
Chapter 150 - Speak Of The Devil

"I understand them perfectly. In fact, I am happy that Yang Zi has friends who are willing to go to any length to protect her," Yifeng said. He was grateful to them. He didn't know where his beloved Yang Zi would have been at the moment if they did not stand by her through her darkest moments.

"I am glad you know this," Su Jin said, still staring at him. "There is something I have to say that might get you annoyed," Su Jin said as though he was asking for his permission to speak.


"If you know it will ruin my mood why don't you keep it to yourself? You know I can't afford to get angry throughout this week," Yifeng said instantly losing interest in the discussion.

"Someone who is likely to pose a threat to your relationship will return soon. Are you prepared for this?" Su Jin asked seriously.

"Who is that gutsy person?" Yifeng asked, pretending as though he did not know whom he was referring to.

"Zhao Liying will arrive before this week runs out. I heard the case she was working on has finally been concluded. I know your men might have already informed you about this, but I still feel like doing so. You know what I am trying to say by informing you about her impending return, right?" Su Jin asked, giving him a suspicious glare.

"What can she possibly do even though she returns? She is just my fiancee by name, she is perfectly aware of that," Yifeng stated carefreely, his expression threatening to change to an angry one.

"You and I know that there is a lot she can do to make sure you and Yang Zi don't get together. I know she is aware of you not liking her, but do you think she will just let the matter go when she has feelings for you?" Su Jin asked rhetorically. "The answer is no. You and I know that she will go to any length to achieve her aim. That includes eliminating her targets. She might look nice outwardly, but that is the psychopath she is. She is ready to kill just to have you," Su Jin said seriously. He could not count the number of ladies that Zhao Liying has dealt with since she became Yifeng's fiancee.

"I have always turned a blind eye to all her nonsense, but I will make her pay dearly if she dares try anything stupid with Yang Zi or her family," Yifeng said coldly. He would rip anyone who dared to touch his beloved Yang Zi.

"I know you are capable of that, but have you told Yang Zi about her as I advised you to do?" Su Jin asked. Yifeng did not reply.

"Seeing your reaction, I guess you haven't. I know Yang Zi and you are inseparable, but how do you think she will react if she just wakes up one day and learns from someone else that you already have a fiancee?" Su Jin asked, his tone firm. He knew how unfair it will be for Yang Zi if Zhao Liying just walked up to Yang Zi and warned her to steer clear of her man.

"What you said is reasonable but I don't even know how to bring up the topic when I am her. I am afraid she will assume I was only playing around with her feelings. I am scared she will seize this opportunity to quit as she has always wanted," Yifeng said sadly. Telling her about Zhao Liying would have been a simple task for him if he knew Yang Zi's exact feelings for him. He was scared he will lose the chance of winning her love if the topic about a fiancee just popped out of nowhere.

"Yang Zi is not an unreasonable lady so I am sure she will understand if you explain everything to her. Don't let your fears ruin the relationship you have built with her or you will forever regret it," Su Jin warned seriously.

"Ok, I will find a perfect time to tell Yang Zi about her and I just hope she doesn't think I was toying with her feelings," Yifeng concluded, reassuring himself that everything will be Ok.

"You better do before it's too late," Su Jin advised. They kept on talking about different things. Su Jin had to leave when his secretary called to inform him about the sudden presence of his mum in his office.

"Send my regards to Auntie," Yifeng shouted after him. After Su Jin left, he went to his desk and continue with his work.

Two days flew by within the blink of an eye. At exactly 26 June 12:00 am, everyone Yang Zi had an acquainted with bombarded her phone with text messages and calls. The first phone call she received was from her baby Yang Mi.

"Hey baby, why are you still awake until now? Didn't mum and Nanny check up on you to make sure you are asleep?" Yang Zi asked, seeing the sleepy face of her baby sister. She could see she was trying all her best to stay awake.

"They did, but I had pretended to be asleep so they left my room without wasting much time. I wanted to be the first person to wish you a happy birthday," Yang Mi said smiling.

"That is so sweet of you baby but never do this again Ok or I will get mad at you," Yang Zi said sweetly. When she saw an incoming video call from Yang Mi, she had thought it was her mum who used Yang Mi's phone to call her not knowing that it was Mi Er. After she realised it was her baby, she felt so overwhelmed.

"I am happy knowing that mum is happy," Yang Mi said rubbing her inching eyes. "Happy 24th birthday sister Zi Er. Thank you so much for being both my sister and mum. I love you so much," Yang Mi said, sending her a flying kiss.

"Thank you, baby. I love you too," Yang Zi said, blowing her a flying kiss too. "I would have loved to talk to you some more, but it's late so go to bed now. I will call you later, Ok?" Yang Zi said.

"Goodnight," Yang Mi said, waving at her.

"Goodnight baby," Yang Zi said. She only disconnected the call after making sure that she has pulled the bedsheet over her tiny body. After her phone call with Yang Mi, the next video call was from Shiyi. 

Shui Shui, Wen Min, Su Jin, Yuan Quan, Jin Xiaofei and her mum all called her and also sent text messages. The only person who didn't send her a text message or call her was Yifeng. Because she waited for his message, she went to bed very late. She went to bed feeling so annoyed that he didn't send his wishes.

When she woke up, the first thing she checked was her cell phone. Her expression fell terribly when none of the messages or calls she received was from Yifeng.

Before she left for work, she checked her phone over twenty times expectantly whenever her phone beeps, but her expectation was always cut short whenever she found out that neither the messages nor the phone calls were from Yifeng.

On her way to her office, her expression was so gloomy. She was so absent-minded even when her colleagues spoke to her.

"Good morning, Miss Yang", Yuan Quan greeted when she got to their desk. He was surprised when she did not reply.

"Miss Yang, are you Ok?" Yuan Quan asked, seeing how absent-minded and sad she looked. He expected her to be thrilled since it was her birthday.

"Has the boss arrived?" Yang Zi asked after she snapped out of her daze. Her expression shows she didn't hear his question.

"No, the boss isn't around. Is everything Ok? You don't look happy. Is anything bothering you?" Yuan Quan asked yet again. He was genuinely worried about her.

"I see...," Yang Zi trailed. Yuan Quan couldn't pinpoint from her tone whether she was relieved or disappointed that their boss was yet to resume work. 

"I am fine. Thanks for asking. You are always so attentive when it comes to me, I feel so happy knowing that I have such a caring colleague and friend," Yang Zi complimented, faking a smile at him.

"Don't mention," Yuan Quan replied, beaming.

"Happy birthday once again," Yuan Quan said, still smiling sweetly at her.

"Thanks. This is your second time congratulating me unlike someone who completely forgot my birthday," Yang Zi replied sounding pissed.

"Someone forgot your birthday? Who is the jerk who dares to forget our beautiful Yang Zi's birthday?" Yuan Quan asked, getting angry.

"It's someone you are well acquainted with," Yang Zi said, not telling him who the person was. Just then, Yifeng entered.

"Speak of the devil," Yang Zi exclaimed the moment she sighted Yifeng. No matter how angry she wanted to remain at him, her heart began thumbing rapidly in anticipation for what Yifeng will say. 

"Good morning boss," Yang Zi and Yuan Quan chorused. She stared at him with expectant, filled eyes.

"Get back to work," Yifeng said, not sparing Yang Zi a glance. Yang Zi's expression fell drastically the moment she saw Yifeng turned to leave.

"Boss, don't you have something to say to me?" Yang Zi hurriedly asked before he could walk far away. Yifeng turned to look at her, feigning ignorance about what she was referring to.

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