
Chapter 33 - Soup Attack

Chapter 33: Soup Attack

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Tang Qiu left Professor Sun’s office in relatively good spirits and made her way to the cafeteria. While she was queuing, she felt people’s eyes boring into her, the whispers coming from every direction in an endless stream.

“That’s her. The one who sold her body for money. What a disgrace to our school!”

“Don’t be so quick to dismiss her. She’s just a student–a top student in the medical faculty, to be sure–but still a student. She used to wear clothes that looked like rags she bought off the street. Now, just look at her designer clothes. They’re limited edition, mind you, worth tens of thousands of dollars!”

“Stop being such a nerd. It’s sickening, that’s what it is. What’s she doing here anyway, all dressed up in those expensive clothes? Is she trying to show off?”

Tang Qiu stifled a laugh. She was shameless because she was wearing a dress she bought?on discount? Were those people alright? She ignored them, turning to scour the room for a seat.

While she was eating, out of nowhere, a woman rushed up to her and upended half a bottle of Coke into her bowl.

“The nerve of you to show your face here, little slut. To think that filth like you exists in this world!”

Tang Qiu pushed back her seat and stood, raking a cold gaze over the crowd around her. During her meal, she had heard a group of students sniggering at her, but she hadn’t bothered with them. There wouldn’t have been a point in rebutting whatever rumors they were cooking up; people would talk and spread nonsense as they pleased. But now that they were right in front of her, she couldn’t just sit back and do nothing.

She thought back on the texts Xie Qingqing had sent her before she had come down to the cafeteria. Someone had dug up her old pictures to compare with her now and claimed that she had hooked up with a rich man to get her hands on those branded, luxury goods–all because of two outfits which she had gotten on discount. It left her speechless. It was so illogical, so unbelievable. What was wrong with these people, to go to such contemptible lengths?

“Who are you, and why did you pour Coke into my food? You clearly need help. You should go see a doctor. Like or hate them, you’ll end up with brain damage if you don’t get treated in time, which is a far worse alternative.”

As she spoke, Tang Qiu subjected the woman before her to a moment of cold scrutiny. Her hair fell in curls around her face, and dainty makeup caked her features. Her dolled-up appearance did nothing to add to her beauty, though–not with her inner ugliness bleeding through like that.

She didn’t recognize this woman.

The woman’s temper flared at hearing Tang Qiu talk back to her. “There’s nothing wrong with me!” Her voice rose to a furious shriek. “I poured Coke into your food because I just can’t stand the sight of disgusting creatures like you. Here’s a word of advice: get out of this school, before you make me vomit the next time I see you. You’re so revolting, I can’t help myself!”

She continued raving, “You sold your body to hook up with an old man, fine, whatever. But to make advances towards Ning Mufan? How shameless can you get? What makes you think you’re good enough for the young master of the Ning family? You’re a disgrace to A University!”

Tang Qiu laughed frostily. “Did your plastic surgery go wrong and damage your brain instead? Which one of you saw me hook up with an old man, then throw myself at Ning Mufan? Here’s?my?advice: apologize now, and I might just forget your immature behavior today.”

“You–” The woman’s eyes bulged in rage. “Me, apologize to?you? Dream on! I’m warning you: if you don’t stay away from Ning Mufan, I’ll destroy that little slut’s face of yours.”

All around them, people had their phones out and were recording the scene. Several female students were pointing and whispering at Tang Qiu.

In response, Tang Qiu rolled up her sleeves and tied back her hair. “What’s your name?” she asked the woman, smiling. “You’re from… which faculty again?”

“None of your business!” the woman barked, spitting the words like acid. “Why? Are you looking for a fight?” She wasn’t afraid, not in the slightest. Tang Qiu wouldn’t touch her in front of so many people, and that gold-digging whore was a nobody, with no family name or background to boast about. What was there to be scared of?

Fury boiled beneath Tang Qiu’s smile. She had been eating her meal in peace, and this woman had come out of nowhere to harass her.

Without another word, she grabbed her plate and overturned it all over the other woman, drenching her with soup from head to toe.

The crowd basked in the woman’s humiliation, elated at this escalation of events. “Tang Qiu!” she howled, cursing madly. “I’m going to kill you!”

“Niu Caijie! Stop!”

A man’s voice cut over them both. He seized Niu Caijie’s wrist and forced her back. The woman cried out in pain. She hadn’t even come close to touching Tang Qiu.

The man rushed up to Tang Qiu and grabbed her hand, running his gaze over her. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she wasn’t hurt. Good thing he had come in time.

“I’m fine, Senior…” Niu Caijie hadn’t hurt her, but Ning Mufan was, with how tightly he was squeezing her hand in his worry. She shook off his grasp hastily and stepped back from him.

Ning Mufan seemed to come to the same realization, because he dropped his hand and adjusted his glasses before swiveling around to face the crazed woman. “Apologize to her, Niu Caijie!”

“Why should I? Look closely, Ning Mufan! You’ve been deceived by this woman’s looks!” Niu Caijie’s eyes were beginning to go red from anger and humiliation. She was standing here, covered in soup, in front of Ning Mufan–the man of every female student’s dreams. It was one thing to be cast off by him, but now he was even standing up for that bitch Tang Qiu.

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