questions and let him lead, and not take over the whole thing.

They were well aware of how nervous Beatrice\'s father was. They could tell from the way he sat and glared at them. In their line of work, reading body language and asserting their dominance was their forte.

Weakness was not an option.

Showing weakness was never in the cards.

Even now, they weren\'t submitting but allowing Kevin to take charge - though he didn\'t know it. He felt it, which was why his hands still trembled and all that, but he was really putting up a fight.

The twins couldn\'t help it though. It wasn\'t in their nature to back down, and this was the best that they could do. The last thing they wanted was to scare Beatrice\'s father to death.

Their eyes went to Beatrice.

The only person they would willingly submit themselves to, however, was her. She was the only one that they trusted completely.

No one else.

"Our father passed on when we were younger, while our mother has Alzheimer\'s disease and doesn\'t recognise us anymore," Yuri told him, "So only our grandfather is, to all intents and purposes, the only family that would be affected by our decision."

Beatrice had known already about the twins\' mother, though she had not met her yet. They told her that they would go visit when things were settled with her parents and she was fine with that.

It actually took a lot out of the twins whenever they visited their mother. To see their beloved mother not recognise them ate up inside of them each time.

That was also part of the reason why they hardly visited. As long as their mother was comfortable and taken good care of, it was enough.

The moment Beatrice saw the pain that flashed through their eyes, she wanted to go over there and comfort them. She glanced at her father, seeing him narrowing his eyes as he thought of more things to ask.

Would he be annoyed if she stepped in and interrupted them?

She hesitated only for a few seconds and resolutely walked over to the twins. Kevin was flabbergasted to see his normally obedient daughter walking past him and sitting inbetween the twins, taking their hands hers. They had immediately given her space on the couch for her to do so.

Beatrice looked at both of them and asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

They smiled identical smiles that had a tinge of sadness within them and squeezed her hand.

"We have you now," Zack replied.

"You give us strength," Yuri said and both of them kissed the back of their hand.

"WHAT do you think you\'re doing?!" Kevin roared, standing up.

Melanie rolled her eyes and held her husband\'s hand, pulling him down.

"Don\'t you see?" she said to him gently, while rubbing his arm, "Your question earlier made them sad. Beatrice is comforting them."

"They don\'t have to kiss her in return for that!"

Beatrice\'s eye twitched.

What would her father say if he knew they had kissed more than just the back of her hand?

"We\'re sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Chin," Yuri said, "Sometimes, we forget ourselves. We just love your daughter too much."

"She\'s really very special and we\'re truly lucky that she loves us as well," Zack said.

"Father, please," Beatrice said, "They are good men, and I am in love with them."

With those words, Kevin seem to be deflated. His shoulders slumped down and he gazed at his daughter.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Father, I am," Beatrice said with confidence. If you had asked her this several months ago, she would still have some doubts. Not about her feelings but about the future.

About them.

Since they saved her, however, the doubts - and fears - were slowly dissipating until it finally cleared away.

"But what about when you have children?" Kevin asked, "Only one is the real father, would the other feel left out?"

Yuri and Zack looked at Kevin and answered immediately, "No."

"It doesn\'t matter who\'s s.p.e.r.m it was that fertilized the egg," Yuri said with a straight face, "The result is the same."

"The child is ours," Zack said, "He, or she, will have a wonderful mother and two fathers who will love him, or her, to death."

"We share one wife, so there\'s no jealousy or competition at all," Zack continued.

"Anyway, even biologically … well, we\'re identical twins," Yuri said calmly, "Even if we did a DNA test with the child, we would get the same results. That we are the father."

Kevin was getting a headache at hearing all of this.

Although he could see that the two boys cared for his daughter, and that she loved them, he was worried. Yes, you can love more than one person but could that love truly be equal?

Not to put down anyone, but isn\'t that just human nature?

Can a person truly love more than one and treat them the same?

In truth, it is possible. It just required a lot of trust, absolute honesty, and to never hide your feelings. Always be fair.

It goes without saying that the twins were like that. To have found Beatrice who did as well?

Beyond priceless.

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