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Chapter 39 - A Red Hair Tsundere? (Edited)

Nango-Kuren High School, Lunch Period :-

The alarms rang, the teacher went out and Kyle took out his bento box from his backpack. He was squinting at the box for some time, sighing he opened it up. The color of surprise dyed his face as he glimpsed on the box\'s contents. \'No way… she didn\'t put her tail in there?\' ​​

A truly unexpected outcome. Kyle opened the box, fully prepared to dump it in the trash can if he even saw a trace of green. But it seemed that with being a God he had also earned their luck too, his head automatically nodded, showcasing the satisfaction and relief he felt. "Finally, she learned her lessons!"

It was time for him to eat the delicious bento made by his favorite dragon maid, picking up the thin single use chopsticks, he was about to put the eggroll inside his mouth to taste the delicious goody, alas, his eyes had to catch the irregularity in the last possible moment. It was also the moment Kyle had understood that Luck of the gods was nothing but bonafide bullshit.

Stopping in his action, Kyle started scrutinizing the creamy roll of deliciousness, which turned out to be a little too green for his taste. Dismantling the roll he discovered more greenish bits mixed in his lunch, the bits of green being something extremely familiar to him. It was Tohru\'s freaking tail meat!

It was barely visible to the eye, she must have made particular preparations to blend it inside his lunch. Even Kyle with his great eyesight after careful scrutiny and a stroke of luck was able to arrive at this conjecture. Seething rage burned in his mind as he finally registered the feeling of annoyance he was suppressing at first. \'Fuck! That was a close call! She didn\'t change at all, no, she became worse, she even used this cheap trick!\'

Kyle cursed in his mind, if looks could kill Kyle\'s twisted visage was enough to massacre a battlefield. He dropped his chopsticks, packed the Bento and discreetly threw it inside his inventory. No one noticed any irregularity… maybe...

Silently he kept on cursing the dragon maid of chaos in his mind.


Kobayashi Mansion, Living Room :-

Tohru suddenly sneezed. "A-chou! Is Kyle thinking about me right now? Of course he is, he probably tasted my tail right now! He is probably praising me right now."

Tohru was equal parts right and wrong, though she didn\'t know that fact. She was smiling proudly and patting herself on the back of her head praising herself for a job well done. If she knew of the vulgarities Kyle was spouting on her name, it was unknown what would be her reaction then, what was known was that Humanity wouldn\'t like it one bit.


The last period of school hours just came to an emd, the instructor reminded them that next week the first semester exams will be held. They were also advised to study rigorously, and were warned of the consequences for failing; and they were truly horrible ones.

If it were to be only normal remedial classes, not a single student would\'ve taken said warning seriously. However, to their horror, whether they liked it or not, this wasn\'t a normal school and the punishment for failing was all day long ranger training, well something similar to it, the difference being it was 10x harder and worse. Full day physical exertion with 10x the difficulty was nothing short of every human\'s nightmares, the masochists and muscle maniacs excluded.

Training like this would make many want to question the sanity of the school committee. The students were sent to study here not to become rangers. Again, sadly this wasn\'t a school which followed the traditional rules of schooling.

Worse was the factor that, even if the students reported the atrocities done to them to the government it would only be efforts done in vain. The school was run by personnels who were influential enough to never let the complaints reach the necessary hands to be taken measure against them, instead it would land on their hands and the one who reported it would be punished doubly and would be welcoming a hellish school life that was sure to drive said student insane. A fitting punishment of betrayal, said by the punishment committee head.

This was the deepest secret of Nango-Kuren Highschool, this was also the reason why most of the students here were strong to a fault, making it one of the best, hidden and unofficial, combat academies of Japan.

There were two routes for a student after entering this school, either be strong or be ridiculously strong. If you were neither your life was as good as over. But even among the strong only a scant few had the qualifications to be both strong and equally smart. And these monstrous abnormalities were called Ryūs, the dragon\'s of Nango-Kuren, the strongest most intelligent students of their respective years.

Coming back to the topic at hand, Kyle had next to no problems in passing the exams. He had absolute confidence in his memory, after getting that Spiritual Eye of course, and had no doubt he would breeze through said tests. He had no care for the rankings however, just passing would be enough for him.

Kyle, now finished with repacking his bag, was about to call Kyōka, something that was interrupted by the sudden ringing of his cellphone, checking what it was about, he saw messages from Meru in his Line app.

"Let\'s hangout later! It\'s been awhile since you played with me."

He pondered a bit before replying.

"I can\'t, I have something to do."

Just seconds later another text from Meru arrived.

"If it\'s your shift in MgRonald then don\'t worry I\'ll take care of it."

"No, not that. I have an appointment with Kyōka. She wanted to talk about something and I\'m about to accompany her."

"What?! You\'re going out with that crazy bitch?!"

"Hey, there. Watch your words."

"Sorry… My bad, it\'s just a bad habit of mine to curse whenever I get surprised online."

"That\'s a weird habit to have, if you ask me."

"Forget it, where are you now?"

"Inside my classroom, why are you asking in the first place?"

He waited for her reply, seconds trickled into a full minute, no reply came. Sighing, he locked and pocketed his phone.

Kyle stood up from his table, his head which was inclined towards the table was raised, the first sight greeting him was Kyōka standing there looking at him, a sight he found very amusing. "So tell me how long have you been standing there?"

Kyōk\'s reply was immediate. "Since you started texting someone."

"Oh, I see." He replied in a full tone. He wasn\'t surprised, he had more or less become used to Kyōka\'s shenanigans. He was curious however about why she had not informed him about her arrival, though he didn\'t deem it to be important enough to ask her.

"So, what are you going to talk about?"

Kyōka asked with confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Huh? Are you for real? Didn\'t you say \'Do you have some time later?\' and I replied that if you wanted to talk then I have the time, now what is it?" Kyle asked, impatience echoing in his voice. Kyle was utterly unable to understand the girl\'s train of thoughts, to him she was more of a pariah at this point.

"Oh that, I never said that we were going to talk, I guess it\'s my fault for not being specific, it\'s actually about accompanying me to a shopping."

"Oh, yeah I see…. good… good.. no. I refuse, sorry I have no spare time to go shopping with you." He was about to leave her, which became impossible since she blocked his path, Kyle was thinking out of his patience, his cold irritated voice entered Kyōka\'s ears. "Why are you blocking me? Please kindly move, I still have something to do and if you won\'t I would have to use force, fyi I\'m far stronger than before and I can knock you out at any moment, so please save both of us some time and let me pass."

"Wait, hear me out I have my reasons for doing this s-" Before she could finish, a slightly childish shout interrupted their heated discussion.

"Ah! There you are Kyle, come with me and forget about Kyōka!" It was Meru, smiling at Kyle, fully ignoring Kyōka as if she didn\'t exist.

Kyōka frowned at her words, glancing at Meru her frown grew deeper as she noticed she wasn\'t even noticing her, actively trying to ignore her. Her words, a feral growl, echoed in the silent classroom. "Meru! Stop interfering, I have important business with him."

Meru snorted, her reply was equal parts rude and mocking. "Important? How important could it be! Sorry to say but Kyle is going to accompany me instead of you!"

Kyōka\'s fuse blew at her crass remarks, her temper went straight to the angry Ryū she was famous for and in her anger she smashed the nearest table into pieces, approaching Meru she snarled at her in absolute rage. "Are you looking for a fight Meru?!"

"So what if I am?!" Both started an intense stare off, the atmosphere grew tenser by the milliseconds, any moment now a fight would break out if nobody stopped them.

Kyle on the other hand was looking at the spectacle with a vacant expression. \'The situation suddenly changed in a completely different route.\'

He was able to understand why he had sensed that premonition earlier. Most likely this situation here was what he had a foreboding about. He wasn\'t dense enough to not understand that the girls were fighting for his attention, he had no intentions of capturing either of their attentions to be honest, he would\'ve actually been glad if they stopped being such an annoyance to him.

Kyle decided. He will escape on the first chance he gets. Stopping them? Yeah, right. He wasn\'t stupid enough to think that interjecting himself there would do anything good for him. Worse, their attention may shift to him and he would have been asked to make a decision between them, which would ultimately lead to more trouble. Before his grand escape however, he was going to wish them goodbye. It was an idiotic thought, he knew that doing it would make people question his sanity, but he didn\'t care, he was confident that even if they noticed him escaping, they could do nothing to stop him.

"Since both of you are going to start fighting soon, I apologise but I\'ll have to say goodbye now, I really don\'t have time for this shit so later girls!" Finished with his goodbyes, he jumped out of the open window into the ground. Any sane individual would call him a lunatic for jumping from that height. He was at the highest floor, it being the 10th floor. Any normal individual would fancy the thought of him committing suicide.

It was more than 30 meters high, it was a sure fire way to die, jumping from that height that is.

Before any of the girls could react, Kyle was already on his route to falling to the ground. He was staring at the ground as he fell. Any person would usually scream in panic, Kyle however was in an abnormally calm state, no, his expression resembled one riddled with full languor, it denoted his indifference to his current situation, truly an unique sight.

The past Kyle, before the 3rd delivery, would\'ve actually screamed in panic by now, presently though jumping more than a 30 meters high building didn\'t seem much if a hassle, before his body could hit the ground he inched closer to the building wall and stepped on it, pushing his legs on them he directed his force from downwards to his sideways, effectively cancelling any damage that may occur from the fall, with this his legs won\'t hurt when he lands on the ground.

Propelling himself with the building wall he did a backflip, he had already accurately calculated everything needed for a perfect landing and he would\'ve also succeeded, alas, a person had to stand accurately at the place he was going to land on, even with his current abilities he was unable to change his directory in the air.

The only possibility left for him was to crash on the person ahead and crash.


"Ow, ow ow!" Ssid person groaned in pain, the voice was soft, it was a girl\'s voice, not a surprise considering the origin of this school.

Kyle was about to apologise, alas, fate had landed him in a cliché situation that was sure to annoy the hell out of him. He opened his eyes only to find himself landed in a weird position on top of the girl.

Yes it was the famous harem protagonist position, the boobie touch! Both of his hands were touching the girl\'s sizable tits. It was soft and squishy D Cups. His first thought after wasn\'t to apologize however. \'Wow, they\'re pretty soft and firm, this is a bit addictive.\'

The girl finally noticing the predicament she was in shouted in absolute embarrassment, her face dyed in the color of crimson same as her hair maybe a shade darker, it reflected said emotions she felt. "KYAAHHHH! PERVERT!!"

The girl attempted to slap him, only to be in vain as Kyle saw it coming and caught her hands, his tone was surprisingly firm as he replied with utmost seriousness. "Miss, what if I tell you that this is just all an accident would you believe me?"

"Wha?! No way! There is no way I\'ll believe you!"

Kyle nodded, his serious expression again morphing into the same dull languor he and when he was falling, as he spoke in a dry tone full of apathy. "Yeah, of course you wouldn\'t. Totalllllyyy, expected that reply, nothing new actually…. girls are the most unreasonable beings in existence after all."

Kyle suddenly noticed a detail, the girl looked somewhat familiar. She wore a girl\'s uniform of course, but it was a bit odd, it was a no sleeve white shirt that split into two ends at her waist down, which then extended down the sides of her legs. A red tie with yellow edges was wedged between her bountiful delights. The oddest thing was she was wearing boxing gloves, her hair was also tied in a messing ponytail and on further scrutinization he found her eyes to be a reddish pink, of course she was absolutely gorgeous just like every other girl of this school, one contrast being she was far more beautiful than most of them almost on par with Kyōka if he considered the body type. A name popped out in his mind and he grimaced inwardly.

"You..! When are you going to stop touching my bo-bo-bo-booobs?!"

"Oh, crap my bad I didn\'t notice it until now." He moved away from the red hair girl afterwards. Though his reply was like that he made no effort to sugarcoat it, his tone was the same dull one, he couldn\'t help it, this cliché situation had numbed him of any and all reactions.

The girl stood up from the ground, and stared at him with teary eyes, glaring at him with rage and embarrassment she shouted. "That\'s it you pervert! I\'ll punish you for touching me!"

And a fight was bound to happen.

( `END` )

Guess Who?

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