
Chapter 84 - A Proposal

Sam accepted the invitation of the first prince but he remained as neutral as he could, when the first prince chatted with him. Sam could detect that even though this guy spoke cordially, his true nature was haughty and didn't give much value to people from a common background like Sam.

The only reason that this prince was behaving warmly to him was because he wanted to pull Dror into his faction. 

The prince was forming a new army with focus on the younger generation, and he wanted Dror to be the captain of one of the squads. Sam was not only strong, he was also famous among common people.

Sam  thought " This guy is really delusional, he speaks as if he still  owns the place and every one should follow whatever he commands.... he can't even recognize the fact that he is just another vagabond, running from the alliance government..."

Sam didn't show any of his thoughts on the face, he just smiled back at the prince cordially.

  Sam kept a neutral stance and said that he would take time to ponder on the matter as he never had any former army experience and all.

The prince also bid farewell and went to meet the other young heroes. 

But after turning away from Sam the prince gave a spiritual message to Frank.

" This person is a barbarian as his name suggests, he doesn't give proper respect to the hierarchy.  Wait for his answer for two more days, if his answer is no, then kick him out of the base and make sure he doesn't reveal the location of this base..."

Sam went back to Levi and started having their discussion while having a sumptuous dinner.

  Sam didn't care much about etiquette; he took whatever he wanted and ate it in whichever manner he wanted to.

The crowd got another chance to jeer at him but he didn't care.

After spending much time with Sam, Levi was developing a special kind of skin that was really thick.

It had the magical properties of completely reflecting any jeering or cursing attack that was directed at one.

But soon their table had another visitor, it was lady Laurel. 

When Sam saw this, he knew another  headache was coming. She sat down at the same table as Sam and Levi, then started speaking.

" I have heard from my master that Dror was a great and magnanimous warrior who dared to fight even against the bloody church...but you are so stingy and nothing like my master mentioned..."

pfttt.... Levi sprayed his drink all over the place and the hall became silent all of a sudden.

Sam " Fu..k how does she even know this..."

But Levi had a sudden enlightenment, he remembered where he had heard this name. 

He sent a spiritual message to Sam.

" Sam I remember now, the master of the Black Raven had taken a prodigy as her disciple and her name is Laurel. Her master is the head of the whole secret service and intelligence service of the rebel army..... The head of the Black Raven  is a frightening lady and her disciple, Laurel is said to be a rare talent greatly beloved by the head of Black Raven.... beware"

Sam had a frown, he didn't want to get entangled in more of this plot. He was thinking " why the hell would this fu..king author get me entangled with all kinds of mess.. why can't he write some peaceful and happy life with Jemin for me.... with lots of physical and mental bonding..harrumph harrumph..."

This time the crowd didn't bounce back to a louder discussion, like before. 

But there were continuous spiritual messages and minor chatters.

The Lady had found that this guy behaved  wantonly but wanted to get less attention.

  So she thought that she might as well push this guy to the limelight, for behaving rudely with her before. 

She didn't think much of this as she has been privy to much bigger secrets and this was some minor matter in her mind.

But Sam didn't think so, he was a man of his word and treated his promises seriously, He expected the same from other people. 

This time Sam had a serious face and it appeared that he cared about this matter. 

The chief of the Enforcer had promised that this matter would remain between them, but the matter has clearly been leaked.

  He knew the Chief was a man of his word but clearly the others weren't, maybe one of the enforcers was a spy of the rebels and he was only doing his duty by reporting the matter to the rebel intelligence agency. 

But proclaiming it in public was an entirely different matter.

Levi could also see the change in Sam's emotion and aura.

He wanted to say something but before he could say, Sam stood up and spoke.

" It's late ...let's make our move or are you going to stay ..."

Levi stood up and replied " Of course it's late, let's get going..."

Laurel had a bad premonition, she just wanted to create some small trouble for Sam by exposing some of his secrets. But clearly she had poked some sore points.

As they were moving out, another voice was heard. " ha ha.. what barbarian, clearly a coward who is running away, after just the mention of the bloody church...."

It was the guy who urgently needed a face slap, Raimond.

  Sam just gave a sideways glance to this guy, but the other guy felt like some ferocious beast had locked onto him and it will reap his life the next second. Raimond started shivering uncontrollably, the glass of wine that he was holding fell down from his hand.

Sam had emitted a little of  his killing intent unintentionally because he was angry about the matter. 

But that was enough to make this rising star who was born and brought up in a safe environment to shit his pants.

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