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Chapter 40 - Easily Defeated? (Edited)

Asahina Ayane was a first year student of Nango-Kuren Highschool, she had another name, the seat of the Ryū for the first years had been taken by none other than her. Dubbed as the Senseiryū, she was the Dragon of Speed, no one was faster than her and was hailed as the fastest Ryū in history, she held high prestige in the school.

Today after the end of her class, she was strolling around the school, looking around the scenery and the bustling of the students, admiring the architecture and so on. Thinking that she was finished with her inspection she decided to go back to her dorm, on her way back however she was subjected to a strange situation. ​​

A strange person had fallen right where she was standing, it was a sudden occurrence, so sudden in fact that she couldn\'t even dodge. Ayane was known for her speed, but she still couldn\'t move at the speed of light, hell she was not even capable of reaching Mach 1, she was ridiculously fast for a human\'s standards.

Consequently Ayane wasn\'t able to react, she had also gone into a minor shock at the precipitance of the situation. Hence, the strange person crashed right onto her, resulting in them landing on a strange position with said person on top of her. After a moment of cognizance of the situation at hand and also coping up with the pain she was feeling due to the collision, she realized that the damnable individual was now touching both of her bosoms.

More infuriating was the fact that he was also groping them and that too with considerable force, a second didn\'t pass as she comprehended the shocking feeling, the shameless sod was now kneading them and feeling them up! The shame, the rage, the hatred, the embarrassment, too many emotions were stirring inside her in a complex storm of blistering sensations. She had never felt so many emotions simultaneously before. In actuality, if said fellow was a girl she wouldn\'t have minded as much, she would\'ve at most berated her a bit. But this shady, shameless sod was a boy and said boy was still feeling her up. This was absolutely unforgivable.

This was also the first time a man had touched her like that, her rage was understandable. Even if it were to be an accident, though her mind was in too much of a mess to even consider or believe that fact, she wasn\'t able to accept it, she just couldn\'t. She was a Ryū and she would never forgive this insolence. Her eyes were teary as she glared at him, directing all the pent up emotions inside her she hollered at the boy. "That\'s it you pervert! I\'ll punish you for touching me!"




Kyle stared vacantly at Ayane, his expression dull and languous, reflecting the apathy he felt about this whole situation, he just sighed, boredom oozing in his reply. "Yeah, yeah we\'re going to fight huh…"

Hearing his uninterested, downright bored tone annoyed Ayane. She was riled up by the fact that this boy in front of her was underestimating her. She was aware that she was the weakest of all the current Ryūs, but she was still stronger than all the other students in the school, that\'s why she could even gain the title of a Dragon. Not just anybody could underestimate her and she was going to teach this prick a lesson for doing so. "You..! You\'re underestimating me, aren\'t you?!"

"Huh? What are you talking about? When did I do that? Your imagination is pretty wild, you know that?" 

"I don\'t believe you! You\'re clearly lying!" She shouted in denial, her tone clearly stating that she was not even willing to understand him, it was unknown if she had even listened to anything at all, judging by her expression the latter appeared to be the most likely case.

"For fuck\'s sake, why do you have to be so unreasonable!?... fine if you won\'t believe me, then, well I\'ll just have to shut you up with my fists I guess." Kyle stated and closed his eyes, he took a deep methodical breath,As soon as he said that, he took a deep breath, the air gathered in his lungs, filling them over their capacity and pumping vast amounts of oxygen in his muscles expanding and strengthening them, effectively increasing his speed, strength agility and brain capacity.

Yes, he was using his breathing style that he got as a reward on his third delivery. He hadn\'t yet formed any forms or styles to his breathing, it had no patterns. What he was using was the most rudimentary patterns of the breathing style, it basically enhanced every aspect of his physique and mental capabilities but had no forms or moves to perform alongside it. Opening his eyes Kyle moved, he didn\'t have the time nor the humor to entertain Ayane by talking and explaining his techniques before attacks like a certain brain-dead protagonist. Whatever he would do would be swift, precise and finished in  seconds; he had no reason to drag out something he considered to be annoying.


Kyle vanished from his stance position, a sight that made Ayane\'s eyes widen in disbelief before she could even register the thought and search for him he reappeared in front of her, with a punching stance ready to blow the air out of her lungs.

"What?! Whe-" Ayane couldn\'t finish her shocked monologue, Kyle had no mercy and no reason to listen to it. He hurled a punch precisely to her solar plexus, where he was sure that she would faint if registered properly, and it did. Ayane\'s eyes rolled in her skull, her vision going black only the whites of her eyes visible, she immediately went unconscious, slight foam can be seen leaking out of her mouth. She was literally knocked out to oblivion in a single punch.

"Ops~! My bad, were you about to say something? Oh you fainted! Nevermind, then." He joked drily in a dull tone, then he realized that his joke looked more like a villain\'s monologue. He shrugged, too annoyed to even care, the day was becoming more annoying by the minute, he looked down at the corp- *cough the unconscious girl while stating wearily. "She\'s a lot weaker than Kyōka, it was expected but she\'s really weak. I still need to carry her to the Infirmar- no nevermind I\'ll just leave her in the girl\'s room because I don\'t want to meet that horny nurse again. I\'m sure if I go there this time, with my improved looks to boot, the damn horny cougar will either **** me or blackmail me into f*cking her, better avoid that trouble."

He picked her up by the hem of her shirt and carried her like a luggage, or a trash bag, his reasoning being, he didn\'t want anyone to misunderstand him like they did with Kyōka. What he didn\'t understand was that the way he was carrying her now he looked much more like a rapist with his prey caught in her clutches than he did with Kyōka and if anyone saw him like this he would definitely have been accused and arrested instead of just being subjected to rumors. It was good that he had immediately gone to the girl\'s dorms without anyone noticing him, otherwise a mountain of trouble would\'ve been waiting for Kyle.

Throwing her at the entrance of the dorm he promptly left the school, he needed to start his shift and he was getting a bit late now, he needed to haste on his way there, thinking till here he had a self mocking sermon \'I\'m such a workaholic, even though I\'m rich and could literally swim in money even without working for the rest of my life, I am still on my way, rushing to be on time for work. I like the way I am now however, doing deliveries gives me a sense of accomplishment… speaking of money.. should I perhaps give some to a charity? Or I could also help Sadao for a bit? For instance giving him a better apartment to live or helping him out every now and then.\'

Some careful pondering later, he decided to donate some money to a few orphanages, helping the children who have no home or family of their own. As for Sadao, he would have to ask him first before trying to help, he was after all still a Demon King, he had his own pride and was more likely than not going to refuse his offer. Even though he didn\'t like it, a demon king like Sadao was still the closest male friend he had.

He wanted to help him, not because he pitied him but because he wanted to, as his friend, he wanred to help him anyway he could, besides he was one of the very few people who knew his identity as a God.

Kyle drove his motorcycle with haste, his destination the MgRonald\'s Restaurant.




During his work time, he noticed that his relationship with Sadao had gotten much closer than before, it was so much so that they could now be considered as best buds, this was only possible because they were now aware of each other\'s secret identities.

Sadao had planted a barrier surrounding him that didn\'t let anyone become more than a long term acquaintance with him, this barrier was broken by Kyle due to them knowing about each other\'s secrets and truly connecting with the bond of trust between friends.

In Xianxias, Demons and Gods were always in a sempiternal conflict between themselves, always fighting for supremacy, the only exception being the times when MC courted the goddesses or demonesses and converted to his harem. But this time, it was a genuine friendship made between a god and a demon that had no benefits or conspiracies hidden beneath it. 

This was a bond not based on love, but on pure trust, the trust held between two individuals, two comrades. After the end of his shift Kyle told Maou about him being rich and his desire to help him out.

Sadao was a bit perplexed at first, but it disappeared as soon as it came. He didn\'t find it surprising that he was rich, knowing that he was God it would\'ve been surprising if he wasn\'t rich, in his home world Maou was also the richest individual. What surprised him was that Kyle was still working here even though being rich, which he soon credited to him being eccentric.

Maou\'s reply to Kyle\'s request however greatly surprised him, Maou had refused his offer to help him, naturally he asked his reasonings for not letting Kyle help him.

His answer though was something Kyle had already speculated. "Even though we\'re poor as dirt, I\'m not shameless enough to immediately accept your offer to help me. I know you have good intentions, but I\'d rather work hard and earn my own money, but if I really am in dire of your help I will call you, is that okay with you?"

Kyle was satisfied, he nodded with a serene smile, replying in gusto. "Sure! Don\'t hesitate to call me bro when you need help."

"Same, here bro if you need help with any \'supernatural\' elements, call me, I\'ll always be there to help."

"I\'d do that." They finished their talks with a bro fist signifying there camaraderie. Chiho was able to witness this scene as she arrived in the break room.

"You two have really become closer, haven\'t you, Maou-san and Kobayashi-san?"

"That\'s right Chi-chan." Sadao nodded.

"Is it because of what happened the other day? It\'s when you talked privately right?" Both of them simultaneously turned towards each other at her inquiry, signalling and communicating with their eyes. 

(She\'s pretty sharp.)

(Indeed she is )



Finished with his shift Kyle returned to his mansion, entering he was greeted by the daily dose of Kanna\'s hugs, taking her up on his arms and nuzzling with her a bit he also saw Tohru happily smiling at him, her smile was pure, without the jealousy she had always felt whenever he and Kanna connected like that.

Her smile was radiant, full of genuine happiness, it was a surprise, a surprise he could categorize as being extremely pleasant. Tohru\'s smile was enough to refresh him of all the mental fatigue he had accumulated throughout the day, he also smiled serenely, his bad day had turned into a good one seeing her happy. Afterwards they ate dinner and Kyle went to his bed. He was very excited for tomorrow, it was a big day for him after all, because it was the day he was going to go on his very first date, and that too with a beautiful goddess esque beauty, his lovely dragon maid Tohru. The dragon who was slowly but firmly marking herself on his heart. 

( `END` )

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