
Chapter 151 - Giving Him The Cold Shoulders

"Was I supposed to say something else?" Yifeng asked curiously.

"Boss, have you forgotten that today is Miss Yang's.....,"


"Nothing, sorry for wasting your precious time," Yang Zi said, masking her anger and disappointment with a fake smile on. Yifeng walked into his office without uttering further words to her.

"How could our boss forget your birthday? I can't believe this," Yuan Quan said in disbelief. He found it hard to believe that his boss who favours Yang Zi so much would forget her birthday.

"I have never looked forward to my birthday in eight years, but I was really expectant this year. He said he loves me, but how could he forget my birthday? Damn him for dashing my expectations," Yang Zi thought, gritting her teeth in anger. 

"Just let him be. Mention nothing concerning my birthday to him, Ok?" Yang Zi ordered. She instantly excused herself and went to the rooftop to calm her anger down.

She came back from the rooftop a few minutes later to meet Wen Min waiting for her. She welcomed Yang Zi with a warm hug. They talked for a long time until Wen Min went back to her office, which was on the third floor. Later on, other employees all came to wish her happy birthday. What surprised her most is that all of them came with gifts. She couldn't help but feel like someone informed them beforehand about her birthday. That is why they all had time to prepare gifts for her. She only concluded it as a coincidence because of Wen Min's convincing words.

Yifeng mentioned nothing about her birthday throughout the entire working hour. He only came up to speak with her when it was time to go home.

"Yang Zi, will you come with me to my home? I can't seem to fall asleep these days. I need someone to speak with before I can fall asleep, so will you do me this favour? I promise I will repay the favour someday," Yifeng said, attempting to hold her hand, but Yang Zi avoided his touch.

"Oh, so you know how to talk to me now that you need a favour from me?" Yang Zi asked, feeling so annoyed. 

"Are you angry with me?" Yifeng asked, moving closer to where she stood. He closed the gap between them.

"Why will I be angry? I am not, in fact, I am thrilled," Yang Zi said, turning to face him with her fake smile on.

"You are thrilled, but why do I feel like you are upset with me?" Yifeng asked, staring directly into her eyes. "Your lovely eyes say you are mad at me," Yifeng said, touching her face.

"I am not angry," Yang Zi denied vehemently, removing his hand which was on her face.

"If you are not upset with me as you said, follow me home and I will believe you," Yifeng said successfully holding her hands. He caressed it lovingly.

"Stop flirting with me. I will not agree even though you give me a peck just to appease me," Yang Zi said, wriggling her hands out of his grip. No matter how hard she tried to hide her anger, she couldn't.

"I thought you said you are not mad at me, so why do I need to appease you?" Yifeng asked, holding her hands again.

"Let me go home. I am sure mum, Mi Er, Shui Shui and Shiyi must be all waiting for me," Yang Zi said, grabbing her bag.

"I have already informed your mum you are gonna arrive home late, and she gave me her permission to do whatever I want," Yifeng said, immediately obstructing her path.

"Even though my mum gave you her permission, I am still not going home with you. Bye," Yang Zi said, trying to somehow wriggle her way out of there, but Yifeng refused to leave her path. As he was blocking her path, a crazy idea popped into his head and he immediately executed it.

"You have two options. Option 1: follow me home to keep me company so I will be able to fall asleep or 2: you agree to marry me," Yifeng said to the awe of Yang Zi.

"Marry you? Are you out of your mind? I am your friend," Yang Zi said, walking two steps backwards. Yifeng has always asked her to be his girlfriend, but he has never made a marriage proposal to her, so his proposal came as a surprise to her. 

"I know you are my friend but I like you so I see nothing wrong with marrying you. The choice is up to you to make so be fast about it or we will have to sleepover at the office," Yifeng threatened. Yang Zi and Yifeng kept on arguing until Yang Zi agreed to go home with him.

"Why is everywhere so quiet. I can't see anyone around," Yang Zi exclaimed when they got to the ground floor and found out that nobody was at sight on the entire ground floor. 

"I guess they are tired, so they all went to relax," Yifeng exclaimed, dragging her along with him.

They kept on talking until they reached Yifeng's Mansion, which was a twenty minutes' ride from the office.

"Why is inside the Mansion so dark? Aren't your workers around?" Yang Zi asked curiously as she came out of the car.

"Oh, that...," Yifeng trailed, trying to search for a perfect excuse to give her. "I dismissed them for the entire day so I bet they might have gone home to spend the day with their respective families," Yifeng blurted walking over to her side.

"You gave them a day off?" Yang Zi asked suspiciously, not willing to move forward again after hearing that the Mansion is empty. The only people around were the both of them and the security guards outside. They won't be able to come to her rescue if Yifeng tries anything stupid with her.

"Why are you so hesitant? Don't you trust me again? I won't do anything stupid with you unless you give me the permission to do it, so stop being scared," Yifeng tried to reassure her he meant no harm.

"Why should I trust you when I don't even trust myself? I might end up doing something crazy that I will regret for the rest of my life if I follow you into your empty Mansion so I think I should go home," Yang Zi said, turning to leave, but Yifeng clasped her wrist.

"You won't do anything crazy and even though you get carried away by your desire after seeing my impeccably handsome face, I won't go all the way. I promise," Yifeng said seriously. He knew why she was so scared of being alone with him since what she was afraid of had occurred thrice. 

"Impeccably handsome face? You are so full of yourself," Yang Zi said, hitting him on his firm chest.

"I am just stating the truth. It's not my fault I am so charming and irresistible," Yifeng said playfully in a bid to make her feel safe. 

"Remember to keep your promise or I will murder you and get ready to go to jail," Yang Zi said, pulling him along with her towards the entrance of the Mansion since he refused to let go of her.

"I thought your lights switched on automatically when anyone enters the Mansion, so why isn't it working?" Yang Zi said, holding Yifeng's hands firmly. She has only been to his Mansion once, so she was not very familiar with the layout of the sitting room. She was afraid she would fall down if she let go of him.

"I bet the lights had malfunctioned. Wait here let me see what I can do about this," Yifeng said, trying to unwrap her hands around his arm but Yang Zi stubbornly refused to let go of him.

"What? I can't wait here alone. Let me come with you," Yang Zi said, acting so spoiled. She lived in darkness for so long, now darkness terrified her.

"Yang Zi calm down ok? I am not going far away. I will just be over there. Be a good girl, hmm," Yifeng coaxed, patting her hands affectionately. She had left her handbag in his car and her cell phone was in it. She would have used her flashlight as a source of light if she had brought her handbag with her.

"Come back quickly, Ok? Trust me, I will scream if you don't show up early," Yang Zi said reluctantly, letting go of his hand.

"I will be back in a jiffy. I promise," Yifeng said effortlessly, finding his way out of the dark sitting room. Yang Zi waited patiently for over five minutes but Yifeng didn't surface, neither did the lights turn on.

"Where are you? I thought you said you will be back in a jiffy?" Yang Zi said taking slow steady steps towards the direction Yifeng took. 

"Where are you? At least say something," Yang Zi shouted, still taking steady steps towards the same direction. The lights suddenly came on with a shout of happiness accompanying it.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY.....," they all screamed with smiles of excitement on their faces.

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