
Chapter 833 - Deep Love

Chapter 833 - Deep Love

Kevin was still not that happy at Beatrice\'s choice.

After all, it would not be an easy thing to do: maintaining a marriage, by itself, is already a lot of work and she had to consider two husbands.

And as for the husbands?

Could they really be satisfied with just one?

Sharing one?


Sure, they love her now, but for how long?

To him, his baby princess was priceless and anyone would love her till the end of time but he had a natural suspicion towards any guy that claims to be able to share one girl. He, as a man, finds that very hard to believe.

As a father, though, he thought his baby princess would be loved by more than two!

Kevin stared at the two men and with the utmost reluctance in his heart, he said to his daughter gently, "Fine, Beatrice. If that is your choice."

"But!!" he roared, as he stared back at the two men, "If you dare hurt my baby princess in any way, I will shoot you with my gun!!"

"You don\'t have a gun, dear," Melanie interjected.

Kevin, visibly fl.u.s.tered, turned to his wife and said with a huff, "Then I will get one!!"

How could his wife expose him like that?! Has she accepted and approved of them already?!

This cannot be!

Looks like he\'s the only rational one here.

"Thank you, Mr. Chin," Yuri said, standing up. Zack did the same.

Putting their hands on their heart, Zack said, "We shall take care of Beatrice like the princess that she is."

"We shall love her and never make her cry, unless it is tears of joy," Yuri declared solemnly.

"This, we promise you," they said together.

Melanie put a hand over her heart, blinking back tears. Oh, the boys were just so sweet. No wonder her daughter could be in love with them so.

Kevin only harumphed and muttered, "We shall see. I will get that gun, mark my words."

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

After dinner, they spent a bit more time talking with Beatrice\'s parents before they finally had to say their goodbyes. At the door, Beatrice gave her mother a warm hug and nodded respectfully to her father.

The boys now took their positions in front, and behind, Beatrice.

One was in front to make sure that there was no danger (though Beatrice didn\'t think there would be any) and one behind, to protect her back. It seemed like they were escorting her, which, honestly, they were.

Seeing this, Kevin nodded approvingly.

"Well, at least they have a conscience!" he huffed as he entered the house.

Melanie took slightly longer, watching her daughter leaving.

"Are you coming in or not?" Kevin asked from inside, his voice clearly showing his disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e.

Melanie shook her head but smiled, knowing her husband\'s bark was worse than his bite.

"Coming, dear," she answered patiently, like she always did.

When they reached the car, Zack tapped the roof and said, "Don\'t go in the car yet. Give me a minute as I need to get something from the store."

Beatrice\'s house was along the main road and across it was actually a row of shops. Mostly small, family-owned shops. They watched Zack enter a convenience store, curious as to what he was up to.

"What do you think he is getting?" Beatrice asked Yuri, as she leaned against the car.

"It could be anything," Yuri said, "Before you, I would have said c.o.n.d.o.ms or cigarettes. Now? Who knows?"

Beatrice blushed and was glad for the cover of darkness.

"So you used to go through a lot of boxes, huh?" Beatrice asked wryly.

Although it was in the past, and it was way before they became serious with her, it didn\'t mean that Beatrice was completely unaffected at the thought of their numerous escapades.

Yuri shrugged, unable to deny it. He was leaning on the car beside her and he looked up at the sky, noting how the stars could be seen.

This was a good area, without much pollution, so one could appreciate the clear sky. The vast open sky, clear, reflecting the peace in his heart.

"They meant nothing. It was a mutual exchange of gratification of the body," Yuri said.

"I know," Beatrice replied with a sigh, "I do know but there\'s still a part of me that feels slightly perturbed by it. I\'m not angry nor do I blame you in any way, but just the thought of some other woman, and you, n.a.k.e.d …"

Beatrice rubbed her arms, "I don\'t doubt your love, or your loyalty, but I cannot lie and say that I am not affected at all."

Yuri smiled and turned, placing his arms beside Beatrice. He rubbed his nose on hers, and kissed it, and then her forehead.

A forehead kiss is said to be more intimate and has a deeper type of connection. It is regarded as the only sincere way of saying \'I love you\' without actually saying the words.

There is a connection unlike any other, for it is meaningful and sweet. There is a sense of protectiveness from the guy, and deep love can be felt from that simple kiss.

"I cannot erase the past, but Zack and I will be spending the rest of our lives to shower you with the love that you deserve," Yuri said softly.

"I know," Beatrice replied, then hugged him, breathing in his scent.

Yuri hugged her back, welcoming the warmth within those arms.

This was just one of those moments that made Yuri love her more than ever before. Beatrice never hid her feelings from them. She would tell them how she felt, and there was no need to second guess her or try and figure out what is on her mind.

Beatrice loved hugging the twins. There was just something special in a hug, you know?

The way his strong arms encircled her, holding her tight. The fact that

It was just the way Beatrice was. Everything was logical. She had also learned from her heartbreak with Sam that she should not hide her feelings. If she had any doubts, she needed to express them.

There was no point in trying to think about it, or wonder about it. If there was something she wanted to know - and needed to know, she will ask. The best thing was, the twins would answer.

And she knew they would be honest and forthright.

Like right now.

Even though she didn\'t like hearing about it, and that Yuri knew she didn\'t like it, he didn\'t hide any facts from her.

What man would actually do that?

Then again, what she didn\'t realise was, what woman would actually be so open and willing to accept whatever they told her?

It was a mutual thing.

"My gosh, look at that. Shameless."

Yuri immediately turned towards the voice, effectively shutting the person up. She staggered a bit, her steps going back upon being hit full force by the disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e on Yuri\'s face.

However, when she saw who it was that was in Yuri\'s arms, she gathered a bit of courage as her eyes went wide open, "Beatrice? Beatrice Chin?! Is that you?!"

Beatrice\'s eye twitched.

Still, she didn\'t get out of Yuri\'s embrace and simply answered, "Yes. Good evening, Mrs. Foo."

"What would your parents think? Look at how you\'re acting! Out in the open!"

"They\'d think it was very natural, Mrs. Foo. What is wrong with hugging my man?" Beatrice said with a smile, while squeezing Yuri closer, rubbing her cheek on his c.h.e.s.t.

"It\'s in public!"

"It\'s a hug," Beatrice said, "Not s.e.x."

Mrs. Foo\'s eyes bulged even wider, something Beatrice thought idly was amazing. It looked like her eyes could even pop out.

"Yuri, this is Mrs. Foo, our neighbour down the road," Beatrice said, "Mrs Foo, this is Yuri, my fiancé."

Mrs. Foo\'s mouth was opening and closing, like a fish gasping for air out of water. Probably thinking of what to say as her mind was still reeling over the \'s.e.x\' statement.

Yuri didn\'t say a word, but just smiled as he enjoyed snuggling up to his beloved.

He was ready to punch her, really, and it was Beatrice holding him back. How dare this uncouth woman be so foul-mouthed, making something as innocent as a hug to be something more.

"What\'s going on?" Zack asked as he reached them, carrying a bag of soemthing.

"Nothing," Beatrice said, running her hand on his arm, "Just someone unable to handle me hugging Yuri."

"You … you …" stammered Mrs Foo, seeing the intimate gesture Beatrice was doing on the new guy that came along.

How could she be so brazen in front of her fiancé? And why was her fiancé not bothered by it?

When she saw the guy\'s face, however, her mind went blank again. The same face?!

"What did you get?" Beatrice asked curiously.

He opened the bag, showing her the variety of her favourite snacks.

"I noticed it was running low at home," Zack said. Beatrice smiled at him, touching his cheek, her eyes full of love.

"Let\'s go home, Zack,?? Beatrice said, kissing Zack\'s cheek.

"Okay," Zack replied, kissing her forehead.

Yuri let her go reluctantly while Zack opened the back door for her and she entered gracefully.

Just as they were about to drive off, Beatrice wound down the window and said, "Oh, and Zack is also my fiancé."

She was quite satisfied with leaving the frozen Mrs. Foo behind. Her expression was priceless.

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