
Chapter 60 - What Will I Get?

      "Yes, however there are also other benefits." Yue said as he passed half of the bird to her and began eating it.

      After the two started eating the bird, both could be heard throughout the town, or at least their blood curdling screams anyway. Some quickly ran over to see what was going on, however most just continued their work as they had an idea of what it was considering the earlier smell. 


      *Coughing *Gasping for air. The two already knew they failed due to the screams they let out, however still trying to make it though the pain, they endured. For there was one thing that many knew but never spoke of. If you did not endure through, you would die. 

      People from inside the town, arrived one by one at first, then by groups. They watched as the two writhed in pain, as they knew one thing for certain. 'Either our leader lives, and makes it through this, or we have to survive like before once more.' They thought grimly, noticing that although they were grateful, they were taking the situation for granted because their boss was too kind and caring.

      The screams and pain continued to get worse as time progressed, however as difficult as it was to think of anything else, Yue tried. 'I finally understand why it hurts so much... It.. is... Aaargh. refining our souls to make them more dense and protected rather than fragile like a castle of cards.'

    Soon after the pain was so intense neither could think at all except for focusing on their survival of this lousy bird, that even in death is trying to kill them.

  ---- After About A Hour Later ---- 

    'The torturous feeling is finally subsiding, before the moment you started to get used to it the intensity of pain jumped by leaps and bounds. Finally, some peace.' *Sigh. Yueliang thought to himself after having experienced the literal most painful thing he ever felt. However this was not without its merit, as he could tell his soul was very clearly much more durable than before.

    The snow leopard starts getting up as she is not in as much pain anymore either. The pain was still there however as it was subsiding pretty quickly the two got up, then looking at each other, say simultaneously with an extremely serious face. "I am hungry, lets eat." They said as if nothing had just happened, or at least they would rather not remember it.

    Having noticed they spoke in unison, the two laughed, however when she laughed the others heard it as cute little consecutive roars. Those surrounding the two, made a path for them, while chuckling at how adorable the little snow leopard is.

    Yueliang and the snow leopard proceeded to follow the path, and head back to town while behind them Yueliang heard. "Congratulations on surviving the bird trial." Although they may have been from a different planet, it did not mean they did not have the same or similar creatures. These birds are common on all planets, however happened to be wiped out on Yueliangs' planet from excessive hunting, not that many people survived them there.

    "What are you hungry for? Meat or vegetarian?" Yue asked her.

    "After that scene, are you really ready to eat meat again right now?" She replied kind of hesitantly.

    "You are right, we can save that for tomorrow." Yue said while shuddering slightly at the thought of what happened to them, happening again.

    While walking the two casually spoke back and forth, until they made it to a restaurant. They both ordered omelets as Yue was kind of craving eggs, and she was not quite ready to eat a slab of meat for at least a few more hours. Enjoying their food, a surprise came by.

    "Hello again my king, it has been a while." Shen Hu said in human form, looking extremely handsome and attractive as a male tiger. (chptr 39)

    "That it has my friends, I have missed you. Please, join us." Yue said to them, while having the waitress bring over some menus. 

    However Shen Hu quickly said. "No need for the menus, just tea will be fine."

    Yue replies. "Alright." Beckoning the waitress to bring 4 teas, Yueliang continues. "So, before we continue let me introduce you all to each other." Yue said while noticing the snow leopards odd glances, and kind of trying to turtle up.

    "Alright miss, this is Shen Hu, a soon to be divine tiger, and his love Huoli, who is the same, while also pregnant with Xiao Jiahuo. My friends, this is a possible new addition to our family. I am sure you can tell she is a Snow Leopard. I hope we can all be good friends."

    Shen Hu, and Huoli waved while smiling and saying. "Hello, it is nice to meet you."

    Reciprocating their greetings, she said. "Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you as well miLord and miLady."

    Shen Hu, and Huoli, while proud, considering she was to join them, felt a little awkward, wondering how they should reply.

    Yue then asks. "I mean no disrespect when I say this, however why do you refer to them as lord and lady?"

    The snow leopard quickly responds. "As you probably already know, between animals, there is still a hierarchy. Even if a lower race kills a higher race, they are still lower, as only the higher races can become divine beings."

      "Well, as I said before I mean no disrespect, however I am sure we can change that. Surely with cultivation, any animal could become as such." Yue says, and then notices their expressions.

      Shen Hu then interceded. "While this may not sound like the truth from me my king, it surely is. What you speak of is blasphemy, not because we do not accept others but because of an Immortal's choice long ago."

      The other two are nodding while he speaks, and Yue then intervenes. "Could you tell me more?"

      "Of course, while this immortal may not have been a dao immortal cultivator, they were in the true immortal realm. They still had the strength to influence, create, and destroy. Either way, while animals are meant to serve humans, and humans are meant to better themselves, this immortal made a choice.

      One day, many felt they wanted directions to go by, rather than having to memorize every place there is. So he said here is north, east, south, and west. Still not content, the people asked for more, so he set some understandings, and animals as the directions while customizing their bodies to make them stronger.

Water is associated with the potential of new life hidden in the dark ground beneath the snows of winter.

Wood is associated with the exuberance of new growth as it shoots up from the earth in the spring. 

Fire is associated with the process of maturation that takes place under the warmth of the summer sun.

Earth is associated with ripening of grains in the yellow fields of late summer.

Metal is associated with the harvest of autumn and the storage of seed for next years planting and a new cycle.

    Still not content, the people asked for more. Thus he set cycles, as well as many more things before leaving, as if he interfered too much in their lives their trials may not be trials anymore.

Creation Cycle


Wood feeds Fire

Fire creates Earth (ash)

Earth bears Metal

Metal collects Water

Water nourishes Wood

The Destruction Cycle


Wood parts Earth 

Earth dams (or absorbs) Water

Water extinguishes Fire

Fire melts Metal

Metal chops Wood

      This is where fengshui, and certain other things were made, and the animals set to their hierarchy."

      Yue then spoke up. "While I now understand that, I think I can solve your problems."

      "What do you mean? While actions can be fixed over, words cannot be unspoken." Huoli said.

      "Honey, let him speak, you must show respect to us." Shen Hu said while growling a little to remind her of her place. She quickly remembered, and became quite and demure once more.

      "What I mean is you said just he was just a true immortal right? Well, I happen to be very well acquainted with with a peak dao immortal. As he is my friend, I am sure he would probably be willing to help, or if you do not mind waiting for me, I could do it for you. Customize your bodies that is, thus allowing both you and your decedents to be much stronger than those heavenly beasts. That is if you want me to do so?" Yue said, and then continued. "However it will still be many years until then so you would have to wait."

      All three animals jaws dropped, and said. "You know a Dao Immortal?!"

    "Yes, and we plan to travel together later, however that was not what I was trying to get across. Is it really so important?"

    "Right, Right, so how do you know him, and do you know others?" The snow leopard interjected as while Shen Hu, and Huoli were amazed to hear that one was still living, let alone, speaking to a low level cultivator.

    "I mean he is the last one currently in existence, as far as he knows. Although he is training me and we are planning to travel together, thus how I know him, he is my friend and master."

    "YOUR MASTER!" The three animals roared, nearly having and giving heart attacks to themselves as well as everyone near them.

    "Is that such a surprise? Either way, can we get back to the matter at hand? Or is that your answer, that you do not want to upgrade your bodies?" Yue asked while getting a little annoyed that while they were asking for something, they completely ignored his efforts, but stayed calm.

    The three quickly quieted down, and tried to accept the new truth, that to them felt bigger than if the sun was rising in the west.

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