
Chapter 59 - What Smells So Delicious?

    "Well, either way, we should head back to town." Yue says to her, while his stomach growls a little from the smell of something delicious off in the distance.

    Smelling this scent that seems to be coming from the town, she nods and says. "Yes I agree." While almost drooling. They both, without saying anything, started running to the town in another race. 'I will definitely win this time.' She thinks to herself, hoping to best him this time.


    After about half a minute the two arrived, however Yue still was not putting his all into it she noticed. She saw that he could clearly use that speed technique constantly which was what she did, and yet he chooses not to do so. This puzzled her immensely. 'Is he pitying me, or is this some form for flattery, or trickery? What is he playing at? Seeing his enjoyment, it is clearly not pity. He is clearly not a sneaky type of person, however the question remains. Why flattery?' She wondered while watching him. 

    Having just arrived, with another tie, Yue looked quite pleased that he could match her speed.

    "I admit, curiosity has gotten the better of me, thus I will ask. Why are you not going all out and trying to win?" She asks him.

    "Hmm, well I am trying to just use my physical capabilities without cultivation as much as possible. Is that not what you were doing?" Yue tilted his head and asked.

    "Nope." She said the one word and just stared at him wondering if there was more to the reasoning.

    Noticing the meaning behind her stare, Yue said. "Well there is also a little more to it. We were having fun, and why try so hard if there is nothing to be gained, be it knowledge, experience, or something else?"

    "I... You are right, it was just for fun, however there is one thing you should know. You should do as we animals do if you want to be stronger, and always use your cultivation. The more control and precision you have over your abilities, the better and stronger you will become. If you do not do this, it will take much longer before you will gain said control or skill." She replied. 

    "Well, regardless, it is time to find that delicious smell, don't you agree?" Yue asked excitedly.

    "Definitely." She replied, remembering their original goal after leaving the cave.

    The two then closed their eyes, and they start walking using only their noses to guide them. They continue walking through the outskirts of the town, until they reach the middle, and then. "There you are." Kiisser (leader of goblins) said, and continued. "We found a few crystals and ores we do not know what to do with, so we were wondering where you wanted them, or what you wanted us to do with them." 

      Looking forward to finding that smell still and not wanting to miss out to the snow leopard who is already walking ahead, Yue swiftly replied. "Place them in my house, I will deal with them later. If there is not enough room, just let me know, and I will deal with it immediately." 

      "Understood." Kiisser replied while noticing he seemed preoccupied. After replying, he quickly scurried off to do as Yue has ordered. 

      Yue then dashed forward and caught up with the snow leopard. Once caught up he began continuing to follow the smell while closing his eyes. They made it to the other side of the inner district of the town, and started walking through the other side of the towns outer district. Every step closer they were, the more they had to gulp down their hunger to keep from drooling.

      As they were walking a thought had crossed Yueliangs' mind. 'Why is it that only this snow leopard and I are following this smell? I have noticed the others have been acting as though they could not smell this amazing scent, or do they really not smell it? If that is the case this could be dangerous.'

      Either way, both Yueliang and the snow leopard progressed closer and closer until they had just about made it. They could tell they were only about 20 meters from the smell, and he decided to open his eyes and stop, while she continued forward.

      "What is this?" Yue mumbled to himself as a sight he never imagined happening did just that. He watched a there was a small fire, a bird on a stick being turned as it cooked, and the rabbit turning it, surrounded by 5 female rabbits. 

      Seeing this insane sight Yue wondered to himself. 'First off rabbits are herbivores I thought, so what is this? Secondly, where did it get the intelligence to cook and make fires? And lastly where did it get the wood and bird? I mean seriously... wait a moment, where is the leopard?' 

    Watching her already walk into the pen, Yue feels. 'Well, too late now, may as well just watch and see what is going to happen.' 

    However as these pens were open fields with low cut grass, and nothing to hide behind. The snow leopard continues sneaking forward slowly and opening her eyes, as cat type animals do when approaching prey. She also waved her tail slowly up high to keep her prey distracted, not that it mattered much as the female rabbits were distracted by the masculine and skilled male rabbit, and the male rabbit distracted by cooking and the ladies it was impressing.

      The snow leopard gets closer and closer, until she is less than 2 meters away from the food, then she slows slightly more, seeing one of the females looking in her direction. 

      Watching this Yue thinks. 'I wonder how a bird can smell so good when being cooked? It is almost as though it has some sort of medicinal property or something.... Wait, that is it.' He then runs forward, jumps the fence, and catches up to the snow leopard and the rabbits in the blink of an eye, while thinking. 'Yang, please analyze and tell me the properties of that bird. If it is beneficial or poisonous as well.'

      "Well first off, it tastes good and can heal you, as well as provide a skill or two should one be fortunate enough. Either way, while it is extremely good for you, only that type of rabbit can eat them easily. Any other creature has to bear through a great deal of pain, and if they scream out or groan once it loses all its benefits, where as if you do not, then you come out of it rewarded. You should definitely try to secure a some of it for yourself." Yang replied while he was running.

      Before Yue even got there, the rabbits noticed the snow leopard and started attacking her. She dodged each attack, however under this barrage of attacks from 6 rabbits she could not move forward much.

    In the mean time, Yue progressed forward, then picked up the bird, and throwing it into his inventory. He then turned around and slowed the blood flow and heart rate in the rabbits until they fell asleep saying. "Do not kill the rabbits, and please follow me."

      "Why not kill them?" She asked as she started following Yueliang again.

      "They are the pets and food for my people. My people are working on training them for combat as they would be a great help, although it would be faster with my abilities, I am very busy most of the time." Yue replied as he opens the gate for her to go through first. 

      As she starts to walk through the gate, Yue pets her, acting as though it is just because of her soft fur coat. "So soft." He says aloud so she does not notice the array formation.

      "Thank you for the compliment."

      "Any time."

      "Although you know, if you are saying that just to hide the fact there is a shield around that place, you are not doing too good a job of distracting me from it."

      "I was being honest when I said that, however I also did not want you to think you were being locked in a cage when you went in there."

      "Well, I noticed the moment I walked in. Either way, thank you for letting me out."

      "Of course, so now that we have the bird, want to split it?" Yue asked.

      "I do not mind, however you do realize that it cause immense pain to those who eat it right?"

      "Yes, however there are also other benefits." Yue said as he passed half of the bird to her and began eating it.

      After the two started eating the bird, both could be heard throughout the town, or at least their blood curdling screams anyway. Some quickly ran over to see what was going on, however most just continued their work as they had an idea of what it was considering the earlier smell. 

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