
Chapter 32 - Hope of Recovery

Chapter 32: Hope of Recovery

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After breakfast, Tang Qiu took some time to sort out her thoughts. Treading cautiously, she asked, “What sort of medicine do you normally eat, dear? Can you show me?”

In all honesty, she had never seen him take his medicine before. He was likely self-conscious about it, which is why he kept his medication concealed from her, but if she was going to help him, she had to start by understanding the root cause of the issue.

Jiang Shaocheng gave two awkward coughs. He had long stopped bothering to take his medicine. He hadn’t anticipated that he would end up with such a lovely, adorable wife; the matter had long slipped his mind. “I’ve finished all of it.”

“Then I’ll get you some more. What’s the medicine called?” Tang Qiu prepared to make a note of it on her phone.

“Ask He Lei. He’s the one who helps me obtain the medicine.”

“Okay.” Tang Qiu promptly left and went downstairs to look for He Lei.

When he heard her question, He Lei was stunned for a few whole seconds.?The young master? Medicine??His frailness was just a farce; what medicine did he need? “The young master’s medicine is produced overseas,” he said, scrambling for an excuse. “It can’t be bought here.”

“That’s fine. Just let me know the name, and the specifics of my husband’s condition. I plan to ask my professor about it. He’s a renowned practitioner of medicine; he might be able to help us find a cure.”

He Lei met Tang Qiu’s expectant gaze, at a loss for words. His gaze drifted to the upper storey, where Jiang Shaocheng watched them, unsmiling.?Is this some kind of show to him??“The medicine…” He whipped out his phone and searched for the names of several medicines, skimming over them and reciting a list of ingredients at random. “The doctor modifies the medicine according to the young master’s condition,” he added, after a moment’s consideration. “So I’m not quite sure what exactly he needs for his next dose.”

“Does he also take medicine to aid in that area?”

“That area?” He Lei echoed, confused.

Tang Qiu coughed politely, a flush rising to her cheeks.?I am a medical student,?she reminded herself, before explaining, “His ability to perform in bed has been compromised, hasn’t it? What medicine does he take to aid him?”

He Lei nearly choked. Did this mean that when she and the young master got intimate, he hadn’t shown… any reaction at all? Maybe he really did need something to aid him after all. He rapidly listed a few medicines off the top of his head, thinking,?I should get some props for the young master.?Just to remind him not to get too caught up in the act. He wasn’t?really

?a cripple. He was more than capable of using his manhood–as he should!

Later, He Lei dug up some medical certificates and reports and showed them to Tang Qiu, who pulled out her phone and snapped pictures of them. His eyes widened. She was being so meticulous. Was she planning to research the young master’s condition in secret?

After Tang Qiu was done taking the pictures, she headed off to school. Ill at ease, He Lei stressed that no one could be privy to the details of the young master’s condition except her. Otherwise, it could put him in a vulnerable position. Tang Qiu nodded compliantly. He might not be held in high regard, but her husband was still the young master of the Jiang family, and subject to no small amount of scrutiny.

Tang Qiu submitted the translated documents to a pleasantly surprised Professor Sun. She had completed the task better than he had expected, and ahead of schedule, too.

He seemed satisfied enough, so Tang Qiu dared to venture, “Professor Sun, I have a friend who’s been sick for a long time. I was wondering if I could ask you about his chances of recovery.”

“Please, go ahead,” Professor Sun said magnanimously. He was clearly in a good mood.

Tang Qiu wasted no time in showing him the medical information she had obtained from He Lei, and recounting the list of Jiang Shaocheng’s medicine.

Professor Sun specialized in traditional medicine, with a wealth of experience and exposure at his disposal. He also had his own unique methods of combating illnesses which were known to be tricky or difficult to pinpoint. “His condition isn’t serious,” he replied when she was done. “As long as he gets the right treatment and is in reasonably good health, it won’t take long for him to recover.”

“Really?” It was almost too good to be true.

“You doubt my word?” Professor Sun’s displeasure was evident.

“No! I’m just happy for my friend,” Tang Qiu explained quickly, in an attempt to placate his temper. “I’m sorry, Professor.”

Professor Sun snorted coldly, his easygoing manner gone. “Asking me for help without so much as offering me a cup of tea? Don’t you understand the rules of courtesy at all?”

Tang Qiu rushed to pour him a cup of tea. Only then did Professor Sun continue. “What is your friend like normally?” he asked slowly. “What medicine has he taken before?”

“He can’t move his legs. He didn’t even react to having hot water poured on them. And he… he is incapable of engaging in intercourse. He can’t muster a substantial erection.” She passed him the list of medicine she had gotten from He Lei. “This is the medication he’s been given.”

Professor Sun ran his eyes over the list. “What nonsense is this?” he asked sharply. “The condition you described can’t be cured by taking medicine. With injuries that severe, he can only be nursed back to recovery. He needs to undergo acupuncture and therapy, with his family by his side to support him and give him hope to boost his spirits. Only then can he properly recover and return to full health…”

Tang Qiu nodded, silently absorbing everything he threw at her. He Lei had told her Jiang Shaocheng’s medicine was administered by doctors from overseas, adjusting it according to his condition. Likely, he had needed them in the past, but not anymore.

Besides, hadn’t Professor Sun said there was hope for her husband? She would continue to stay by his side and devote herself to learning about acupuncture–all so she could heal him one day.

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