
Chapter 85 - Rutna

Everybody gave way, as Sam and Levi walked through. 

The instant Sam emitted that small killing intent, many of the intelligent people gathered here even the first prince knew this was a smiling tiger. 

Nobody wanted to poke it anymore, even the people who didn't understand much could also feel the change in the environment so they kept their mouth shut.

After leaving the gathering Sam and Levi left for their places.

  For some reason Sam didn't feel like sleeping or meditating, so he went for a walk. 

He was already given an identity card so no one stopped him, he soon left the camp to see the underground city that the rebels built. 

Levi had given him a basic introduction of the city, so Sam was not completely clueless.

Sam wanted to explore the place himself, so he left without alerting anyone. 

Sam knew someone was keeping continuous watch on him, but he didn't care. 

The city was hustle bustle even at night, Sam could see many night shops that were open for business. 

But what surprised him more was the fact, the city was not some luxurious and wealthy city as he imagined when he first saw it from the outside . He understood that the facilities of the place were not that great and people were living in cramped houses. People were busy with their own works but Sam could clearly see the gloomy looks on many residents.

But as he went further in, he could see there were some streets that were very clean, looked better and were also guarded.

  All of a sudden he realized something, these so-called rebels have been fighting for more than hundreds of years, they might have been united and treated others equally in the beginning. 

But as time went on this place started developing hierarchy and discrimination's, now it was not much different from any other society which was divided on the bases of many things.

Sam could only give a sigh he didn't think much of it as this was something that transpired in any general society. 

the words of  Jordan Peterson came to his mind " You can't have a value structure without a hierarchy. They're the same thing because a value structure means one thing takes precedence over another. "

Sam thought " No it sounds like  the world really is a market, and people are commodities. Then is it Stewart Stafford "Anarchy can only ever be a temporary state. As with other creatures on this planet, it is human nature to crave the security of creating hierarchical structures. Our major religions are based on the same concept. Even the Antichrist has an antithetical hierarchy in Hell."

Does it mean a society will always strive towards hierarchy.... then  Melinda Gates words "An abusive culture, to me, is any culture that needs to single out and exclude a group. It's always a less productive culture because the organization's energy is diverted from lifting people up to keeping people down. It's like an autoimmune disease where the body sees its own organs as threats and begins attacking them. " .....can it be considered true everywhere.

No, I am missing something... Melinda is talking about abusive culture. The hierarchy might not be the real problem, ...if the people in the hierarchy are truly benevolent  and selfless, then it wouldn't matter even if it appears to be a hierarchy it will not be an abusive culture, but an all encompassing and enriching culture. 

In the end it all comes to the heart of the individual and what he chooses. Selfishness or Selflessness... Confuscius did say "The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large. " ... but, Is it just another utopian dream.... what am i thinking, I myself am a selfish person...."

Thinking all kinds of things and philosophy Sam reached a place with much hustle bustle. 

He saw a  vendor who appeared to be selling something like a burger, Sam was attracted by the smell. He quickly went to buy one and sat down on one of the chairs that were provided in the open, as he was eating the burger he saw a small girl running towards the vendor.

The girl had black dirt on her arms and face. She was holding some cash in her hand and with a beaming smile she went to the vendor and asked for a burger.

The vendor provided some extra snacks along with the burger for the little girl. But before she could move away, a yell came from afar.

" Rutna, how many times have I  told you not to go to the mines..."

The girl was alarmed and murmured " busted.."

Sam knew the person who was yelling, it was the same young man Chaow. 

After twisting the girl's ear, Chaow started lecturing her, but the girl was clearly not interested in the lecture and started humming a tune.

Chaow knew nothing he was saying, got to the kid  so he asked the girl " why do you do something like this Rutna, you know how much your mother and I worry about you..."

The Kid replied with pride" you and mother don't need to worry about me, I am already 9. I can take care of myself now.... All your salary is spent on mother's medicine, and we can't even have proper food. Now that I am grown up I can also earn some money... and you know how much mother likes these burgers, dad always bought them for us..."

Chaow's eyes became red  he hugged the kid and said " please forgive this incompetent brother..."

Rutna " you are such a cry baby..."

Chaow twisted her ear again, but before he could scold her again. 

He saw a familiar face, he was stunned for a second. But before he could say anything Sam sent a spiritual message to Chaow to not say anything.

  Chaow was an intelligent guy who realized that Sam didn't want to reveal his identity.

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