
Chapter 215 - Batol

"So what do you think? Are you sure you're okay with taking on FFF all on your own? I mean they're a pretty tough bunch. Even if you were to join up with us and we were to defeat them, that would count as something impressive," said Arthur as he was getting worried for the safety of Yuki.

"Of course I'm okay with taking them on. After all, you can't forget who I am," said Yuki with a confident smirk as he prepared to leave the room and head for FFF.

"Oh that's right. I never got a chance to ask you where they are," Yuki said to Arthur who just made a straight face as he didn't know if Yuki was joking or serious.

Just then a loud sound could be heard all throughout the castle as 10

figures jumped on top of the castle from such a height where they could crash right through the floors above and make it down to the floor where Arthur, Yuki along with the top 5 members of the WD were having their meeting.

"Well, I guess they decided to come for us instead," said Yuki as he tried to look around for anyone that could be potentially dangerous but couldn't spot anyone who would be even the least bit of a challenge for him.

"Arthur, take your top 5 members and leave. I'll take care of them," Yuki told his clan leader who replied with a simple single nod before heading towards the exit door of the room.

"Oh no you don't! You're not leaving this place! You'll all be dying here!" said one of the 10 people who crashed into the room as he practically teleported right in front of Arthur as he prepared to kick the clan leader of WD to the ground.

"With that type of speed, he should be at least level 40. That would mean that the FFF clan had figured out that the WD clan was doing some training during the past 8 weeks. Well more specifically just me but with their hypothesis, I guess they also did some training as well. Maybe they really were serious about this," Yuki thought to himself.

"Unfortunately for them, they had the bad luck of running into me. Now that I've managed to regain the overpowered advantage I used to have over the world, I'll no longer have to fear anyone and I won't have to hide my

power nor myself from the world any longer. I'm finally free," said Yuki with a smile on his face as he ran faster than the member of the FFF clan could move his foot to kick Arthur down. 

Once reaching close enough, Yuki brought his own foot up to block that of the kick from the FFF clan.

"You should never let your guard down, no matter who's protecting you. Now, get out of here before I have to protect you again," said Yuki as he sent Arthur and the top 5 members of the WD clan away from the scene. 

"Who the hell do you think you are huh? I'm going to kill you!" the man who Yuki had kicked towards the side said as he got up from the ground after being humiliated.

"Hey I have a couple questions for you guys," Yuki said as he began to walk towards one of the other 9 members of the clan known as FFF so that he could speak to them about some things which he still didn't understand.

"Don't ignore me dammit!" The first one of the ten who had his conflict with Yuki said as he rushed towards Yuki so that he could get his revenge.

"Got you," said the man who was rushing towards Yuki as he placed his plam around Yuki's neck.

"Activate ability: Chain Explosion" 

Right as the angered man activated his ability, Yuki began to get bombarded by an endless amount of explosions which went on all parts of Yuki's body as they blew away any piece of clothing which Yuki had on him except his undergarment.

After a while of going off with no end in sight as Yuki continued to take all of the hits, the explosions came to an end.

"That's what you deserve for thinking that you could defeat me. I guess you've learned your lesson although it's too late now. You've already died while

you're still standing. It's truly a brave yet sad sight. People like you should just mind their business, especially those who are as young as you," said the man as he began to walk

away from Yuki with a cool

expression on his face.

"Huh? What do you mean? This battle is far from over," said Yuki as he practically teleported right in front of the man who had used the chain explosion ability on him and kicked him in the chest to the point where the man

could barely breathe.

"Let's see. You seem to be pretty smooth with your tongue so I'll just make you answer my questions," Yuki said to the man in front of him.

"H-Help," the man pleaded as he turned to his teammates which just sighed in disappointment.

"I don't really understand why he chose to start all on his own instead of as a ground. I guess he was just too excited to use the potion enhanced body as quickly as possible. Although now look at him, he's begging us for him. We might as well just show him how amazing team work is," said one of the 9 remaining members as they all walked towards Yuki with the intent to kill him.

"Get out of our way kid. We're not here to battle you. If you don't, we'll be forced to kill you as well," said one of the 9 remaining members as he tried to whack Yuki away with the back of his hand.

"Hun? Didn't you ever learn to never judge a book by its cover?" Yuki asked as he grabbed the hand of the man who tried to backhand slap him.

"Let go right now if you value your life even a little bit-" the man who's backhand slap didn't make contact earned Yuki. However, before he could finish his threatening monologue, Yuki simply punched the man on the face and turned his fist so that the head of the man would land on the ground instead of a far away wall.

"Woah, did you see what that kid just did? That's got to be some kind of magic involved with this. There's no way that someone is this much stronger than versions of us that are completely normal let alone those who are boosted by potions and are seeking revenge," another of the remaining 8 said as he just watched 2 out of the 10 of them fall to defeat in just a few minutes.

"So is this the best that FFF has to offer? I mean I kinda expected the clan with the highest average level in the world to be much more impressive than this," said Yuki as he began to relax as there was no reason for him to fear his matchup anymore.

"Yes, this is pretty much it," said one of the remaining 8 as he began to walk towards Yuki without any worry in his eyes.

"What's your name? You seem different-" Yuki began to speak before he was forced to stop as the figure who walked up to him punched his jaw.

"My name is Batol. It's nice to meet you," the guy who just punched Yuki right in the face with enough force to make him dizzy apologized in the most polite tone possible.

"Well that was weird. Anyway Batol, would it be okay for me to ask you some questions?" Yuki asked as he walked back to Batol and punched him back in the face so that he could get revenge for Batol punching him a few seconds ago.

"Sure go ahead, I don't really mind getting asked anything" Batol replied before punching Yuki once again.

"Okay then. I appreciate your cooperation. My first question is if you're the strongest person inside the clan or if there are any others stronger than you. If so, what are their names and what do they look like?" Yuki asked after which he punched Batol once again as this interaction would go on for every question answered and asked.

"Well I'm currently the 2nd strongest person there. Our clan leader surprisingly Isn't the strongest person in the clan though. Instead the strongest member of our clan decided to say that he was going to show up at his own time. Of course no one could argue with him because he was the strongest and in this world, whoever is strongest wins everything. It doesn't matter what they do with the power they have. As long as they have it, they can do whatever they choose," Batol replied to Yuki which just brought an irritating feeling to him.

"This is going to be quite troublesome," said Yuki as he continued to go back and forth with Batol with their exchanging punches. 

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